Awwww, she's so cute! I roll a bit differently than most here. I'd snip 1 & 2, then wait a while then 3 & 4 and start training. I let the plant tell me, so I'm always gently pruning and shaping the girls. This probably comes from decades of outdoor gardening. It lightly stresses them, they spread out nicely (sometimes too nice & get huge sideways) and extends the veg time. I'm not pushing them to finish, I want them to grow their own legs and show me what they want. As they get bigger, I continue to gently prune to allow light into the canopy. This works for me in more ways than just growing flower, it's also therapy of sorts. I'm in gardening mode. Here's a pic I took this morning of an auto 12 weeks from sprout. Good luck and have fun!