K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
sup k1ng,good luck playn with pollen !, i want premo buds so i dont want to risk pollen geting on everything.i finally got some activity goin on in my bubble cloner. and some real nice activity in the flowering room, check me out :)


Junior Creatologist
WOW man, lol. Nobody has posted in here in a couple days, lol. I thought it was cuz i was the last poster n nobody replied, lol, my bad man.

Well, i got myself a hermie man. Fuckin disappointing, but a peril of growing fem seeds nontheless. I expected and almost counted on my entire crop being 100% female, but them balls still appeared anyways man. But it is cool, i aint sweating it at all. Now im gonna have the privledge of having a staggered harvest. I got my 2wws plus remember that Red diesel and Power skunk i put in 20 oz cups for an experiment?? well now im just doin the experiment with the damn skunk, lol. I threw the Red diesel up into a 3gallon growbag, and im gonna let her beast the fuck out man. i had to do it, lol, i needed to replace the twilight. Had my hopes on harvesting 8 plants man, so im gonna damnit! :D

the plus would also have to be that now i get to see a Red Diesel in all her splendour right here in my garden as opposed to fuckin growin in someone elses grow, lol.

Other updates --- Yesterday i went about my business as usual, and got my plants ready for their watering, and i decided to start my Purple Maxx/Gravity regimen with it. So i took two gallons for each plant, so im not REALLY flushing the soil, but im running enough water through the soil to be sure that i wont burn my plants with this new stuff - and then i added 1/2 teaspoon of Purple Maxx to a third gallon, and fed 3/4 of a gallon to each plant.so thats 2g of regular water, followed by 3/4g of Purple Maxx treated water, just to re-iterate and be clear.

Im gonna cut my nutrient solution back by about 1/2 when i feed them again in 4 days, because apparently this shit MAXIMIZES nutrient uptake, and its SUPER fuckin easy to burn your girls if your not careful with this stuff. Its also got a reputation with about 1/3 of its users, to change the plants color wether its got a purp pheno or not, lol. Now, while that would be cool, i personally dont give a fuck what color they turn. what i DO care about though, is what else this stuff is supposed to do. its supposed to pack on the Calyxes more tightly, so i have denser nugs, PLUS, its supposed to increase the resin and crystal production on the buds and leaves by like 10 fold or some such shit, lol. Well, ive read a few different journals on different forums with people who have used this stuff, and apparently there are two extreme results. Theres the great side of the spectrum, where people say that not only did it work, but theyll keep using it for the rest of their lives, or something to that effect, and then of course, theres the other side - where people are claiming its a piece of shit product because it burned the hell out of every single plant they used it on, and they swear they used it the right way.

Ill have to disagree with the latter opinion. There has to be somethin that they werent doin right in order for the shit to fuck your crop up. I know that alot of people may think that this shit is just another "snake oil" wonder product that aint nothin more than molasses or some shit like that, wrapped up in an expensive lookin package, and the name Humboldt thrown on it, so they can charge out the ass for it. But i personally think that this is one of those rare occasions when we may actually have a genuine article on our hands, and this stuff just may be the shit that im lookin for here, lol.

N then i have Gravity. This stuff im supposed to use either 3 weeks before harvest, two doses -- one dose on the 3rd week before chop, and one the 2nd week before chop -- and its supposed to make your buds fill out and dense up beyond their natural full potential, and get super heavy and chunky. Once again, mixed results, only its a little clearer who is right this time. In one grow journal i read, it was a straight up experiment grow using humboldt counties shit. They took pics of a grow of the eXACT same plants grown in the same medium, same condition, same everything, and then pics of a crop done up with Maxx n Gravity. The nuggets were about 3x bigger n fatter on the Humboldt crop man. The difference was sickening. N this was a crop that dude has been growin for a while, so he knew what to kinda expect from his shit. So im pretty stoked to be using this shit right here. N im happy to cut back my nutrient regimen too, less stuff i gotta buy more of soon, lol. So wish me luck with this shit -- i wish there were a few more people who use this stuff, but hey man, fuck it right? someones gotta do it, lol.

So what ill do is, when the lights come back on, ill snap some more pics of what they look like after the first day of use, and ill keep a close record each time i feed, so that we can see if theres really a difference here. This also means a SHITLOAD of updates. But i dont mind, lol - i like postin pics up here man, updates are the shit :D

-by the way im still half drunk from last night, in case your not noticing this right now :P

Ill be back a little later with pics on this shit. Ill be around all day if anyone wants ta hit me up:D



Junior Creatologist
lmao sorry guys. I know im long winded, but im a writer as well as a grower :D . When i start blithering on about bullshit, sometimes i just cant stop until i have a complete thought put through onto the screen. :D

N THANKS for the compliment bro!! :) i appreciate that shit. Stay tuned for more pics tonight for sure :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got a good plan going. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new stuff works, I still havn't decided on what nutes I'm gonna use, but I like getting info on differant stuff.

You said no one had posted, lol, I don't think you had posted in a couple days either. I know I havn't heard anything from you since like last week. But its all good. I'll have an update on the shrooms here soon, make sure you pop over, its about to get exciting!!


Junior Creatologist
Right on, n yeah i havent posted up anything cuz i havent really had anything to post, plus i wanted to wait until there was a real change in the way shit was goin before i threw up some pics. N i thought i was the last one to post in here, so i wasnt about to spark up a convo with myself, lol - i aint THAT crazy yet ;) . But yeah, i fuckin got rid of the hermie twilight man. I aint fuckin around with seeds or pollen yet, i aint got the room, lol. Bot my top cab and my tent are full right now, with the WWs and the Red dIesel n Power Skunk up top, and then all my flowering girls in the tent, i got plenty on my hands already man, lol. Someone will get an oz of some seeded dankbud out of the deal though, thats for sure. The pollen sacs only appeared on two branches where there werent any pistils. Thats somethin ive never seen before, a hermie that actually had all male branches n all female branches. Wierd. Im assuming the male branches would pollenate the females just like two normal male/female plants would react with each other, it woulda been cool to document and watch man, cuz every other branch was packed with pistils.

Like i said guys, ill take pics tonight sometime. I wanna do it now, but i gotta take care of a couple things online, and write BCBD to see when the fuck my new order is gonna get out to me, so ill snap off a few in a little bit. Gotta do it before 8pm cuz thats lights out for my girls.

WWs are growin kinda slowly, which is wierd cuz all my other plants had long gangly branches at this point, but i dont know shit about Sativas and how they grow, so it aint like im worried. 1 more week and theyre gettin flowered, no matter how small they are man. N then all i gotta do is wait 3 more weeks for the Diesel to be ready for flower, and then its all gravy from there. Well, actually, lol, i still need to decide when im gonna pull the trigger on the Power SKunk , but that aint no big thing. Ill probably just flower at the same time that i flower the WWs. I might move the plant into a 24 oz bottle, just because it has more vertical space and the root system might be able to develop a little bit better if the container were taller, rather than short n fat. Its still small n young though, so i got some time to think it over i spose :D


Well-Known Member
where those pics at mang ! ... and remember how my widow is growing ! low and bushy... just like my other sativa ... durban
oh and i responded to you back over at my journal ;)


Junior Creatologist
Right on man, im checkin your shit out, n its definitely reassuring to know that this is how a widow is supposed to grow. the only fuck up though on my part, is that i accidentally watered the motherfuckers with molasses in the water last time around, and there might have been some residue from the previous plant i watered with nutrients. So both plants have a tinge of burn to them, and a little yellowing on the bottom leaves. im a stupid motherfucker, lol, what can i say?? The top growth is lookin good though, no more mistakes. im using completely seperate bottles to water in the WW and RD plants, just to make sure that nnothing foreign gets watered into the soil at all, unless i fuckin put it there man. Stupid rookie mistake. I have yet to start a plant up without there being some type of minor problem in the beginning, lol.

As far as pics go man, once again i have not delivered. I fuckin forgot to snap off anything tonight cuz i got caught up doin some dumb shit with the wife. she was at our local drug store, and while shopping, she set down her little money wallet that she keeps in her purse. she set it down by the coffee machine in the store for like 2 seconds to check on my son who was screamin bloody murder. She turns around, and its fuckin GONE, and some freaky lookin 40 yr old bitch is runnin out the front door of the store. So she breaks down n cries, while everyone else is checkin the tapes n fuckin tryin to get a good snap of the ladies face so they can have her ass arrested the next time she comes into the store. Anyways, she calls me and starts ballin (which i dont blame her for doin), and apologizin to me - about losin 40 bucks. i mean granted, its still 40 bucks, but then again, its only 40 bucks, yaknow what i mean?? So i had to drive up to the store n make sure she was ok, make sure my son was ok, n to make sure she knew i wasnt mad at her n i didnt blame her for anything man.

After i got over the fact that people can be THAT fuckin desperate for cash that theyll rob a woman with her child in the middle of a fuckin grocerie store, during xmas season no less (which makes me sick to my fuckin stomach to be honest), i just had to suck it up n laugh about everything, because fuck man, everybody either gets robbed or loses their money from doin somethin dumb at least once in their lives man. Some people do it over n over n over every single day. This is the first time shes ever lost ANY money, lol, and she thinks its the end of the world and that shes gonna get in trouble or some shit, n im gonna be all pissed off over two stupid 20 dollar bills man. So ANYWAYS, lol, it took me a couple hours to console her n make her know that i wasnt gonna divorce her, lol, n thank god they didnt steal her debit card, n greencard, n any other identification that she had in her actual purse, n once i did all kindsa ass kissey stuff, she finally cracked a smile, we smoked a bowl, n everything was right in the world again, lol.

By the time all that shit was done with, the lights went out in my tent, and i couldnt do a god damn thing. So, im sorry guys, BUT i WILL take pics tomorrow for sure when i take them out during the day to do my daily check to make sure theyre all still 100% females. Ill just snap off a couple pics of each plant as i go man, ESPECIALLY my whiteberry. shes such a fuckin pornstar man. Not the biggest plant by any means whatsoever, but by far my favorite, and pretty as hell. I think she might turn out with a tinge of blue to her man, lookin at how deep green her leaves are, n lookin at the centers of the tops, i really think shes either gonna give off some REALLY nice colors, or shes gonna end up lookin like that one top cola in the Whiteberry Pic on the Tude's website. Just straight up WHITE, lol. i can live with that shit man. Ill show you what i mean when i take pics in the early afternoon tomorrow.

As far as all the other plants go man, everything is goin great. Things are progressing beautifully, and every plant now has multitudes of hairs on the stems and innernodes. Every day i wake up n the hair number has doubled. Its just a matter of days before i start seeing what the bud formations are gonna look like, n then all thatll be a mystery is how fat the buds are gonna be. But no matter how big theyll be i got Gravity n P.maxx, which will take that n increase it substantially, n that shit just makes me smile.

No burn from the P.Maxx dose whatsoever. im glad as hell that i did my quazi-flush on each plant before i dosed them up. Ive read in a few different peoples posts that when they used it, even a day after use, they had SEVERE nutrient burn, which is what made me take that extra precaution before i watered with it. So from here on out, im cutting back nutrients by 1/2(i think i said that already somewhere), and am gonna concentrate on the Humboldt shit, and see what it can really do for me. not that im relying totally on the nutrients to do the work man, im tryin to develop as a grower, and not rely on some miracle snake oil to do all the work for me, lol.

Done babblin. Ill post up tomorrow for all to see.



Junior Creatologist
where those pics at mang ! ... and remember how my widow is growing ! low and bushy... just like my other sativa ... durban
oh and i responded to you back over at my journal ;)

Wait, i need to check out your widow pics again man. How old are they again?? n are your widows 100% sativas or are they hybridized?? I mean, obviously they have at LEAST some of the same traits (are yours Seedsman widows??) obviously, because mine are still fuckin TINY - like around 4-5 inches right now. which is why im gona give them another week before i flower, otherwise ill end up with a really short plant that produces like a fuckin half oz. , lol. OR, if i flower too long, ill end up with a fuckin 5 ft plant, n ill have to cut a hole in my tents cieling, and mount the light to the bottom of my top cab, n outfit the whole damn closet with mylar n panda to expand my whole growroom -- which has been a thought in the past but never fully realized because i wouldnt know what to do with all my electrical. Nevertheless, lemme go re-look at your shit before i start freakin out about my babies not comin along properly. If theyre underdeveloped, this is irrefuteable proof of the difference between cFLs and HIDs. crazy fuckin different, lol.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit man, I'm glad to hear your girl is ok! That shit is so sad. Its amazing what people will resort to. And your right on, at least" it was just 40 dollars" man!


Well-Known Member
Wait, i need to check out your widow pics again man. How old are they again?? n are your widows 100% sativas or are they hybridized?? I mean, obviously they have at LEAST some of the same traits (are yours Seedsman widows??) obviously, because mine are still fuckin TINY - like around 4-5 inches right now. which is why im gona give them another week before i flower, otherwise ill end up with a really short plant that produces like a fuckin half oz. , lol. OR, if i flower too long, ill end up with a fuckin 5 ft plant, n ill have to cut a hole in my tents cieling, and mount the light to the bottom of my top cab, n outfit the whole damn closet with mylar n panda to expand my whole growroom -- which has been a thought in the past but never fully realized because i wouldnt know what to do with all my electrical. Nevertheless, lemme go re-look at your shit before i start freakin out about my babies not comin along properly. If theyre underdeveloped, this is irrefuteable proof of the difference between cFLs and HIDs. crazy fuckin different, lol.
thats fucked up about about your wife, somebody shouda triped that bitch as she was running out the store!:twisted:

my widow is like a month old now also yes its seedsmen !!!!!!!!(lol dont you remember PM'n me after i said it was like 2 weeks ago?, you burnt ass mofo :hump:), ill take a pic of her again 2nite 4 u.:mrgreen:
i went back in my journal and put up some pics of my plants in flowering from a month ago... check it out. :blsmoke:


Junior Creatologist
FUCK MAN!!! jesus christ i smoke too much herb, lol!! . Cool bro, ill be checkin that shit out tonight. N thanks TC n 420 for your concern, shes cool, n what sucks is that nobody even noticed the damn broad until she was already out the door. she had a shopping cart full of groceries and she just ditched the cart, took the wallet n bailed. Fuckin people man, i swear...

SO I MAY BE FUCKED!!!, lol. My plants wont fuckin stop vertical growth. This two week stretch thing better fuckin stop like NOW, or im not gonna have enough space between the light and the tops to have nice compact buds, or even have buds on the tops period man, lol. All of the plants keep on growing man, theres only 12" between the light and the tops of the plants man, and i need to back it off a little bit for when i use the gravity shit. I dont know why, but it says move the light 6-10 inches farther away from your canopy than it is now. Its gettin kinda hot right above the canopy too man, lol. I need to get some Bushmaster or something, n dose them up once so i can stop vertical growth. maybe its also because ive only fed them a straight up BLOOM nutrient feeding once since flowering. The first week i did a veg feeding one more time just like they recommend to, and then i started in on the bloom nutes. they must have grown a good 5-6 inches over night man. On one hand im happy as fuck cuz this just confirms that im doin shit right, and im gonna have some BIG ASS NUGGETS, lol, but then in the other hand man, im not gonna have room to see those nuggets come to fruition if they keep up the whole upward growth trend.

I didnt wanna tie them down man, and especially not while im into flowering, but i may need to take the roof off the tent, and re-rig everything to the point that my closet becomes the growroom. i dont fuckin know yet man, lol. maybe i can just take the top of the tent off, n rig up some panda film on the top of the tent so theres no roof, but pieces of film goin from the top, to out towards the walls, kinda like a funnel typa deal. i wonder if you guys have a clue what the fuck im talkin about, lol. i dont know how to put it to where it makes sense. maybe ill draw it, or better yet, actually DO it, lol, and just snap one off for you guys to check out. i dont know yet.

I wish i had a simpler fuckin solution man. I never thought shit would go THIS well, lol, i thought i flowered soon enough to where i wouldnt have a problem like this damnit!! :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
sorry im a little far behind but whats this gravity shit youre using?? way too much reading for us stoners man lol. why do you have to raise the light more? seems like you could lower it a bit if you wanted. i dropped mine down around 6" and its been that close for weeks. i vegged for like 7 weeks too and my plants are only like 2-3 feet tall.. maybe its just the strains since i got mainly indicas but it doesnt seem like they would get that much taller man if you already started flowering. but i guess well just have to wait and see..


Junior Creatologist
I had to raise my light up, because my plants are still stretching. theyre passed the 2 foot mark, and on their way to 3 feet slowly, lol. i had to raise the light cuz i dont want my shit getting too hot, and my buds ending up fluffy n airy. i want dense, thick fuckin heavy "hit u over the head n knock u the fuck out' nuggets, lol. It started to get hot in there again because of all the space the plants are takin up, theres no room for air circulation anymore. i gotta go out to my dro shop or hTG and pick up an oscilating fan to clip into the corner, to blow on them bitches.

Another reason i need to raise the lights, is because of Gravity n Purple maxx.

Theyre new nutrients im using from humboldt. Purple maxx is basically a resin inducer, and it packs on the calyxes closer n more tightly together, so you get bigger nuggets. N in some cases it even makes your plants purple, lol. Gravity is a flower finisher that you use 3 weeks before chop, and it packs on the final crystals, and it makes your buds more dense n fuckin heavy n filled out.

The reason i have to raise my lights for this, is because these products increase the roots nutrient uptake by like 100%, and it increases the growth rate. if the lighting is too close, your gonna burn your plants more easily - at least thats what i says on the bottle. So i just wanna be safe for right now, at least until i can get my fan in there to cool shit off full time. then ill play around with the lighting to see what works the best. ill be using barstools or something creative to keep my wWs close to the light so they dont stretch too much until they need to ;)

I just snapped some pics, so ill post them bitches up here in aminute.

the plants are all around 26-27 inches tall, and the bags are about 13 inches tall, so im estimating a final height of almost 4 feet, give or take, including growbags.

WWs are still yellowing a little bit, but hopefully ill have that shit under control, cuz im moving the cFLs further away so they can stretch out a little bit n the fan leaves can start to branch out. Im giving them another week n then into flowering they go.

pics to follow.


Well-Known Member
Lol man you went from worried they weren't gonna get big enough to running out of room! I'd say one good option you have is super cropping. You could super crop all the tops, this will slow vertical growth, and increase the growth below the cropping for a couple days. I've seen MrHowardMarks use it, and also Ratfords. It seems to work really well in this kinda situation.


Junior Creatologist
OK, update time.

im gonna do all the pics in this post, n then ill post again telling you which plant is which. i had to fuckin take pics of my color coded labels cuz they look so much alike now its hard to tell them apart (cept for twilight, lol, youll see what i mean) . Fuckin sucks i lost one to the hermieness man, but whatever, the wws n RD will make good replacements, if i can get the fuckers to veg right for fucks sake, lol.

ok, here we go!!



Well-Known Member
Those girls are looking sweet man. Very thick and hearty stems, and they really have exploded in size since the last pics!!! The first pic on the bottom row what plant is that? Looks very sativa dom. All of them look great though man!!


Junior Creatologist
Lol man you went from worried they weren't gonna get big enough to running out of room! I'd say one good option you have is super cropping. You could super crop all the tops, this will slow vertical growth, and increase the growth below the cropping for a couple days. I've seen MrHowardMarks use it, and also Ratfords. It seems to work really well in this kinda situation.

What do you mean by supercropping?? you mean fimming??

Wouldnt that fuck up my tops cuz im already 2 weeks into flower? I dont know if thatd be the best idea. i figure that if i dont have enough room i can always LsT them bitches a little bit, i mean theyre huge and itlll take a little bit of work, but itll at least cut the size down by a few inches. i fuckin thought that i was done with the stretch a couple days ago when they stopped after they all had about a 5 inch growth spurt man, lol. fuckin bastard plants :D -- i guess its one of those problems that aint too bad to have, yaknow, lol??

Ok, so heres the plants color coded -- White - Whiteberry, Blue -- Bluecheese, Red--Twilight, Yellow -- Northern Soul . n then theres a snap of the two widows, n a couple wideshots of the tent.

things are goin awesome - other than the vertical growth, lol. the plants are lookin fuckin amazing, and i cant wait to see them buds just bust the fuck out of each top n start changin colors n just lookin all gooey n fuckin awesome. Ive never seen plants this awesome in person man, n i personally never thought in a million years i would be this successful.

I think in part it has something to do with the Purp Maxx -- the recent growth spurt that is. I think that the maxx opened up the root system to the point where they just sucked up any residual nutrients left in the soil, and shot up like a fuckin cannon, lol. i know thats unlikely, and they were probably just due for one last big stretch, but hey, a guy can dream right?? im just basically lookin at these bitches under a microscope man. i wanna make sure this stuff works, and its not my imagination. Everything ive read about this stuff has been positive man. everything except for the people who dont know how to follow directions, and end up burning their plants anyways, lol.

i would do a plant by plant update, but seriously everything is goin so well theres really no need to man. everything is equally awesome -- and thats including my other twilight man, i never thought that she would catch up to the rest of the plants, but not only has she, but she has also got two branches that are 2 inches taller than the rest of the plants man. shes gonna have two beasty fuckin buds on those two branches, n then theres gonna be a few small popcorn buds. but i can live with that man, shellbe good for an ounce or two for sure :D

My favorite plant is still Whiteberry, with northern soul comin in a close second man. Whiteberry just looks like shes gonna be a monster when she starts producing. just one mean lookin plant,n like i said before, i wouldnt be surprised if she had blue tinges everywhere. Northern is just a fuckin beast. branches everywhere, and budsites everywhere. her tops are full, and fuckin lookin like shes gonna have some monsters on her too man. well see though, im not countin my chickens, but i gotta say that im not uncomfortable with the thought of 1/2 lb from just these 5 plants man. if i get 8 oz from these 5 plants, n then another 3 or 4 from my widows, n then one or two from my RD, ill be the happiest fuckin camper at the commune man :D

hope you enjoyed the update. WWs will come along soon enough, although i still cant figure out why they yellowed up on me. i really think its because of that accidental mollases watering, but i dont know if molasses would even have that effect on baby plants man. Does anyone else know what it could be?? they aint deficient in anything, thats for damn sure. i got dolemite lime in there to balance the ph, and its fresh FF soil, not reused or anything, so i dont see why it would be doin that shit, other than the one thing ive done differently. the molasses. Well, that n the fact that im using CFLs for this part with them, and theyre about 2 inches away from the tops. so i should probably back them off, n then water the shit out of them the day after tomorrow with some Spring water, or some R/o water (i just found out i can get RO water, but its a pain in the ass).

Opinions, thoughts?? u know as always, i appreciate it ;)


Junior Creatologist
Those girls are looking sweet man. Very thick and hearty stems, and they really have exploded in size since the last pics!!! The first pic on the bottom row what plant is that? Looks very sativa dom. All of them look great though man!!

LOL whats funny is, thats the twilight man. shes 100% pure indica. not a hybrid at all -- shes actually known for being indica in its purest form :)