Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
I realize what the second growth is at the base of my plant! I think I might have left a thyme seed inside when scraping out the pod!! Do you think this will be a problem? Will the roots begin tangling with each other?
You should get that out, but first let's see a picture. :lol:

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
I ripped it out guys, no worries! :blsmoke: Unfortunately, before I could take a picture!

Oh man, my plants were all exhibiting yellow leaves and brown spots today. I freaked out and bought a proper pH test kit--I had the sneaking suspicion the fish tank strips weren't doing the trick. When I went to test the pH, lo and behold it was 7!!! I managed to get it down to 6 again as of this afternoon, phew! Let this be a lesson to everyone--fish tank pH strips SUCK. Get a proper pH kit for hydroponic systems.

I'm a little surprised though, that the pH got out of hand this early--I've only been using distilled water. Any theories? I also picked up some Envy A+B nutrients on the recommendation of the hydroponics sales guy (he seemed to know I was interested in a little more than tomatoes ;-) ) Anyone know about this brand of nutes?


Well-Known Member
I ripped it out guys, no worries! :blsmoke: Unfortunately, before I could take a picture!

Oh man, my plants were all exhibiting yellow leaves and brown spots today. I freaked out and bought a proper pH test kit--I had the sneaking suspicion the fish tank strips weren't doing the trick. When I went to test the pH, lo and behold it was 7!!! I managed to get it down to 6 again as of this afternoon, phew! Let this be a lesson to everyone--fish tank pH strips SUCK. Get a proper pH kit for hydroponic systems.

I'm a little surprised though, that the pH got out of hand this early--I've only been using distilled water. Any theories? I also picked up some Envy A+B nutrients on the recommendation of the hydroponics sales guy (he seemed to know I was interested in a little more than tomatoes ;-) ) Anyone know about this brand of nutes?
yea you gotta watch that ph,thats what alot of grower OVERLOOK alot of times.I got a digital PEN style meter.invest in easy to use.youll know you ph as soon as it is in water or wait like a second or 2 and thats it.i check my ph daily!itz that imp. to me.
Never heard anything about the nutes why dont you tell us a lil bit !

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
yea you gotta watch that ph,thats what alot of grower OVERLOOK alot of times.I got a digital PEN style meter.invest in easy to use.youll know you ph as soon as it is in water or wait like a second or 2 and thats it.
Never heard anything about the nutes why dont you tell us a lil bit !
The guy recommended it to me because he said it doesn't cause big shifts in pH and doesn't cause much nute burn. It comes in two white bottles, one with a red tomato on the front (Part A), and the other with a green tomato (Part B). Here's what it says on the back: "This two part Hydroponic nutrient concentrate is specifically formulated for indoor growing under low light conditions (artificial HID lighting). Its delicate balance of nutrients enables the grower to maintain vigorous-healthy plants; and brings out the natural color, flavor, and aroma of vegetables, herbs, and flowers."

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
i had some yellowing on my first set of leaves but i have heard that its pretty common with the aerogarden. but you may want to check you ph level. have you added any nutes yet?

You were so on the money pullntubes420!! I wish I had tested the pH earlier! I'm ashamed to put up these next pictures, the plants look none too healthy :(

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Day 14 - Saturday, 12/2/2008

Aerogarden Day/Light Schedule: 24/0

1) Measured pH of 7! Balanced pH back to 5.5-6.


Well-Known Member
The guy recommended it to me because he said it doesn't cause big shifts in pH and doesn't cause much nute burn. It comes in two white bottles, one with a red tomato on the front (Part A), and the other with a green tomato (Part B). Here's what it says on the back: "This two part Hydroponic nutrient concentrate is specifically formulated for indoor growing under low light conditions (artificial HID lighting). Its delicate balance of nutrients enables the grower to maintain vigorous-healthy plants; and brings out the natural color, flavor, and aroma of vegetables, herbs, and flowers."
yea fool i know about that talkin bout experience with the product.start a grow and use the nutes then post how they work or fail for you and exactly what you did!

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
yea fool i know about that talkin bout experience with the product.start a grow and use the nutes then post how they work or fail for you and exactly what you did!
LOL, will do! When should I start thinking about adding nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Day 14 - Saturday, 12/2/2008

Aerogarden Day/Light Schedule: 24/0

1) Measured pH of 7! Balanced pH back to 5.5-6.
yea if that ph is off it fucks you all up.looks lke nute burn.i had the same probs till igot the ph right.Get a digital pen.
Man you have to watch those AG nutes..i hate em.Dont even use them since you got some 2 part nutes!

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
yea if that ph is off it fucks you all up.looks lke nute burn.i had the same probs till igot the ph right.Get a digital pen.
Man you have to watch those AG nutes..i hate em.Dont even use them since you got some 2 part nutes!
The pH meter at the store was running about 75 bucks--can I get a better deal online? What's a reasonably cheap price for a pH meter?

Do you think my plants are salvageable?


Well-Known Member
sucks bout the ph heard good and bad about areogarden
yeah,,,it really does work i own one mysself and had many grows with it..they just need stronger bulbs in the hood and a bigger just otta watch that damn thing too close.This shit aint supposed to be that hard!

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm going to stick with them for now. I figure, worst case scenario, I have to take out 4 of the 6 plants, since 2 have been visually unaffected by the high pH levels. How soon should I expect a recovery if it's going to occur?