Examples of GOP Leadership

That brings with it an entire raft of problems. The cure might be worse than the disease.
You have rules now, this would just tighten them up and systemize the process. Documents above a certain level could only be displayed on a special secure tablet computer whose screen can't be photographed by a phone camera. These can be tracked and even remotely wiped or wipe automatically if out of range of the signal for a set period of time. The contents cant be transfered to a computer of even be printed and a camera on the device even sees who is looking at the screen when it is on. Technical solutions can help a lot, but can be hacked too, however the documents would be tracked better and information keep off internet connected computers. Someone with a cellphone, access and nefarious intent could photograph a lot of secret documents. Steal a tablet and it fries itself at the WH gate and you need a thumb print to turn it on.
You have rules now, this would just tighten them up and systemize the process. Documents above a certain level could only be displayed on a special secure tablet computer whose screen can't be photographed by a phone camera. These can be tracked and even remotely wiped or wipe automatically if out of range of the signal for a set period of time. The contents cant be transfered to a computer of even be printed and a camera on the device even sees who is looking at the screen when it is on. Technical solutions can help a lot, but can be hacked too, however the documents would be tracked better and information keep off internet connected computers. Someone with a cellphone, access and nefarious intent could photograph a lot of secret documents. Steal a tablet and it fries itself at the WH gate and you need a thumb print to turn it on.
You’re talking about something different.
You’re talking about something different.
It is a potential solution to a problem with top secret information that utilizes technology to make up for human short comings. The new tightened rules would still apply, but more immediate changes will need to be implemented administratively by Biden and legislatively by congress to deal with paper.
It is a potential solution to a problem with top secret information that utilizes technology to make up for human short comings. The new tightened rules would still apply, but more immediate changes will need to be implemented administratively by Biden and legislatively by congress to deal with paper.
Which, if I read it right, is not what Bagginski was saying.
Which, if I read it right, is not what Bagginski was saying.
From the flow of the thread I though his concerns were motivated by the documents issue, among others. America has been using administrative acts, laws and the courts to cover holes in the constitution since the founding, amendments too, if possible. Nothing new with what he is proposing, changes and improvements need to be made, it's just that political gridlock, crazies and fascists make it difficult to adapt to the times. It's also why the courts have so much power, even when laws are passed, corruptly motivated amendments make them ambiguous or difficult to enforce. Abortion would not be an issue for instance, with federal law ensuring women's fundamental human and constitutional rights, it would cut the "conservatives" on the court off at the knees.

‘Trolls’ and ‘Liars’: The definitive debunking of Trump AG Bill Barr

22,895 views Jan 25, 2023 #msnbc #billbarr #mueller
MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber debunks Bill Barr’s defense of his conduct handling the Mueller Report, and draws on legal precedent and MSNBC's real-time reporting to fact-check Barr's claims.

Demands for DOJ & Senate Judiciary investigation of new misconduct allegations about Brett Kavanaugh

18,928 views Jan 25, 2023 #TeamJustice
A new documentary titled "Justice" recently premiered and revealed allegations of misconduct by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, including an allegation by a "friend" of Kavanaugh's asserting that he may have lied during his confirmation hearing testimony. A nonprofit organization, Free Speech for People, has written letters to the Department of Justice and the Senate Judiciary Committee demanding these allegations be investigated. Additionally, an investigation should finally be launched into the 4500 citizen tips that were solicited by the FBI during Kavanaugh's background investigation. Not only did these tips go un-investigated, but the FBI turned them over to the very people, Donald Trump and his White House counsel, who had every incentive to bury the tips in their zeal to see the Trump nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court.

To sign the petition demanding that Kavanaugh be investigated, please go to:

That won’t give your allies much comfort.
No shit,as a caveat the US has previously tried to reform standards to cut down on the process of classified documents(way to many per annum),that said it provides little comfort to anyone in a high risk environment being exposed. there is no excuse for any documentation in the "secret" or "top secret" categories ever seeing the light of day outside their secure hosting. Seems to me as our politics have turned into a shit show so has our common sense on national security procedures. Only remaining question,"What else have we FKD up"?
No shit,as a caveat the US has previously tried to reform standards to cut down on the process of classified documents(way to many per annum),that said it provides little comfort to anyone in a high risk environment being exposed. there is no excuse for any documentation in the "secret" or "top secret" categories ever seeing the light of day outside their secure hosting. Seems to me as our politics have turned into a shit show so has our common sense on national security procedures. Only remaining question,"What else have we FKD up"?
Being a citizen of one of your ally countries, I hope Trudeau’s subscription to Rogaine is never exposed.
It's that more perfect union thing mentioned in the constitution, you are part of a process that is unfolding over time with technological change driving social and economic change. People are getting better over time with education and a larger culture with it's expectations. Liberal democracy arcs over centuries and it grows to include more people with more just laws, more evenly applied. The constitution was made to be amended and if political grid lock is broken, so too is much of the power of the courts. Too often the courts have had to step in because political change has not kept up with social change. America has minority rule, it is not enough to have even a sizable majority with gerrymandering and the senate represents geography, not people and they still have the filibuster of 60 votes. Even the POTUS can be elected by a minority of the citizens. More democracy would solve many of these issues, though some are inherent with the constitution and it's amendments.
That's really good,all I'd say is looking at some gerrymandered districts geographically is hilarious and makes one ponder the legality of these ridiculous carve outs. The electoral college is a more perplexing problem as it was intended some kind of safeguard to the pop. vote against a potential protest vote "and the winner is Donald Duck",though it's a tough pill to swallow when a clown who loses by 1 million votes wins the presidency. What I don't particularly like is that very rural states get 2 Senators,way to much influence in deciding per capita issues in this country. I do however understand that something had to be done to give rural states some kind of inclusion in gov. w/fairness in mind.
Heeeeeeeeeeees,dreamy, surprised he hasn't graduated to a more newfangled baldness regimen,turn him on to Keeps.com.
I’ve mentioned this before but having been a fan of Star Trek Next Generation, I was disillusioned with the premise that while discovering how to travel faster than the speed of light, humans still haven’t solved the problem of male pattern baldness.
I’ve mentioned this before but having been a fan of Star Trek Next Generation, I was disillusioned with the premise that while discovering how to travel faster than the speed of light, humans still haven’t solved the problem of male pattern baldness.
Maybe they just quit seeing it as a problem? Picard didn't seem to have any trouble finding willing female companionship, without resorting to a Shatner rug or a trump combover.
I'm pretty sure Jean Luc Picard was supposed to be gay. Riker and Warf (Son of Mogh) were the ones pulling chicks. La Forge was straight, just had no game.