Elons Little Plan


Well-Known Member
We are laughing our asses off at you blowing 44+ billion and are going up in flames while yer burning on your own bonfire of the vanities. You should hire Obermann, give him a taser and tell him to zap you when you do or say something stupid, he'll call you a fucking idiot while doing it for free.

He has no clue as to how big an asshole he is with this tweet, like Trump, Elon probably doesn't own a dog, if he does, someone else formed an attachment with it and gave it love and attention.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
We are laughing our asses off at you blowing 44+ billion and are going up in flames while yer burning on your own bonfire of the vanities. You should hire Obermann, give him a taser and tell him to zap you when you do or say something stupid, he'll call you a fucking idiot while doing it for free.

He has no clue as to how big an asshole he is with this tweet, like Trump, Elon probably doesn't own a dog, if he does, someone else formed an attachment with it and gave it love and attention.

about what i expect from someone who tortured thousands of animals for stupid, unnecessary, FAILED medical experiments...fucking douchebag


Well-Known Member
about what i expect from someone who tortured thousands of animals for stupid, unnecessary, FAILED medical experiments...fucking douchebag
I'm sure Elon made sure such responses never saw the light of day and one reason why Obermann hates his guts, it was a dog RESCUE page, not one about his dog. Elon does not want to get into that kind of public fight with his record of animal abuse for profit. Most good people suspect and hate people who are cruel to dogs and cats, the most vulnerable and least protected among us. It should be a flashing red light to anybody driven by values and their hearts that such people are most likely dangerous to humans too.


Well-Known Member

How Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Endangers The Free Press

5,923 views Dec 18, 2022 #ElonMusk #Twitter #Journalists
Elon Musk has reinstated the Twitter accounts of several journalists he suspended, but he’s already had a chilling effect on the media. “It further disrupts and dismantles a really important piece of our larger information ecosystem,” Media Matters president Angelo Carusone tells MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

How Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Endangers The Free Press

5,923 views Dec 18, 2022 #ElonMusk #Twitter #Journalists
Elon Musk has reinstated the Twitter accounts of several journalists he suspended, but he’s already had a chilling effect on the media. “It further disrupts and dismantles a really important piece of our larger information ecosystem,” Media Matters president Angelo Carusone tells MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez.
muck is done, it's just a matter of time. big advertisers are staying away, and that's pretty much all of twitter's income. he's ruining the value of everything he is involved with. soon he'll be an even bigger joke than trump.


Well-Known Member
What happened to all the Muskrat love from just a few years ago?

Muskrat, muskrat candlelight
Doin' the town and doin' it right
In the evenin', it's pretty pleasin'

Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug
Out in the muskrat land
And they shimmy
Sam is so skinny



Well-Known Member
Even if he left the job, he would just appoint some rightwing fascist asshole who was less public about his politics. Elon uses Twitter polls as a way out of mistakes, like banning journalists, he gets the results he wants. Maybe his backers and bankers are telling him to take a hike and put an adult in charge, or they will sue his ass personally if he causes it to go belly up and they lose their money. A poll is an ego saving device, the great one bows to the "will of the people" and gets out of potential liability for running it into the ground.



Well-Known Member
More and more like Trump every day, projecting bigly now. I think his bankers fear bankrupcey and Elon screwing them as he drives Twitter into the ground. They might have threatened to sue his ass personally if he doesn't get out and get replaced by an adult, a Twitter poll is a face saving device.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
More and more like Trump every day, projecting bigly now. I think his bankers fear bankrupcey and Elon screwing them as he drives Twitter into the ground. They might have threatened to sue his ass personally if he doesn't get out and get replaced by an adult, a Twitter poll is a face saving device.
he IS more like trump every day. a useless, self interested, mean spirited, bigoted asshole.


Well-Known Member
What happened to all the Muskrat love from just a few years ago?

Muskrat, muskrat candlelight
Doin' the town and doin' it right
In the evenin', it's pretty pleasin'

Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug
Out in the muskrat land
And they shimmy
Sam is so skinny

I think Musk was always a right wing troll 'owning the libs'. Buying up a company that was about to get some major government funding that he knew he could use to stuff his pockets with in the mid-late 2000's seems like a no brainer.

I wouldn't doubt that he has always considered letting Tesla collapse after the other actual auto companies started catching up to the company he bought out.

Hatched back in the 90's with this other dickhead.
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Though they would have you believe otherwise, traditional social media platforms remain fertile grounds for right-wing ideas—and misinformation. Conservatives complain of censorship and deplatforming, but often from the very platforms they say are biased against them: Provocateurs like Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity consistently dominate Facebook. MAGA lawmakers like Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have all but replaced governing with tweeting. And there has been a great deal of reporting on the role YouTube has played in amplifying alt-right extremist content. Republicans can cry about anti-conservative bias on social media, but the tech companies they love to hate have been an important part of their project over the last decade.

Still, it is true that these digital spaces have changed in recent months. Donald Trump was kicked off Twitter and suspended from Facebook after instigating a deadly riot on Capitol Hill and has basically been reduced to blogging to give voice to his every stray thought. The companies have shown a little more assertiveness in rooting out conspiratorial content. And, at least for a time, Apple, Google, and Amazon iced Parler, the “free speech” social media app many Trump supporters had defected to. Claims of anti-conservative deplatforming are overstated, but the right is beginning to find that at least some standards are finally being enforced on traditional sites.

Enter Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance. Increasingly influential figures in the MAGA universe, the pair recently made “significant” investments in Rumble, according to the Wall Street Journal, giving a further boost to the video-sharing platform that is becoming a home for many on the right. “This will be a major play against Big Tech,” Rumble Chief Executive Chris Pavlovskitold the Journal of the reported investments. Rumble did not say how much money Thiel and Vance had pumped into the insurgent YouTube alternative. But the involvement of prominent figures on the MAGA right could bestow a level of Trumpworld legitimacy on the Toronto-based company, which a Wired investigation this month found to be a prolific promoter of misinformation and toxic content.

Thiel, who is still on the board at Facebook, has been parlaying his status as Silicon Valley’s biggest Trump supporter into a role as a Republican megadonor, seemingly interested in playing a part in the GOP’s push to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Vance, the venture capitalist who came to the public consciousness with the memoir Hillbilly Elegy, may soon be a key component of that project, with Thiel providing financial support for the author’s potential Senate bid in Ohio. Having previously capitalized on Trump’s rise by purporting to be a kind of window into the disaffected white working class for out-of-touch elites blindsided by the 2016 election, Vance has more recently capitalized on the kind of online trolling that helped fuel the former president’s political movement. Vance’s style is a bit more measured, but it seems designed to produce the same effect: Piss off the libs, delight the right, and ride the ill-gotten relevance to power.

Thiel’s position on Facebook and Vance’s shit-stirring on Twitter would seem to undercut conservatives’ claims that those more established platforms have become inhospitable. But the conservatives pumping money into Rumble could allow a real alternative to grow, in a way that support from the likes of Donald Trump Jr. and Dan Bongino can’t. At the very least, it could allow two ambitious up-and-comers in MAGA politics to boost their reputations as right-wing power-players.


Well-Known Member
I think Musk was always a right wing troll 'owning the libs'. Buying up a company that was about to get some major government funding that he knew he could use to stuff his pockets with in the mid-late 2000's seems like a no brainer.

I wouldn't doubt that he has always considered letting Tesla collapse after the other actual auto companies started catching up to the company he bought out.

Hatched back in the 90's with this other dickhead.
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View attachment 5239537
The problem is the scale of the internet and tax policy allows them to get so much richer than average people or most traditional businesses it took a century to build. The scale is the issue, they can buy radio networks, newspapers and start TV networks with pocket change. It's become like Jedi knights, ya need good billionaires to fight the bad ones while we are just pawns crushed beneath their feet as the titans do battle and the rest catch the blood and piss that trickles down.

Railways led to this concentration of wealth as America grew in the gilded age and the internet has done the same in the global age of billionaires. It will get worse as robots and AI concentrate wealth even more with those who can afford it and people are needed less to produce and above all else to sell! So are we going to end up with billionaire rule using republican like creatures and the rest of us seen as useless mouths to feed, or is another destiny possible?


Well-Known Member
I don't agree, Elon is using other people's money, he is running twitter personally and they will sue his ass personally, if he drives it into the ground and the trial will be messy, very messy. He'd like to bankrupt it and get out from under the debt, but the bankers would have a good case in court against him if he did. The Arabs wouldn't be in court, their bankers and lawyers would be though.
