***Official Nutrients Thread***

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Use the paper bags--It will help balance the moisture in the buds-slow down the drying to at least 5 days---don't let the buds get crisp---If your drying slow then the stem snap method is a good gauge but if 2 to 3 days and your stem snaps-----------drying to fast unless the stems and bud are tiny------------last but not least---check dailey!!!----Good luck to you my brother...


Well-Known Member
hey i use foxfarm products,and i grow in soil,by accident,i baught the "grow" but hydro 1..ive been feeding the normal soil grow,can i supplement the hydro grow,for the soil grow,for the same plants? i heard its the same thing,except the hydro has more micronutes?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
hey i use foxfarm products,and i grow in soil,by accident,i baught the "grow" but hydro 1..ive been feeding the normal soil grow,can i supplement the hydro grow,for the soil grow,for the same plants? i heard its the same thing,except the hydro has more micronutes?
You'll be fine just make sure to watch your ppm's---450 to 650 seem to be great for veg------800 to 1200 for flowering in soil. and keep your feed ph @6.3 to 6.5.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by floydfanx6
i heard its the same thing,except the hydro has more micronutes-

All brands are different-some have more buffers and chealets in them compared to standard nutes---


Well-Known Member
dank,,my question though if if been feeding foxfarm grow for soil,,,i cannot in the middle use the foxfarm grow for hydro,,its not a good idea? not similar enough your saying?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
2 post__
dank,,my question though if if been feeding foxfarm grow for soil,,,i cannot in the middle use the foxfarm grow for hydro,,its not a good idea? not similar enough your saying?
1 post__ hey i use foxfarm products,and i grow in soil,by accident,i baught the "grow" but hydro 1..ive been feeding the normal soil grow,can i supplement the hydro grow,for the soil grow,for the same plants? i heard its the same thing,except the hydro has more micronutes?

I think you changed the question from the first post:hump:----You can use either one if you have to for both soil and hydro with some brands---I was just saying that hydro nutes are usually geared to be stable in reservoirs longer(buffers) and the cheleted versions are ready for immediate absorption by the plants. Soil designed nutrients seldom have chelated nutriants but still work in soil or hydro. Unfortunately some companies just use the "hydro" as a selling tactic. You will be fine with the FOXFARM either way--Just target your ph in hydro to 5.5 to 5.8 and for soil 6.3 to 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Here is some info
about some of the nutrient systems,
and additives, that help us grow hydro.

The next time you are in the Hydro store,
you will know more about the pretty bottles
lining the walls.

Plant Growth Hormones

Plant hormone research has come a long way in the last few years.
The natural plant growth regulators (or plant hormones) are gibberellic acid,
ethylene gas, abscisic acid (ABA), 4 auxins, and several cytokinins,
which all have their own specific effects on growth and development in plants.

There is a wide range of products available
that are made of ascophylum nodosum,
the North Alaskan sea kelp,
from which most cytokins are derived.

Growth Max - A seaweed extract made for foliar feeding plants.
An excellent and inexpensive way to give your plants an extra boost.

Nitrozime - very popular- growers swear by the results -
Nitrozime provides cytokinins to help control and regulate germination, root development,
nutrition uptake, plant tissue composition, flowering. seed and fruit set.

B'cuzz - Atami's line of stimulators are formulated from a combination of two kinds of seawwed,
Laminaria digitata and Ascophyllum nodosum.
These solutions help plants handle stress -
3 formulas, one for rooting, one for growth and one for bloom.

Liquid Karma - If you are looking for just one thing to add to nutrient regimen,
Liquid Karma is the one.
It is good for every stage of growth
and will definately increase branching points, fruit and flower sets
and overall yield by as much as 30% .
Liquid Karma Chelates micronutrients through amino and fulvic acids,
and shuttles them into plant cells,
increasing metabolic rates and conserves plant energy.
Full of B-vitamins and other stress relieving components
with large amount of cytokyns derived from ascophylum nodosum north atlantic sea kelp.

SuperNova - SuperNova contains high concentrations of cytokines
extracted from Ascophyllum Nodosum.
Cytokines increase cell division, which promotes vigorous plant
and root growth.
SuperNova also contains growth precursors, vitamins,
and amino acids.
Super Nova is made by general hydroponics to work with Dark Energy .

Humic and Fulvic Acids.

The primary benefit of both humic and fulvic acids
is improved plant growth.
There are three types of humates:
humic acids,
fulvic acids
and humin.
Only humic and fulvic acids,
currently play a role in hydroponics.

Humic Acid
Humic acids change the turbidity of the cell
and in effect swell the cell up with more water,
creating an osmotic imbalance
and promoting the uptake of nutrient salts.
An added bonus is seen in root cells
when micoryzae are looking for their much needed first contact,
because the cell is more swelled up
it is easier for the microzyzzae to attach.

Fossil Fuel - FossilFuel employs high-quality humic acids
to help plants resist environmental stresses,
to improve the plants ability to absorb nutrients and water,
and stimulates plant growth through increased cell division.
It is HIGHLY ABSORBABLE, which is not true of most humates.

Rare Earth - A rich blend of silicon, humates and 72 rare minerals.
Blend with rooting media, top dress,
or add directly to nutrient solution
to develop a protective silicon shield.
Allows for stronger development and heavier fruit.

Diamond Black - Blended with rooting media,
Diamond Black will slowly break down
adding Humates to the root environment.
This is a pure mined material
and meets all organic standards for crop production.
Humates released into the plant's environment
regulate the flow and enhance the transport of plant nutrients

Fulvic Acid
A long with its chelating properties,
fulvic acid is also a key factor in the Kreb cycle,
the plant's respiratory and metabolism system.
Providing this molecule reserves a plant's key energy reserves.
A recent study showed that plants treated with fulvic acid
experienced a 36% increase in produce weight at harvest,
a 36.5% increase plant growth,
and they flowered on average four days ahead of the control plants.
Studies indicate the use of humates in hydroponics
results in bigger plants and bigger veggies and quicker harvests.

Pure Fulvic Acids are small active organic molecules
and are excellent chelators which penetrate through plant surfaces and roots.
The results are healthier and stronger plants,
decreased water stress and improved soil moisture and structure.

Diamond Nectar - Diamond Nectar is a Fulvic Acid extract
from a combination of unique Leonardite sources
providing the highest availability and diversity
of these bioactive pant compounds.
The General Hydroponics research team has assayed over
300 different Leonardite sources around the world
to create a proprietary, pH balanced, fulvic acid
with maximum agronomic benefits.

Liquid Karma - Liquid Karma Chelates micronutrients
through amino and fulvic acids,
and shuttles them into plant cells,
increasing metabolic rates
and conserves plant energy.
Full of B-vitamins and other stress relieving components
with large amount of cytokyns derived from ascophylum nodosum,
north atlantic sea kelp.

Grandma Enggy's Fulvic Acid - From Avanced Nutrients ,
a brand you can trust!


Along with the major plant hormone research,
enzymes have become the recent focus of much attention.
Smaller yet amazingly powerful,
enzymes have a variety of important benefits for the hydro grower.
There are many different enzymes that all have different functions.
The hydroponic growing community is just beginning
to get a hold on what they all do.

There are two types of enzymes that we are most concerned with.
There are those that accelerate sugar/ resin production
and work to create flavor and aroma.
There are others that break down dying and dead plant proteins
into their component parts,
amino acids, lipids and smaller molecules
which can be reabsorbed by the plant.

Banana Manna,contains concentrated organic extracts
of banana, mango, guava and other exotic tropical plants
rich in hormones and vitamins
known to increase essential oil production in plants.

Cannazyme is a high-quality enzyme product.
It consists of more than 15 different kinds of enzymes
to which vitamins and extracts of desert plants are added.
Cannazym speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material
and activates the micro-organisms.
In addition to this, Cannazym facilitates the improved absorption
of nutrients and increases the resistance against pathogenic organisms.

Hygrozyme enzymatic formula prevents the formation of pythium
and algae, speeds up degradation of dead organic matters
and facilitates chemical nutrient assimilation.
It will create healthy white root growth in your plants.
It will not harm beneficial microbes

SensiZym is a super concentrate of over 80 different enzymes,
each having specific functions that enhance plant and root growth.
Part of the Advanced Nutrients line.
Great for soil or hydroponics.

Bud and Bloom boosters

Phosphorous and potassium are the two macro nutrients
directly involved in fruit/flower formation,
structure and overall taste, potency an aroma.

A lot of research has been done on these ever-important nutrients.

Feeding curves have been generated,
allowing growers to apply a more exact diet
to their fruiting flowering plants throughout the bloom phase.

Ionic Boostis a nutrient supplement
designed to be used in the final few weeks before harvest.
Boost allows the grower easy control of the extra Phosphorous and Potassium
that can lead to bumper yields.
Boost is an ideal addition to Ionic nutrient solutions
but can also be used very effectively
with any good quality nutrient solution of the Bloom variety.

Monster Bloom - An azure colored product from Grotek
derives its strength from super phosphates
and buffers, that deliver enhanced harvest results
never achieved before.
Blessed with this blue powder,
plants Increase OIL production!
And produce Extra Large Buds!

Kool Bloom - Designed for use in the second half
of reproductive development,
this concentrated nutrient supplement
increases the production of essential oils and fragrance in flowers.

Advanced Nutrients Big Bud - is Big Bud's plant specific ratios
of Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium and Amino Acids.
Big Bud will dramatically increase bud growth,
width, weight and resin production
like no other bloom enhancing product can.

Advanced Nutrients Over Drive - Overdrive is an ultra premium flower booster
with an extremely extensive and very complex array
of phosphorus and potassium sources.
Hormones and catalytic agents are added
in order to pack on extra girth and weight that produce
unparalleled flower and oil production
during the critical last weeks of flowering
when plants show the most sizeable gains.


Silicate helps strengthen plant tissue
helping plants flourish in adverse environmental conditions
such as heat, drought, and frost.
For use in container gardens or soilless hydrogardening applications

Pro Silicate - Pro-Silicate toughens the cell walls of your plant
to form a physical barrier against insects and disease.
The major building block for plant cells,
silicone increases resistance to mildews, fungus and insect attacks,
where the stronger cell walls counter predatory probings.
Pro Silicate protects your plants from wilting and droughts
by acting as an insulation against water loss through transpiration
at higher temperatures.
Plants can grow at higher temperatures.
Pro Silicate will also help increase flower count
and prolong bloom life.

Silica Blast - Silicate is a beneficial nutrient supplement
to be used in conjunction with standard nutrient program.
Silica Blast was designed by American Agritech
to be used specifially with their Botanicare Line of products.

Barricade readily available Potassium Slicate from Advanced Nutrients.

Phospholipid technology

Phospholipid agents, are an extremely powerful
group of activators & transporters of Humatic Isolates.

The Phospholipid technologies developed by Dutch Master
can be tailored to suit a wide range of Humatic Isolates
as well as directing those isolates
to activate specific subsystems of plant growth, development or physiology.

Phospholipids create membranes in channel,
so that larger molecules can quickly enter a cell.

Dutch Master Folitech Folitech Grow and Flower
are two unique foliar sprays designed to enhance your plants ability
to support and produce larger numbers of flowers
than would normally be possible.
Folitech is a two stage product with a vegetative and a flowering formulation
which are designed to be used
at the appropriate stage of the plants development.

Dutch Master Penetrator
is uniquely engineered to maintain this stability
whilst allowing full transfer of foliar fertilizer elements
into the plant via the leaf structure.
If the stability or the electrical charge of this membrane
is not correctly maintained for the full duration of the transfer
then only limited amounts of the fertilizer you apply
will actually penetrate past this layer.
By combining the 2 actions
of cuticle permeability & plasma membrane stability,
Penetrator can safely & accurately
deliver all of your foliar applied fertilizer to your plants.
All without the risk of burning & damaging your plants.

How to use reservoir additives in your nutrient solution

When using additives,
it would be ideal to clean the reservoir every week.

This is the way to keep your plants growing super strong,
and to really keep things healthy and clean.

If you are going to change your reservoir about once a week,
use the following method.

Do not put your pH probe into RO

First add the appropriate additives in the correct dosage.

Add nutrients, bringing the nutrient load to the desired level.

pH balance the reservoir.

Don’t add additives again,
until you clean and redo the reservoir.

Follow this program until end,
then you will use a flushing agent,
for the final 7-14 days.

Most people change their reservoir every 7-10 days,
although this isn’t the absolute best, it is fine.

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro is an organic nutrient
with 10-15% pure mineral content.
PBP contains absorbable forms of iron, calcium and phosphorous.
The phosphorous comes from pure rock phosphate.

PureBlend is a one-part nutrient,
with a vegetative, and a bloom formula.

This line requires a calcium magnesium micronutrient boost
and Cal-Mag Plus must be used
at the end of the vegetative period,
and throughout the bloom cycle.
CM+ helps to prevent micronutrient deficiencies.

Liquid Karma was made to be used with the PBP line,
as well as Silica Blast
and HydroGuard,
a bacterial innoculant and fungicide.

It it also recommend
to use one of the enzymatic formulas
listed above.

For those who are concerned about large flowers and fruits,
usingBig Bud, Monster Bloom, or Overdrive.
is reccomended

Also Banana Mana
can be used for resin and sugar building.

Clearex is a great flushing agent
and is made to work with the Botanicare Line.

PLEASE NOTE: Many hydro growers have begun noticing a problem
with the feeding chart/directions on the PureBlend Pro bottles.
If you follow their directions,
you will find that the strenght of your solution is way too high.

It is best to monitor the PPM in your solution.

If you don't have a way of monitoring your solution,
we HIGHLY reccomend you use a less
than the directions call for.
(this is generally good advice anyway).

For best results,
keep the pH of your nutrient solution,
between 5.8 – 6.2 for soil, and 5.5-5.8 for hydro.

Advanced Nutrients User

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom
Advanced Nutrients are some of the best nutrients on the hydroponic market.
There are many AN additives
and it can be slightly overwhelming to manage
until you understand their function.

Generally AN suggest you use only RO water,
and keep a ph of 5.6

What makes the AN nutes themselves special,
is that the micro nutrients are individually chelated,
(as opposed to most other mfg, which does batch chelation)

AN nutrients come from premium mineral sources,
and they are available in the 2 part formula.

Always add the supplements before you add nutrients.

Fulvic acid
Humic acid


Well-Known Member
kk well guys read about 16 pages and it seems the doc is the man to ask basically no hydro shop near me but could i use this for plants for when it gets to flowering stage? or should i stick with some of that miracle grow stuff? cheers
Homebase - Make a House a Home


Well-Known Member
botanicare babi...... PBP, liquid karma. got the whole line of ferts..... switched from fox farm... very happi happi.....

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
kk well guys read about 16 pages and it seems the doc is the man to ask basically no hydro shop near me but could i use this for plants for when it gets to flowering stage? or should i stick with some of that miracle grow stuff? cheers
Homebase - Make a House a Home
Great for tomatoes and flowering pot plants

I looked at the thread and it doesn't seem to give a NPK or list any of the other ingredients but If you are looking--most stores of this kind carry Alaskan fish fert and they have both a veg and a bloom product for cheap.---Allot of growers would tell you to stay away from "miracle grow products"---Make sure to read the labels---you want a complete balanced fert. And since your in bloom something with a good amount of P/K and a little N.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Here is some info
about some of the nutrient systems,
and additives, that help us grow hydro.

Thanks for posting that----I've been so busy---Need more hands to type with.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah Earl... Jeeze. All that and you don't even mention what you use in your setup.

I personally have used the Advanced Nutrients Organic, 3 Part, and 2 part lines, with all of the additives, and tested without... You absolutely will have the best results if you use the entire Advanced line... It's really expensive, but it's worth it IMO.

I have found differances using all of the products, vs leaving some of them out. Dr.Hornby's products are the shit, Voodoo, Scorpion, Pirahna, Tarantula, BigBud, Collosal BudBlast... They all work wonders with resin production and mass.

I'm planning on trying out a easy line vs the simplified Advanced 2part.

I'm swaying towards FoxFarm, it's been around a long time for me not to have tried it out. Any recommendations?

My setup for the growth comparison, what I'm currently using;

5 gal buckets, soil and hydro/bubble buckets.

Advanced Nutrients;
*2 part bloom

Abbreviated from my normal regiment...

*Emerald Shaman

So, for a whole lot less, I'm thinking FoxFarm, with all of their stuff, TigerBloom, Open Sesame, ChaChing, KoolBloom... What else... I'll look up some charts.

Or link my to yours.

What do you use Doc?


Well-Known Member
I have been using AN nutes for a few years
and have been happy with my results.

I have also used Dutch Master nute and found them overhyped and overpriced.

I do like the Dutch Master Pentrator and Reverse combination
for foliar spraying during transition from veg to bloom.

I have found that you don't need all of the additives
that are available from AN
to get good result.

Some are made for different applications
than just DWC or Flood and drain, or soiless media.

In fact using Pirahna and Tarantula in DWC and Aero
is a bad idea.
Voodoo juice is what you want to use in those hydro set ups.

I very seldom use Voodoo because it is so damn expensive.

I have used Tarantula in DWC and it was a mess,
and I have had the same result without it.

I think fulvic and enzymes are advantageous,
and some vitamins during early veg are OK also.

I am still experimenting with different nutes and sprays.

Hopefully the Hydro Nutrient Challenge
will help us come up with a method that is repeatable
and better than what we are using now.

Always looking to improve.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
EVERTHING!!!From advance nutrients has worked for me there a really excellent brand.
I have used the AN line with great success but there are a few products I don't care for-----SENSIZYM AND BUDBLAST-----I could not use the BUDBLAST because it smells just like baby shit and unless you want your rooms smelling like a horrible diaper I would advise against it.---I did a test with the sensizym and the placebo's did just as well as the treated.


Well-Known Member
I have used the AN line with great success but there are a few products I don't care for-----SENSIZYM AND BUDBLAST-----I could not use the BUDBLAST because it smells just like baby shit and unless you want your rooms smelling like a horrible diaper I would advise against it.---I did a test with the sensizym and the placebo's did just as well as the treated.
Well budblast I wouldn't suggest but it's good but big bud is the shit.


Well-Known Member
hey dank,,for a new run im doing im trying to go MORE organic,not totolly,im using the botanicare pbp line,,additives-liquid karma,calmag plus,hydroplex,,i also use a beneficial microbes,innoculate i apply to the soil.,are the others ones really needed like sweet,or hydroguard,silica blast ect...to what im doing,is there anything organic i shuold add to the mix? what would a kelp mix do exactly? how about a soluable root enhancer (organic) ty so much
i want something that is water soluable,,that is easily flushed out of the soil,nothing with salts in it,,and im not intrested in brewing compost teas,,


Well-Known Member
i belive pbp already has help in it doesnt it? do u think a guano tea would really help along with the other botnicare stuff i use,?if it really would make a differance and not leave a residue in the buds,,then im down for it i suppose,,but im all about flavor so any suggestions would be welcome

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
hey dank,,for a new run im doing im trying to go MORE organic,not totolly,im using the botanicare pbp line,,additives-liquid karma,calmag plus,hydroplex,,i also use a beneficial microbes,innoculate i apply to the soil.,are the others ones really needed like sweet,or hydroguard,silica blast ect...to what im doing,is there anything organic i shuold add to the mix? what would a kelp mix do exactly? how about a soluable root enhancer (organic) ty so much
i want something that is water soluable,,that is easily flushed out of the soil,nothing with salts in it,,and im not intrested in brewing compost teas,,
For soil I love feeding myo like sub-coulture-m or AN pirahnna---I have found that double the dose works great---1gram/gallon---then a week later hit the soil with the beneficial such as sub-c-B or AN taranchula. I love the floralicious plus and have used the sweet before---You do need a carb source to feed the beneficial so the choice is up to you on how you get it to them-----CARBA-LOAD------SWEET-----FLOURLICIOUS PLUS----SUCONAT---MOLLASSIS.

i believe pbp already has help in it doesn't it? do u think a guano tea would really help along with the other botanicare stuff i use,?if it really would make a difference and not leave a residue in the buds,,then I'm down for it i suppose,,but I'm all about flavor so any suggestions would be welcome
I love guano for soil and so does MJ----you can dial in your NPK---different bat guano's have different ratio's so get one that fits your needs and the time--some have just phos. And as you know---just flush your soil well for 2 weeks.