How to know when to start flushing?

How many times a day did they water or “flush” the pots during the flushing period?

And How much water did they run through the pots while “flushing them” during the flushing period?

What was the pot size?

And what was the frequency and volume of fertigation , nutrient solution during the feeding period?

Did they taper the nutrients down with the unflushed group towards the end of flower?

Did they use dryback at all during fertigation or did they keep the coco pots completely saturated the whole time?

Did they use dryback during the flush or did they keep the pots completely saturated the whole time?

These are important variables IMO and without this information the results of this study are somewhat vague.

Looking at the yellowed leaves on the “unflushed” leaf pic, it looks like they achieved a bit of a fade with the unflushed group, and the 14 day flush group had brown leaves!!

From this study I can’t conclude much about “ “flushing” since they apparently didn’t even say the volume of water used.

However it looks like the unflushed group had a nice fade so what I got from this study is that a nice yellow fade is important for flavor, but don’t overdo it with too much “flushing” to the point that the leaves turn completely brown...
..that’s what I got from this “study”
How many times a day did they water or “flush” the pots during the flushing period?

And How much water did they run through the pots while “flushing them” during the flushing period?

What was the pot size?

And what was the frequency and volume of fertigation , nutrient solution during the feeding period?

Did they taper the nutrients down of the unfluhed group towards the end of flower?

Did they use dryback at all during fertigation or did they keep the coco pots completely saturated the whole time?

Did they use dryback during the flush or did they keep the pots completely saturated the whole time?

These are important variables IMO and without this information the results of this study are somewhat vague.

Looking at the yellowed leaves on the “unflushed” leaf pic, it looks like they achieved a bit of a fade with the unflushed group, and the 14 day flush group had brown leaves!!

From this study I can’t conclude much about “ “flushing” since they apparently didn’t even say the volume of water used.

However it looks like the unflushed group had a nice fade so what I got from this study is that a nice yellow fade is important for flavor, but don’t overdo it with too much “flushing” to the point that the leaves turn completely brown...
..that’s what I got from this “study”
“Fade” there is that word that doesn’t actually exist in growing
Yes feeding properly to finish

Ok after looking at that those leaf pics again they’re not really even faded a nice yellow they’re all actually half brown even the unflushed one.
So maybe the term fade is irrelevant when feeding “properly” like this maybe the correct term would be “browning off”
Well science isn’t cut and dry
My experience of growing tons and moving the same and the fact
no one ever has said so and so has better tasting weed in decades
Tells me those studies nailed it

Do you taper nutes towards harvest? Many nutrient companies feeding schedules suggest to taper down the nutes, at least the nitrogen towards harvest.
Are you really gonna take advice from someone who plant grew a 48 inch plants. How cute that little guy must have gave a whole 1/4 Oz if you were lucky. You must be one of those guy who say nutrients are a waste of money. Why even grow you could just buy a quarter oz from a friend it would be a lot faster. :clap: :wall:
Oh, you pick all those little nuggets off all your branches or do you hang full branches? That was a sad attempt.
That seems to be the trend these days.

Sarcasm Alert

If you flush make sure to use some sugar water. You can buy a bottle of Clearex for $20. That will get all the nutrients out of the buds so you won't be smoking fertilizer and the ash will burn pearly white. You have to dump ten times the volume of liquid through your growing medium everyday for 2 weeks to get the best results. Don't worry about things staying too wet just pretend you're growing hydro.
I found out if you use a Terp enhancer with Clearex when you flush not only will it taste better but it cures faster:weed: