Is Biden really that bad?

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Homelessness will soar to record highs (more than it is), and the streets will be flooded with junkies, shitting all over the sidewalks, and stabbing nearby business owners in the neck. Everyone's sons and daughters will start OD'ing way more often.

That's what they did in many places in the US, and now all those cities are f'ing shit holes.
Seems to work well in Portugal.
More of that new p2p? super meth that gives people extreme psychosis, and more xylazine horse tranq or benzo laced fentynal in peoples pockets.

Sounds like a great solution!

I don't judge anyone for wanting to use any of it, but if there heads were clear, I sure bet they would feel let down by the laws allowing it to flourish.
It's even worse than you think. The Biden "policies" have cause high rates of inflation in every single country on earth with the exceptions of Russia, China and Japan. And everyone knows you can't trust the numbers out of Russia and China, and that Japan has struggled with deflation for years. So in fact, Joe Biden's "policies" has caused inflation everywhere.

We are up to 100K overdose deaths a year. But math. (covid has killed 1M)

On that note, there is a book coming out about the drug industry using GOP congress people to get the top watchdog fired from DEA because he was hurting their profits. He told the congress folks that they had blood on their hands, and they filed that as a threat, so were able to get him fired. But he has been the star witness in many of the civil trails. The e-mails came out in the court cases show the drug dealers joking about folks getting addicted. But yea, it's all Joe Rob's fault.
my God. What a display of raw socioeconomic power. No wonder the world hates us. ;)
President Joe Rob getting stuff done on climate, despite having a coal baron in his senate caucus. I don't know what they gave Joe Coal, but whatever it was, it was worth it. And thanks to Jon Stewart and all the vets dying of cancer. we got some help for the burn pit folks, and made the GOP look really bad doing it.

Dems are fucked come the midterms

C'mon, Tucker, the GOP is helping to fix that with a slate of election deniers, climate deniers, J6 deniers, abortion access deniers, gun violence deniers, and reality deniers. The best things they have are a channel dedicated to denial and culture wars, the GOP voter suppression laws just passed and gerrymandering.
More of that new p2p? super meth that gives people extreme psychosis, and more xylazine horse tranq or benzo laced fentynal in peoples pockets.

Sounds like a great solution!

I don't judge anyone for wanting to use any of it, but if there heads were clear, I sure bet they would feel let down by the laws allowing it to flourish.
Why would those drugs become more accessible and why would people opt for those when safer, legal drugs are available?
Speaking of a belief that must be considered true even if proven otherwise,

There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder

It’s official: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections to Donald Trump’s top 2016 campaign official “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and [Trump] campaign strategy.”

If you want to believe there was voter fraud in 2020 that overturned the election that Trump won, without any evidence to prove it is true, then you must accept the above is true. Or do you require no evidence before a belief meets your standard for legal action?
I cant prove that voter fraud took place, no. But does that mean we dont need to know who is actually voting when they vote? Of course we do, that information is vital.
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It doesn't seem to work here, sadly.

I tend to agree...but I don't understand why it doesn't. On a philosophical level, yes, makes total sense to legalize all drugs and deal with it as a public health issue. We have seen it work in other nations. It doesn't here. Reading this thread, I have gained some insight on why.

It's just watching people be the shittiest version of themselves.
It's even worse than you think. The Biden "policies" have cause high rates of inflation in every single country on earth with the exceptions of Russia, China and Japan. And everyone knows you can't trust the numbers out of Russia and China, and that Japan has struggled with deflation for years. So in fact, Joe Biden's "policies" has caused inflation everywhere.

We are up to 100K overdose deaths a year. But math. (covid has killed 1M)

On that note, there is a book coming out about the drug industry using GOP congress people to get the top watchdog fired from DEA because he was hurting their profits. He told the congress folks that they had blood on their hands, and they filed that as a threat, so were able to get him fired. But he has been the star witness in many of the civil trails. The e-mails came out in the court cases show the drug dealers joking about folks getting addicted. But yea, it's all Joe Rob's fault.

Same with the gas prices, yes sir. When the US farts, the rest of the world smells it. On covid and drugs, it all depends on how you skew the numbers. Joes version of covid was also childs play compared to what Trump had to deal with.

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Dems are fucked come the midterms
you think so? after the republicunts fucked over every woman in the country that doesn't fantasize about being in the "handmaid's tale" ?
after fucking over every LGBTQ person in the country? after fucking over Veterans? and then fist bumping about it before they went on a month long vacation?...
i don't think so... :lol:
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