AG Garland appoints special counsel

This guy seems to give a pretty entertaining blow by blow account of Donald's legal downfall. I figure the more he rages and threatens the harder it will be for him to make bail when he is indicted and looking for conditions of release. Jack is gonna document and throw everything in his lawyer's face as Jack requests that Trump be remanded into custody until trial.

Trump CONTINUES to ATTACK Special Counsel Jack Smith NONSTOP

58,860 views Nov 27, 2022
Donald Trump continues to post threatening and bizarre attacks about Special Counsel Jack Smith and Smith’s wife and family. Trump continues to dig the hole he’s in deeper each day. MeidasTouch co-founder Ben Meiselas reports.
Yep, Glenn is taking a real shine to Jack and is impressed he worked through the holidays just for Donald! :lol:

Special Counsel Jack Smith's Thanksgiving Day court filing that destroys Trump's legal argument

27,670 views Nov 27, 2022
While most of us were cooking, enjoying turkey and stuffing, and watching the Macy's Parade and football, Special Counsel Jack Smith was drafting and filing a reply to the bogus legal claims that Donald Trump's lawyers had filed the previous day, November 23, 2022.

This video discusses Smith's Thanksgiving Day court filing, and what it tells us about how Special Counsel Smith is likely to run the criminal investigations of Donald Trump and his associates.
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Maybe Merrick has found his replacement for AG?
I'm impressed that Jack has not waited a second, but still looking for an indictment.
Business as usual now and they probably want to wait for the Georgia runoff election anyway and this gets all that shit out of the way before they actually indict him, then the fun will really begin because he might not get conditions of release until trial, especially if he keeps this bullshit up. The federal DC judge won't tolerate it for a minute and owns and is responsible for Trump until trial and if one of his fans killed somebody because of something he said or posted on social media, the judge is kinda on the hook for it. Besides, when Donald enters the "machine" upon indictment, he must be treated just like any other citizen, no better and no worse. What happened to other people who stole hundreds of top-secret documents? Threatened and intimidated prosecutors and witnesses? Equality under the law will apply to Donald for the first time in his life, Jack won't fuck around either and there is no provision in the law for ex-presidents.
Let's make a rather obvious assumption that Donald will be indicted and convicted of the document's theft, obstruction and related crimes. How long Donald serves in prison is up to the judge, using sentencing guidelines and the precident of other sentences given to others for similar crimes. Back he goes into federal custody, and it is up to the Bureau of Prisons where and how he does the time. Someone from the administration would have to reach down to change this from the normal course of events to give Trump special treatment, think that will happen? It's not up to the judge to worry about his secret service detail, that is up to the federal government and a US marshal is a federal employee too.

So, for Donald to get any special treatment from his indictment and during his trial, the executive branch would need to interfere in the judicial branch. After he is convicted, some appointed political official would need to intervene to make sure he had special treatment, or worse treatment! He won't go to a regular prison, but he will go to one of some kind and he won't have a cellmate. He also has a large armed domestic terrorist following, so it will need to be a secure facility for the safety of the staff.
there are so many things that could explain Garlands reluctance to charge trump yet, and perhaps never.
the only thing i've found that i can predict with accuracy concerning American politics is that whatever i think is going to happen, doesn't.
will trump get formally indicted? no fucking idea...the fact that he clearly deserves to be counts for fucking nothing in DC, or the DOJ.
if he gets indicted will he get convicted? no fucking idea...half the judiciary was appointed by him, and at least some of them will do his bidding.
if he gets convicted, will he go to prison? no clue, but i doubt it, i see long term house arrest as the worst he'll get.
and i'm ok with that, as long as it is accompanied by indictments for his 3 oldest kids, rudy, eastman, meadows, both thomas',
sidney powell, jeff clark, ornato, nick luna, phil waldron, joe biggs, nordean, roger stone, kelly meggs, and all those who asked for pardons, gaetz, greene, jordan, gohmert, andy biggs, mo brooks, scott perry....if you can put all of them away for a good long time, then you've actually achieved something...trump is a washed up joke, and the only value in prosecuting him is in it's deterrent factor, a lesson for future fascists.
there are so many things that could explain Garlands reluctance to charge trump yet, and perhaps never.
the only thing i've found that i can predict with accuracy concerning American politics is that whatever i think is going to happen, doesn't.
will trump get formally indicted? no fucking idea...the fact that he clearly deserves to be counts for fucking nothing in DC, or the DOJ.
if he gets indicted will he get convicted? no fucking idea...half the judiciary was appointed by him, and at least some of them will do his bidding.
if he gets convicted, will he go to prison? no clue, but i doubt it, i see long term house arrest as the worst he'll get.
and i'm ok with that, as long as it is accompanied by indictments for his 3 oldest kids, rudy, eastman, meadows, both thomas',
sidney powell, jeff clark, ornato, nick luna, phil waldron, joe biggs, nordean, roger stone, kelly meggs, and all those who asked for pardons, gaetz, greene, jordan, gohmert, andy biggs, mo brooks, scott perry....if you can put all of them away for a good long time, then you've actually achieved something...trump is a washed up joke, and the only value in prosecuting him is in it's deterrent factor, a lesson for future fascists.
As Glenn says, justice is coming and when Donald is disposed of, it will make nailing the others for J6 much easier, with the Kingpin gone the only ones left to sell out will be congress people and senators. Putting Donald away is gonna be a kinda shock and awe warm up for the main event, where Jack will spend 99% of his time. Jack will go where the evidence goes and let the cards fall where they may, if he has a case against some of those congress people who requested pardons, he will pursue it. He will have a pretty good idea about why they wanted them and some of them should be sweating.

In one sense some republicans will just be glad Donald is gone, but won't say so, others will be terrified because they know what they said and did in meetings in furtherance of a conspiracy. Jack will have Trump's cronies by the balls and with Donald gone for life anyway, he won't need any inside info on him, though he will get that too. A senator would be worth more time off than a congressman and a government employee would be worth less still.

As I said, the criminal justice system "machine" will soon get ahold of Teflon Don, chew him up and shit him out into a cell of some sort. They dare not even paint the bars gold, because republicans in congress will make sure everything is done by the book without political intervention, or a minimum as required. The GOP in congress will end up fucking Donald the most as everything will be done by the book and the government would have to justify doing anything different with him to GOP congress. Maybe they will insist he be incarcerated near DC so Kevin can visit him for instructions weekly? :lol:
As Glenn says, justice is coming and when Donald is disposed of, it will make nailing the others for J6 much easier, with the Kingpin gone the only ones left to sell out will be congress people and senators. Putting Donald away is gonna be a kinda shock and awe warm up for the main event, where Jack will spend 99% of his time. Jack will go where the evidence goes and let the cards fall where they may, if he has a case against some of those congress people who requested pardons, he will pursue it. He will have a pretty good idea about why they wanted them and some of them should be sweating.

In one sense some republicans will just be glad Donald is gone, but won't say so, others will be terrified because they know what they said and did in meetings in furtherance of a conspiracy. Jack will have Trump's cronies by the balls and with Donald gone for life anyway, he won't need any inside info on him, though he will get that too. A senator would be worth more time off than a congressman and a government employee would be worth less still.

As I said, the criminal justice system "machine" will soon get ahold of Teflon Don, chew him up and shit him out into a cell of some sort. They dare not even paint the bars gold, because republicans in congress will make sure everything is done by the book without political intervention, or a minimum as required. The GOP in congress will end up fucking Donald the most as everything will be done by the book and the government would have to justify doing anything different with him to GOP congress. Maybe they will insist he be incarcerated near DC so Kevin can visit him for instructions weekly? :lol:
i have absolutely no confidence that trump will ever see the inside of a cell. none. i do think they'll charge him, and quite possibly convict him, but they aren't going to put trump in a cell, how the fuck would they accommodate his secret service detail? how would that detail guarantee his safety? or their own? why would you want to put him with what would be a potential army for him to rouse? put him in the cheapest, shittiest "safehouse" the FBI runs, in some place with horrible weather, away from any media outlets. put a shock collar fence around the place and put the tag on his ankle...let him wonder around...he gets no visitors, no phone, no internet, no unsupervised mail correspondence...and no ketchup.
he can fade into history, only a lesson in future textbooks about the dangers of authoritarianism and fascism.
my eyes are permanently bloodshot, i see rosier than that, and am still this pessimistic...
We should know in a couple of weeks, after Georgia, but the smoke signals on the horizon look positive. All the usual lawyers are optimistic and Jack's rep travels before him. Donald is in a panic so that should tell you something, you seem more confident than Trump right now that he will slip away on a trail of slime. I believe the only question now is where he will spend the rest of his miserable life and that is up to the people who run federal prisons as to how glided his cage will be.
don't be sad, the trump v repub feud is just getting started. no way he thought he would be passed over by the rnc for desantis. time to air the dirty laundry about everybody!!
that's the thing, i don't think trump knows shit about shit...people have implied all along that he has some kind of leverage, but i just don't see it, the only leverage i see him having is the army of asshole idiots who he has conned into believing his every word.
and the willing self implication of half of the republican party in his incompetent, miserably failed coup attempt, but that is hardly a secret.
that's the thing, i don't think trump knows shit about shit...people have implied all along that he has some kind of leverage, but i just don't see it, the only leverage i see him having is the army of asshole idiots who he has conned into believing his every word.
and the willing self implication of half of the republican party in his incompetent, miserably failed coup attempt, but that is hardly a secret.
i think he received some very good kompromat on lots of republicans via putin and saudi and won't be afraid to put it out there if he thinks he "might" somehow win. him winning potus is his best and only chance of staying out of prison
i think he received some very good kompromat on lots of republicans via putin and saudi and won't be afraid to put it out there if he thinks he "might" somehow win. him winning potus is his best and only chance of staying out of prison
I don't think he will have long to use it, if he has it, we should know by the end of the year for sure, what the future holds for Donald. Once he is indicated he might have trouble with the conditions of release, if he manages to get released until trial. Jack is gonna throw all his threats, doxing and intimidation in his lawyer's face at the plea hearing when Donald is looking for pretrial release. He might not walk out of his plea hearing.
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