Metal Heads Unite

i tried but not my style

That's what I've loved about music my entire life. You can mold what you like to listen to into your own experience. I heard some great Priest influence in it. Other Priest fans might hate it for all I know.

I pick apart music. A lot. I actually annoy myself with it sometimes. :bigjoint:
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These guys are going to be in town October 31st. Playing the same room I saw Arch Enemy in on Easter Sunday.

From album of the show I went to at the Starlite. Downtown hotspot for addicts! At least the "pathway" leading to the doors.

These guys are going to be in town October 31st. Playing the same room I saw Arch Enemy in on Easter Sunday.

never seen them but do listen. they get within driving distance of me in PORTLAND, OR but I can’t make that date. too bad, small venue