Opposite Day


Well-Known Member

I got caught in hurricane Fiona, 5 days without power, no lights, no fans, no heat.

If you loose power the first thing I'd advise doing is open the flap to your tent, moisture builds up in the tent quickly. Followed by white powdery mildew. Our power went out on Friday night and I didn't open the tent until Saturday night. A chorophill smell came from the garden but it was gone yesterday. Mostly gone.

I'd be worried if I didn't have my AirROS machine to kill any wpm.


You can see the curvy growth in the stem, I'm going to top below that on the third node.





The flower garden seems no worse for the ware. Once, while indisposed, I let a garden go 3 weeks without light or water and when I flipped the light back on the plants flowered out beautifully.






Well-Known Member

For the past two years I've been doing a complete defoliation, the grow has been good.

Last grow I did a small test to determine harvest depending on defoliation style. I found that there's little difference.

So this grow I'm going all in with the leaves.


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This is the healthiest grow I've ever done - Lush, lots of green. I'm using a nutrient mix called "Success Nutrients". I get a kick out of the name. because of a TV show in eastern canada called "The Trailer Park Boys". One of the leads, Julian, is always starting a business and calling it Success Autobody or Succdess this or that. It's funny if you' ve seen the show.


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“success” is definitely better than the “big dirty” haha!
My outdoor plants last year were completely battered by hail, they were just empty frames of sticks!
But came back to be the biggest outdoor plants to date.

Each to their own but I think defoliation definitely has a place.

grows looking fantastic mate!


Well-Known Member
“success” is definitely better than the “big dirty” haha!
My outdoor plants last year were completely battered by hail, they were just empty frames of sticks!
But came back to be the biggest outdoor plants to date.

Each to their own but I think defoliation definitely has a place.

grows looking fantastic mate!

Thanks Greenest Bastard!


My 4 Blue Dream are finished being topped - 3-4 tops to give 12 colas. I'm experimenting with giving one extra top on the inside colas.

8 colas per plant would give me 32 colas for the grow, 12 colas per plant would give me 48 colas for the grow, 16 colas would give me 64 colas.

The mesh that I'm using is 6" square, 7 rows and 7 columns for 49 squares. 12 colas per plant makes sense.





Well-Known Member

My East Coast Sour Diesel, some of the colas are as big around as my fist, some are short.



What looks like nute burn is, I think, light burn. Not too much heat but too much light. I've toned down my Scorpion Diablo to 7 from 9, see how the rest of the grow goes.






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J. Rocket

Well-Known Member
some of those buds look to be the size of a small child!:D
very curious how the blue dream experiment goes.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to go back to doing a complete defoliation?

Not for the next few grows - I'm experimenting with Lollipoping and stripping all of the leaves and branches below where I want the canopy, to get 12 colas per plant with no side branches.



Well-Known Member

I just weighed my harvest - 1230 grams at 62% humidity. 2 grams per watt.

My best harvest yet -- East Coast Sour Diesel; Scorpion Diablo, Success Nutrients.

The harvest took up 7 - 1 gallon cans.


I'm flowering Blue Dream now, either white widow or super silver haze next.

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