Well-Known Member
I saw a video on YouTube where they were using zerotol on what I'd refer to as a 'serious grow.' 9-10 ft. bushes in hooped beds . It was kinda rainy and wet, and the guy had like, really, at least a ton of bud. So he's trimming this nice bud, not redonkulous, but like a pineapple size, and he says, 'oh this is a nice bud, I'll maybe give this one to my brother for his birthday..'Nature rains and mists in full sunlight. The optical focal range is too minimal to create any concentration of note. Bro science says it burns leaves. LOL. Spray early morning to mid day. Never in evening. Mold grows in the damp in darkness.
Best wishes.
And I'm like, what a cheap prick! Acres if trees, and he's gonna give a bud to his brother.
Anyways, worker comes up to him and says, 'look, just wanted to show you how fast this is burning the plant.' And he's like, yeah, yeah. I thinmixture mixture is super important. Think what I'll do is spray a branch or two, wait a bit to be sure I'm not burning anything. Then finish. And if I see any burn after that, I'll adjust accordingly.
Question, why not spray in evening when mold forms in evening? Does spraying in the morning give the spray a chance to stick, before the moist evening air starts to mess it up? Manual says spray morning or evening.