Trump (the people who control what he does) had it rushed out like a mad man, and cut massive corners to do so. I already showed how he helped covered up the toxic EtO plant investigations, just a month before they needed to ramp production into overdrive x10.. to get all those medical supplies and swabs, sterilized.. As if it all wasn't planned before hand, and the presidents aren't pre-selected hollywood puppets who flew on a plane with 14 yo's, and were blackmailed into acting retarded to suit the agenda..
NM how the vaccines don't work, or any kind of regret, because the whole thing is and always has been a hoax based around the common cold\flu.
Max420 is right, you guys all lined up to take the "trump" shot. It still wouldn't have gone through like it did without his emergency orders.. it wouldn't even exist as it does now, with full approval made by changed definitions.. they would have picked a completly different scenario from the 1lluminati card deck if Trump didn't do such a good job convincing you all to get it, and go along with it, haha.. Each shot you guys got made him some credits towards not having videos with little girls leaked.
I really don't know of anyone personally dropping dead from the jab, or the coof either. Unless they got pumped full of remdesivir or were taken over by killer hospital policies, and scared nurses that thought they would get the plague, so they couldn't hold their breath long enough to program the ethylene oxide residue tainted ventilators properly. Lots of money was made by hooking 2 people up 2 one vent. that's like 78,000 payout from medicaid if they both die on the same machine.
I do see all the video's you lefties are to scared to click on showing how people are dropping like flies though. You guys literally refuse to watch any of it. Real peoples videos, that are mostly censored on your platforms. If anything from the "far right" alternative media is right, it likely is those reports on people dying from the vaccines, but the rest of the BS on those sites does make the real stuff seem false. 30 doctors in a short time, soccer players, celebrities, you name it. Parents who's kids die right after the shots, by the dozens. FFS the all cause mortality charts prove there have been 40k excess deaths not related to covid at all, every month since the exact time the shots rolled out. Looking the same way across the world. They even are blaming heart attacks on car fuel vapors again now, lol. My guess, because the jab is a fake placebo, is simply that theres a good chance they'll miss the right vein, and the junk fillers in it make there way somewhere they shouldn't be, and cause clots. So many people are allergic to the adjuvents too. I've had my own pretty bad reaction to the DTP vaccine, and see how someone could easily die from a shot.