from which breeder? There are dozens of options and blueberry is made by a cross it's not a landrace/heirloom
The issue as I understand is that the blueberry from DJ short does not taste like the blueberry many of us smoked back in the late 90's early 00's anymore. The story goes that the plant that was being used back then was lost as far as I have heard and since then we have had a diluted 'kind of blueberry-ish' but more fruit/floral option. This is why you see many nostalgic people looking for that old school blueberry.
Also I do not know how much to buy into them saying these blueberry packs are circa 90's. Maybe that's where the line originates but each filial generation after seems to have ruined it. I have not had anyone tell me the F4 or F5 from DJ are the same as old school. In fact I have had more people say F4 isn't it, not bad but not blueberry and regarding F5 people have told me don't even waste your time, they ruined it. As I mentioned in an earlier post not even DJ/JD or Blue Star use the F5 for breeding, they all use the F4 or F3 (that to me says something).
Now they released 90's blues which claims to be DJ Short 98 F4 Blueberry X F4 Circa 95 Blueberry..
If that F4 circa 95 is real I would have to assume that is the one we all want. Why wouldn't they just release that instead of mixing it with F4?
/end blueberry rant