I have already beaten it. They told me I had cancer on the 25th March and I had it removed in April. I then had Chemo and Radiotherapy and by the end of September I got the all clear. The universe is going to have to try harder than that to get me.
I am lucky really, Cancer care here isn't managed by the NHS, it is funded privately, by Macmillan. The NHS wanted me to have my bladder removed and have a bag, because I said I'd rather die they handed me over to Macmillan for end of life care. Macmillian couldn't see why I couldn't be treated, so they did and now I am better.
I wouldn't wish Chemo and Radio therapy on my worst enemy, it is fucking nasty.
But when you have had a "you have 6 to 12 months to live" conversation, the rest of the world's problems become tiny in comparison.