I’ve gone through a dozen ph meters over the years. More than 3/4 of them died because the solution leaked out of the cap and the probe dried out and died. Sometimes I’d have a month or 2 between grows, and no matter how I stored it, they would always dry out. After moving and restarting yet again, I talked to the new grow store owner about ph pens and they said just keep it in a cup of distilled water. I asked them if I could do this in a mason jar and keep a lid on to prevent evaporation, because - “been there done that”. They said it was a good idea, so I tried. Despite the ph meter being waterproof, it fried it from the humidity. I came back to the store and got a replacement meter. She said what I did couldn’t possible hurt the meter because it was waterproof, and simply sitting in a humid jar meant my kids must have shaken the jar or something. So, fuck me, I did it again, and hid the jar from sight. Fried yet another ph meter. I started reading about ph meters…..
There are different types of meters with different types of probes. Some require different storage solutions and indifferent care. Apera instruments ph pen uses a type of probe, that if it dries out, it’s not dead. It can also be stored in plain water (although not ideal). They sell replacement probes too. Read your pen’s manual, some probes can be stored in distilled water, some cannot - itl actually ruin the probe. Some have tighter fitting caps, some are shit and leak. Get yourself a probe that will not die if it dries out, and get one that the probe can be replaced. For $50 bucks the Apera ph20 is a good deal. Carrying case, laminated instructions, calibration and storage solutions included, and the company is American - so you get English speaking tech support during normal business hours (for the US).
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