Woven, fabric pots still suck. Even the thicker material still pulls the moisture out. I feel silly for even giving it another chance. Transplanted into the 15 gal fabric pot (yes I know they still suck, but I bought plastic wrap, to keep in the moisture). I went back and forth whether I should trash it or not, but I’m going to try with this one. it just feels wrong to work with this plant for 3+ months and trash it. I have the clones going but again, let’s hope they root. Some of the leaves in the clone dome are turning yellow, I think that’s because of the heat the other day. It’s been 5 days since propagated.
I think I can flower this plant out. I’ve used the plastic wrap trick on fabric pots before and succeeded. I gave it some Dr Earth 4-6-3, and I’ll have other stuff to ensure it’s growth and flower.