Is Biden really that bad?

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It boggles my mind to think that anybody would trust others not to cheat. People cheat at things as stupid as video games, of course they would cheat an election if they could no ID bullshit their way to mail in fraud victory. You arent using common sense and you know it.

Speaking of a belief that must be considered true even if proven otherwise,

There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder

It’s official: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections to Donald Trump’s top 2016 campaign official “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and [Trump] campaign strategy.”

If you want to believe there was voter fraud in 2020 that overturned the election that Trump won, without any evidence to prove it is true, then you must accept the above is true. Or do you require no evidence before a belief meets your standard for legal action?
The proponents of the new law are lobbying for higher quantities so the buyers aren’t forced to make multiple purchases in a day.
I’m curious if there is a potency factor. Six good doses of mescaline and you’re at the limit.
Twenty thousand doses of squeaky-clean ‘cid is, to mangle the metaphor, a mind blower.
It boggles my mind to think that anybody would trust others not to cheat. People cheat at things as stupid as video games, of course they would cheat an election if they could no ID bullshit their way to mail in fraud victory. You arent using common sense and you know it.

More beliefs that by your standard should result in legislation.

How about illegal aliens. This from the very fine source:

#11 Invasion Of The Lizard People
Invasion Of The Lizard People

According to conspiracy theorist David Icke, reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system are responsible for a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. According to him, throughout history the world’s most famous dynasties and families are working alongside these shapeshifting reptilians; the list of these accomplices include: the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family. What’s even weirder is that the amount of people who believe in this conspiracy theory is not as small as you’d think, back in 2013 Public Policy Polling in America indicated that 4% of registered voters believed in David Icke's theory. Here’s one of the videos where it seems that news reporter is visibly acting like a reptilian(?), well you be the judge.

I'm very concerned about this. There ought to be a law requiring politicians to ban lizard people from taking office. Also, why aren't the DHS rounding these illegal aliens up and deporting them back to Alpha Draconis?
Bidens latest disasterous bill does not make his presidency look any better. Inflation was projected to slow down anyway. It is Joes policies and wreckless spending that got us here in the first place. Spending more is not going to reduce inflation, its just another blindfold to put on the peoples eyes.

Show me what islands we have lost, land masses, anything. As for abortion I am with you, bad idea to make it illegal. I still think there should be limits, while here in NY we have moved in the opposite direction. 9th month abortion is now ok, and you dont even need a doctor anymore. Some democrats gave this bill a standing ovation when it passed.

On the IRS agents its not just 2 people:

"Chest pumping on Biden's bill when I only wrote that the EV credit is for everyone, i.e., the truth? They fixed some issues this time around.

24 weeks = 9 months?

I'm a CPA. I know the IRS has been decimated. In the past decade, the IRS has lost about 17,000 enforcement workers, largely from highly specialized areas that focus on the wealthy and corporations. During the pandemic, the agency experienced a phone-answering rate of just 7%. The U.S. Department of the Treasury found that more than a quarter of unpaid taxes come from the top 1% of earners and more than 20% come from the top 0.5%. $80B over 10 years probably isn't enough. We don't even need most tax preparation but H&R Block & Jackson-Hewitt have good lobbyists.

No spying. No IRS attacks. No voter fraud. I'm not grooming your children. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a tax cheat. I'm not a voting cheat. Biden wasn't my first choice but I voted for him because of the turd.
"Chest pumping on Biden's bill when I only wrote that the EV credit is for everyone, i.e., the truth? They fixed some issues this time around.

24 weeks = 9 months?

I'm a CPA. I know the IRS has been decimated. In the past decade, the IRS has lost about 17,000 enforcement workers, largely from highly specialized areas that focus on the wealthy and corporations. During the pandemic, the agency experienced a phone-answering rate of just 7%. The U.S. Department of the Treasury found that more than a quarter of unpaid taxes come from the top 1% of earners and more than 20% come from the top 0.5%. $80B over 10 years probably isn't enough. We don't even need most tax preparation but H&R Block & Jackson-Hewitt have good lobbyists.

No spying. No IRS attacks. No voter fraud. I'm not grooming your children. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a tax cheat. I'm not a voting cheat. Biden wasn't my first choice but I voted for him because of the turd.
Who was your first choice and why?
Not all people think
How can I get over on people
Some folks aren’t looking at everything like a competition
Shocking eh?
Yeah all democrats are just pillars of the community. yup. There must be no punch clocks at democrat owned factories. Or is it only the democrat workers that are trusted?
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"Chest pumping on Biden's bill when I only wrote that the EV credit is for everyone, i.e., the truth? They fixed some issues this time around.

24 weeks = 9 months?

I'm a CPA. I know the IRS has been decimated. In the past decade, the IRS has lost about 17,000 enforcement workers, largely from highly specialized areas that focus on the wealthy and corporations. During the pandemic, the agency experienced a phone-answering rate of just 7%. The U.S. Department of the Treasury found that more than a quarter of unpaid taxes come from the top 1% of earners and more than 20% come from the top 0.5%. $80B over 10 years probably isn't enough. We don't even need most tax preparation but H&R Block & Jackson-Hewitt have good lobbyists.

No spying. No IRS attacks. No voter fraud. I'm not grooming your children. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a tax cheat. I'm not a voting cheat. Biden wasn't my first choice but I voted for him because of the turd.
I can accept that, my accountant said he couldnt get through for months. Thanks for an honest answer. Are you willing to admit Joe Biden has done a shitty job so far? You know what the numbers look like.
I’m curious if there is a potency factor. Six good doses of mescaline and you’re at the limit.
Twenty thousand doses of squeaky-clean ‘cid is, to mangle the metaphor, a mind blower.
I don’t think they thought about that lol. I was the acid king in high school. I stole the paper cutter for the sheets lol. Some amazing trips and I can remember details still lol. My youth as a recreational pharmacist had many ups and downs lol. Ketamine is still my all time fav :).
It boggles my mind to think that anybody would trust others not to cheat. People cheat at things as stupid as video games, of course they would cheat an election if they could no ID bullshit their way to mail in fraud victory. You arent using common sense and you know it.
You don't go to jail and have huge fines for cheating at video games.
Yeah, like human caused climate change. After reviewing the evidence, that is.

And, theft can be proven. In fact theft has to be proven before a person can be convicted of a crime. God damn you are stupid.

Still though, by your standard every concern should be treated as real. A whole new world every day.
You are the one dumb enough to think people wont cheat. I dont even believe you, nobody could be that dumb.
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