Donald Trump Private Citizen

Bannon and Flynn are not impressed and should be growing more worried by the day themselves, they will no longer have Donald to sell out for a deal, so they had better know about some congress people and government officials, perhaps some who financed the operation would be worth time off? I'm sure Stevo knows lot's of stupid bastards he could sell out, but would they be worth anything to Jack? The hope must have drained right out of them when they saw the farce unfold, they were live streaming at the time... :lol:

Trump's Latest Grift Is Too Much For Even Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn

41,416 views Dec 16, 2022
Donald Trump's big Thursday announcement is too much for even for two of his closest allies Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn.
Grifters gonna grift


i believe it was either Hannimal or Fog who said it has to be some kind of money laundering scam...i would be REALLY interested to see the list of purchasers for trump's nfts...i'm wondering how many Chinese, russian, or Saudi names would be on it, and how many they bought, each?

it is, these nfts are exactly that....way for him to get money quick skeem....just like his Cpac, the truth thing, and whatever else. Once a con artist always a con artist.....
i believe it was either Hannimal or Fog who said it has to be some kind of money laundering scam...i would be REALLY interested to see the list of purchasers for trump's nfts...i'm wondering how many Chinese, russian, or Saudi names would be on it, and how many they bought, each?
Ya just need an email address...
NFT's are a scam inside the crypto scam. Most are in the hands of trump and his cronies that just buy back and forth from each other to pump up the price. They probably have a call center like operation with dozens of people using hundreds of different account addresses to make it look like there are a bunch of unique entities trading pumping up the price and waiting for a sucker to come along.

Even with the fake trading volume the market cap is just a few million which is absolutely nothing. His hard core base isn't smart enough to even know how to take possession of an NFT.

The NFT's are a joke but during his so called big announcement his reference to himself being better than Lincoln and Washington is just sickening.
it is, these nfts are exactly that....way for him to get money quick skeem....just like his Cpac, the truth thing, and whatever else. Once a con artist always a con artist.....
no, this seems like more than a grift...i think that it is a money laundering scam...the chinese-saudis-russians give him dirty cash, he gives them NFTS and 75% of their cash back...or something along those lines, i'm neither an accountant or an embezzler, but this sure seems shady as shit to me.
who owns the company that makes the NFTs? i read that it isn't trump owned, but they didn't say who did own it.
why does this not surprise me.......
You haven't seen desperate and stupid freaking out yet, wait till Jack indicts him! Right now he is self destructing in public, so let him freak and sell bullshit "cards" for a spell, he often confesses and provides evidence when he does interviews and hold's rallies. He is whittling himself self down to a manageable size the longer he is waiting to be indicted and the more damage he does to the republicans in the meantime.
no, this seems like more than a grift...i think that it is a money laundering scam...the chinese-saudis-russians give him dirty cash, he gives them NFTS and 75% of their cash back...or something along those lines, i'm neither an accountant or an embezzler, but this sure seems shady as shit to me.
who owns the company that makes the NFTs? i read that it isn't trump owned, but they didn't say who did own it.

looks like he licensed it out is what i'm reading.....

here is a little more on NFT's too.....and they're a major scam