Tent height and heat using same wattage


Active Member
Hi, i have an original gorilla tent 2x4 that is 6' 11" . I made a test run with 300w LED using AC infinity T6 and found that to reach maximum temperature of 80F (my max for flowering because of terpenes) i have to run it on level 5/6 (200/240 cfm) which unfortunately is too loud in my bedroom that i share walls with neighbors. Gorilla support and their site say that bigger height bring temperatures down because of hot air rising but im confused since the air is replaced so fast that would it really matter ? Because of that im thinking about buying their smaller version which is 4'11" / 5'8" which is about 70%/80% of my current space of air. Using the same light would running my fan on the same setting would bring temperatures down or the heat would build up more and i wont have option to use lesser cfm's ?
To clarify - i have duct silencer, i almost build box for the fan. But this ac infinity t6 is making strange high pitched noise at level 5, at level 6 it blends with wind sound but im screwed if it works like that. Its ringy, high pitched constant noise and it seems it comes just through open ducts from the fan. Anyone experienced it with ac infinity ?
I’ve heard of using larger ducting to reduce the noise of the air. I would contact ACInfinity and see what they say. I wouldn’t be happy with it for how much they cost.

I would also use a larger fan and dial it down to reduce the noise.
To clarify - i have duct silencer, i almost build box for the fan. But this ac infinity t6 is making strange high pitched noise at level 5, at level 6 it blends with wind sound but im screwed if it works like that. Its ringy, high pitched constant noise and it seems it comes just through open ducts from the fan. Anyone experienced it with ac infinity ?
There's something wrong with your fan

The EC motors are virtually silent, the only sound you should hear is air turbulence
There's something wrong with your fan

The EC motors are virtually silent, the only sound you should hear is air turbulence
Im not sure, i can record it but its just that after muffling everything - duct, fan the high, kinda mechanical, ringy noise stays always.
I found that without carbon filter its similiar sound that you can hear on this video, its just it changes into higher pitch when the carbon is attached so i in my opinion its not just air. Here at 7:40 its similiar but again without carbon lower frequencty
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Im not sure, i can record it but its just that after muffling everything - duct, fan the high, kinda mechanical, ringy noise stays always.
I found that without carbon filter its similiar sound that you can hear on this video, its just it changes into higher pitch when the carbon is attached so i in my opinion its not just air. Here at 7:40 its similiar but again without carbon lower frequencty
I have a hard rule to not click on unknown links.

If it’s broken, replace it. If you don’t think it is, then don’t.
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Haven't listened yet but changing the tent size will not change the temperature.

All that happens is you increase or reduce the volume of the tent and the volume of airflow will remain the same.
In a bigger tent the air exchanges per minute will decrease, in a smaller tent the opposite, a bigger tent heats up slower, smaller heats up quicker but the air exchange per minute equals it out and your in the same position.

The physics of heat don't change .

I don't have ac infinity fans, but I would send it back.

It might be a problem with the speed controller because that type of fan shouldn't hum or drone but if its worse at higher speed it's likely either an internal problem or the meres something hooked up wrong with your equipment.

I can recommend a silent fan but unless your in uk you'd have to order from China as I don't know who distribute it state side .
Another option is exchange it for a much bigger fan and run on minimum speed.

I always oversize everything.

I've been through some fans and never been impressed with fans calling themselves silent and still running at 50db +.

Those tones your hearing are near on impossible to deaden . ROCKWOOL, brick, not much will stop it bar a lot of mass .
One of my old supposedly silent fans I had packed into a fridge freezer box full of sound insulation.
Still sounded like a turbine.

Made me very sensitive to any grow room sound.

Are you 100% this fan is genuine?
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here it is running on level 5.( Please dont criticize the tape as it was for my temporary changing for tests :p) here it is starting from 0 to level 6 and it can be clearly heard that just before it, the ringy noise appears just before reaching 6 setting, although in heavy blanket. Can anyone relate to their t6 with this sound or can post their recording ?
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I currently have T8 in my 4x8 tent, with 2 600w hps (air cooled), doesnt get above 80F. It does sound like the links u posted, but i run mine at 7 or 8 setting. The way i see it... like people have mentioned getting a bigger fan and running on a lower setting, or by raising humidity it will lower temps, or mayb get a window a/c or something to cool down the tent/room. IMO if ur using that small of a tent and still in 80's i think window ac is ur best bet, beause the room temp isn't low enough to start with.. if u start with 75 degrees the tent will not get below 75 not possible.
I currently have T8 in my 4x8 tent, with 2 600w hps (air cooled), doesnt get above 80F. It does sound like the links u posted, but i run mine at 7 or 8 setting. The way i see it... like people have mentioned getting a bigger fan and running on a lower setting, or by raising humidity it will lower temps, or mayb get a window a/c or something to cool down the tent/room. IMO if ur using that small of a tent and still in 80's i think window ac is ur best bet, beause the room temp isn't low enough to start with.. if u start with 75 degrees the tent will not get below 75 not possible.
I thought that t6 would be bigger than needed so i would run it on half speed and enjoy quiet performance. I tested with ambient 70 degrees. I know maximum speed creates more motor noise, but its strange that levels 4-5create so loud pitch and 6 seems to dissapear. Really every option sucks cause i already have a tent, alresdy have 6inch silencer, carbon…
Well if you can return it stating the noise levels as a reason then you buy a bigger one for a bit more money and the appropriate duct reducer x2 and run it on lower speed.

Or buy a cheaper but quality fan and a variac.

I'm wondering if they've changed the type of motor or they've got different models because an ec fan shouldn't sound like an engine turbine.

I'd look into silent box fans if I were you.
Best thing I ever did .
I have to turn everything else off in my rooms just to hear if the fans are on.
here it is running on level 5.( Please dont criticize the tape as it was for my temporary changing for tests :p) here it is starting from 0 to level 6 and it can be clearly heard that just before it, the ringy noise appears just before reaching 6 setting, although in heavy blanket. Can anyone relate to their t6 with this sound or can post their recording ?
Strange ducting. Does it help stretching it out smooth?