Elons Little Plan

Elon should have just given $44 billion to the republicans before the midterms, it would have served him better. He will have to keep shoveling his own money into Twitter by the boxcar load, driven by the lash of his ego. He's another guy who can't lose, like Trump, or Putin. Crashing and bankrupting Twitter a month after buying it is not in the cards for the world's richest man and he will be selling stock to keep it afloat for a while. Meanwhile there will be emerging competition, a Twitter clone to fill that niche in the social media universe and for celebrities and content creators to migrate to along with their fans and followers, while posting links to the new platform in their posts on Twitter.
i didnt use one but it got hacked around the time elon took over and i found that funny, several locations pinging from russia to pakistan

One of my medical providers was hacked in September and didn't notify us until they had their legal in place, November. They took everything. Would have been nice to know since included user/password which I could've immediately changed and fortified myself but nooooooooooo. Someone tried my Amazon from LA but they caught them since I'm in CO.

Some Russian just needs to put her photo on my license and she is me.

They gave me KROLL for one year..includes $1M identity theft.

This is one of those things while having mushrooms, weed and technology in our time..it's still baby steps. What large medical corporation doesn't have the max security?

/end rant.
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Elon should have just given $44 billion to the republicans before the midterms, it would have served him better. He will have to keep shoveling his own money into Twitter by the boxcar load, driven by the lash of his ego. He's another guy who can't lose, like Trump, or Putin. Crashing and bankrupting Twitter a month after buying it is not in the cards for the world's richest man and he will be selling stock to keep it afloat for a while. Meanwhile there will be emerging competition, a Twitter clone to fill that niche in the social media universe and for celebrities and content creators to migrate to along with their fans and followers, while posting links to the new platform in their posts on Twitter.
Same guy who said he could end world hunger for a mere $9 billion
ooh, marjory the greene cunt better be careful, trump might disown her inbred ass...
ommfg i hope the DOJ nails every one of the republicunts who asked trump for a pardon...tried, convicted, imprisoned, barred from ever holding office again, anywhere, in any capacity.
You don't ask for a pardon unless YOU think YOU need one. If Jack doesn't know, he will want to find out why. It isn't just Trump, he was the Kingpin at the center and the center will be hollowed out before everything else. WTF do you think will be going through their minds when the God of the con artists goes down for good. If they put them on committees, they are at risk of the Pardon list being indicted and that could become clearer, because it's still 40 days until the new congress. Gym Jordan chair of the justice oversight committee finds himself indicted over J6, how would his hearings go, sideways?
You don't ask for a pardon unless YOU think YOU need one. If Jack doesn't know, he will want to find out why. It isn't just Trump, he was the Kingpin at the center and the center will be hollowed out before everything else. WTF do you think will be going through their minds when the God of the con artists goes down for good. If they put them on committees, they are at risk of the Pardon list being indicted and that could become clearer, because it's still 40 days until the new congress. Gym Jordan chair of the justice oversight committee finds himself indicted over J6, how would his hearings go, sideways?
If the DOJ wants maximum effect, they should get all their ducks in a nice row, then arrest everyone on that pardon list the day before the new congress convenes...And trump. Charge them all with seditious conspiracy or worse, drag all the damning dirt out into public and let the fucking pigs roll around in it on national television.
This is OPINION like myself he is a 'poll denier' which was the hook that caught my eye.

"With just 720 days to go before the next election, a Florida retiree made the surprise announcement that he was running for president.”

Anyone still on Twitter got The Poll and voted? I'm curious how you voted :lol: Or did you really receive one?

@CunningCanuk I can see Musk's feet.
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This is OPINION like myself he is a 'poll denier' which was the hook that caught my eye.

Anyone still on Twitter got The Poll and voted? I'm curious how you voted :lol: Or did you really receive one?

@CunningCanuk I can see Musk's feet.
i don't believe in the validity of most polls, but trump does, and this will be chapping his ass like a belt driven tumbleweed.
while i regret being alive for most of the shit that has happened in the last decade (re: American politics) i relish being alive for the shit storm that the republicans are summoning onto themselves...it will be epic, lightening will be scattering clods of bullshit like artillery, and republican blood (figuratively) will flow in rivers...and they'll do it all to themselves.
there is no way the legitimate government of this country can ignore what the republicans did, the only question is how severely will they reply? i hope that response is so draconian, so severe, that the remains of the republican party scatter, and avoid each other for the rest of their sad, pathetic lives, in fear of drawing the same.
If the DOJ wants maximum effect, they should get all their ducks in a nice row, then arrest everyone on that pardon list the day before the new congress convenes...And trump. Charge them all with seditious conspiracy or worse, drag all the damning dirt out into public and let the fucking pigs roll around in it on national television.
or after. Some major egg on the RNC’s face.
