Well-Known Member
Bannon and Flynn are not impressed and should be growing more worried by the day themselves, they will no longer have Donald to sell out for a deal, so they had better know about some congress people and government officials, perhaps some who financed the operation would be worth time off? I'm sure Stevo knows lot's of stupid bastards he could sell out, but would they be worth anything to Jack? The hope must have drained right out of them when they saw the farce unfold, they were live streaming at the time...
Trump's Latest Grift Is Too Much For Even Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn
41,416 views Dec 16, 2022
Donald Trump's big Thursday announcement is too much for even for two of his closest allies Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn.

Trump's Latest Grift Is Too Much For Even Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn
41,416 views Dec 16, 2022
Donald Trump's big Thursday announcement is too much for even for two of his closest allies Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn.