Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow


Active Member
I would stick with it unless you dont mind starting over. I think they can pull out of it. I burned mine with nutes at first but they came back and are growing like no other.:hump:

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm going to try something crazy here and it will probably end up putting the final nail in the coffin for these little guys, but I figure this is my first run so I might as well make all my mistakes now before my white widow seeds come.

1) Decided to put in 1/2 dosage of nutrients (Envy A+B).
2) Filled reservoir to brim, past fill mark.
3) pH remains at 6.0


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm going to try something crazy here and it will probably end up putting the final nail in the coffin for these little guys, but I figure this is my first run so I might as well make all my mistakes now before my white widow seeds come.

1) Decided to put in 1/2 dosage of nutrients (Envy A+B).
2) Filled reservoir to brim, past fill mark.
3) pH remains at 6.0
Theyll be dead by tomorrow! If anything i would have added like canna rhizotinic to help emout with the stress factors.not more nutes!Start off with 1/4 strength when you start over.and wait a good month or until the first lil set of round leaves start to yellow and die.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Day 17 - Friday, 12/5/2008

Day/Night Schedule: 24/0
pH: 6.0

So after making the hasty decision Wednesday evening to add nutrients, I'm pleased to announce (at the risk of jinxing it!) that my plants are recovering nicely!! When I checked them this morning, large new leaves had sprouted on 5 of the 6 plants, and they are bright green! :mrgreen: If you look at them with a magnifying glass, you can also see that they are coated with very fine, nearly invisible hairs--a feature which had disappeared during the sick period. Every plant has nearly sloughed off the yellow/brown decaying leaves.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Theyll be dead by tomorrow! If anything i would have added like canna rhizotinic to help emout with the stress factors.not more nutes!Start off with 1/4 strength when you start over.and wait a good month or until the first lil set of round leaves start to yellow and die.
Yeah, it was definitely a big risk, but these nutrients are apparently lauded for their mellowness. How long does it usually take nute burn to set in?

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
well,damn they shakin back??Good looking out for the babies!Are those Organics?
Like a Polaroid picture!!! :hump: I'm not sure if they're organic, here's what the description says:

Formulated with nutrient carriers that contain no unnecessary ingredients to interfere with plant growth, that can pollute nutrient solutions and eventually cause unnecessary vegetative growth. Contains NO chloride or sodium! Formulated with calcium nitrates that encourage a larger and stronger cell structure of calcium pectate. The cell is then less susceptible to disease and pests, thus giving more efficient water-nutrient intake. When growing under artificial lighting, the proportionate balance of phosphorus and potassium found in Envy is essential in maintaining a healthy metabolism during the entire bloom cycle.

Made with nutrient carriers that have a low osmotic pressure. Nutrients, such as salts having too high osmotic pressure can leach water and nutrients from plant roots, causing fertilizer burn. pH regulated to ensure a stable and clear ionic concentrate that will not form a precipitated concentrate.

Will post pics this evening!


Well-Known Member
Like a Polaroid picture!!! :hump: I'm not sure if they're organic, here's what the description says:
Formulated with nutrient carriers that contain no unnecessary ingredients to interfere with plant growth, that can pollute nutrient solutions and eventually cause unnecessary vegetative growth. Contains NO chloride or sodium! Formulated with calcium nitrates that encourage a larger and stronger cell structure of calcium pectate. The cell is then less susceptible to disease and pests, thus giving more efficient water-nutrient intake. When growing under artificial lighting, the proportionate balance of phosphorus and potassium found in Envy is essential in maintaining a healthy metabolism during the entire bloom cycle.

Made with nutrient carriers that have a low osmotic pressure. Nutrients, such as salts having too high osmotic pressure can leach water and nutrients from plant roots, causing fertilizer burn. pH regulated to ensure a stable and clear ionic concentrate that will not form a precipitated concentrate.

Will post pics this evening!
ooohhhhh.....ok i mix those into the nutes!i gotcha.The hydro guy told you right.The envy is to mae your plants shake back from stresses and helps rebuild root developement!You did the right thing.if you can take sum pics and post em...i wanna SEE what they did cause i know the shape the babies were in.So i might wanna get summa dat!


Active Member
say, when you add nutz (i bought the fox farm six) i should empty the ag res right? then add new lukewarm water then the nutz, right? which one? thanks..

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
say, when you add nutz (i bought the fox farm six) i should empty the ag res right? then add new lukewarm water then the nutz, right? which one? thanks..
Definitely use lukewarm water, cold water will shock the roots. What stage of the grow are you at? Have you added nutes already? If not, it may not be necessary to flush the whole reservoir. Since I was using a half strength solution, I mixed it up with a half gallon of water, which I had room for in the reservoir. If you're already filled to the brim, you may need to flush some of the water to make room for the nutted water. I think this partial flushing may be preferable to doing a complete flush, since I've heard complete flushes put stress on the plants. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

If you've already added nutes, this is what I read on a hydroponics site, it sounds like good advice:
After two weeks of using the same nutrient solution, it is time for a nutrient change. The plants may have been using all of the nutrients up except for one, and now you might be heading for a nutrient imbalance. It is a good idea to run a tank full of plain water (or 1/4 strength nutrient solution) for a day in between nutrient changes, to flush out any nutrient buildup. During every nutrient change, consider using hydrogen peroxide to keep things clean and healthy.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Day 18 - Saturday, 12/6/2008

Day/Night Schedule: 21/3
pH: 6.0

1) Bright green color has returned to all plants. Nearly every plant has sloughed off the yellow, brown lower leaves.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1722652]Nice banana!!!! good to see your babies are healthy again, good luck, +REP[/quote]

Thanks SICC!!! I'm so relieved I could save my babies!! :joint: