I thought this was America?

Rules are not required in order to give devotion to Spirit. The construct of required rules is ironically the great folly of most organized religions.
I still think they go hand in hand and your attempting to have an each way bet.
But as a baptised and confirmed Catholic who has had many communions but who doesn't usually believe in any Gods I do like the concept. I'm just not sure the Catholic God would be down with it.
I still think they go hand in hand and your attempting to have an each way bet.
But as a baptised and confirmed Catholic who doesn't usually believe in any Gods I do like the concept. I'm just not sure the Catholic God would be down with it.
The Catholic God would be down with it, because he's one in the same god as the others worshiped under different names. Catholics on the other hand, would NOT be down with it.
But you are assuming that there is only one God. And we simply don't know if there is no God, one God or hundreds of thousands of Gods.
We just don't know.
If we follow your logic, then they are all part of something even greater, and then that is god itself. You see, you are to busy trying to define god to realize that it can not be defined, and is all encompassing.