It's that more perfect union thing mentioned in the constitution, you are part of a process that is unfolding over time with technological change driving social and economic change. People are getting better over time with education and a larger culture with it's expectations. Liberal democracy arcs over centuries and it grows to include more people with more just laws, more evenly applied. The constitution was made to be amended and if political grid lock is broken, so too is much of the power of the courts. Too often the courts have had to step in because political change has not kept up with social change. America has minority rule, it is not enough to have even a sizable majority with gerrymandering and the senate represents geography, not people and they still have the filibuster of 60 votes. Even the POTUS can be elected by a minority of the citizens. More democracy would solve many of these issues, though some are inherent with the constitution and it's amendments.