Sir Napsalot
Well-Known Member
it gets better … in one he is his own prison guard
That's cringingly juvenile
it gets better … in one he is his own prison guard
You’re not wrong…I figure they traded in their hoods for red MAGA hats and that's what keeps her afloat. The people in her district can't know their assholes from a hole in the ground or know the basic difference between right and wrong FFS. People should have to pay a price for being that fucking stupid and inflicting such an asshole on humanity!
document shredders shaped like golden toilets?I wonder how much the MAGA crowd here has collectively* ponied up for his retirement over the last eight years (*a fiercely independent yet predictable collective, to be sure).
Next it’ll be steaks again, but this time, each one will be laser-branded with his image at the factory….
After that, who knows? Straps for their truck nuts?
Environmentally unfriendly cosmetics for manly men and their docile partners?
An NFT of Orange Julius dancing to YMCA while watching Russian hookers pee on the bed Obama slept in?
(A guy I used to know, as “Tom Cotton”):
How does good ole boy Tom vote on Ukrainian aid? Is he with Mitch on that?Tom Cotton makes me think of the devolution from T Rex to the chicken. I’m not sure why, but I expect his face will forever associated with that of a chicken because of this
$99 per NFT "card".News from the Trump’s Mar a Lardass Basement ..
So this “ announcement “ ended up being stupid NFT like digital trading cards ….. Showing trump in tights , taking a shit , eating children .
$99 dollars a pop.
The video starts with Trump greeting viewers as “Hopefully your favorite president of all time, better than Lincoln, better than Washington.” He promises that purchasers “will join a very exclusive community, my community, that I think it’s something you’re going to like and you’re gonna like it a lot.”
The sales launch features a “sweepstakes” with prizes including dinner with Trump; a group cocktail hour at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida; a one-on-one meeting with the former president and a round of golf. Trump is also offering individual and group Zoom sessions, signed memorabilia and “Golden Edition signed e-trading cards” as prizes.
Fans who buy 45 digital trading cards, which would cost $4,455 before any taxes or fees, are “guaranteed a ticket to attend a gala a dinner with Trump in South Florida,” the site says.
I think people will want gas or food before buying into this crazy bullshit.
Even so, he better line up a venue, perhaps at Ritz-Carlton Diesel Dismantling LLC.$99 per NFT "card".
It's a scam. Has to be. It's a vehicle for Russian money to prop Trump up and a place to send dirty money that needs washing. I'm willing to bet that tens of thousands of "tickets to attend a gala" are never redeemed.
someone who can stand to look at him for that long, should photoshop his real, fat, orange ass onto gets better … in one he is his own prison guard
I don't know, i read that, and can't see any obvious advantage to his position, which worries me. I don't like it when republicans do something inexplicable...Which, unfortunately, is just about every day.This one has me stumped. What is their opposition really about?
Bing. Usually their dog in the hunt is obvious.I don't know, i read that, and can't see any obvious advantage to his position, which worries me. I don't like it when republicans do something inexplicable...Which, unfortunately, is just about every day.
it’s a national embarrassment.fucking ducey is such an's typical magat behavior, make some kind of grandstanding stupid spectacle that doesn't solve a fucking thing, but does create new problems...that's the republican way.