Got served with an 'injunction against harassment' today.

I lost a flat coat retriever to a douche who claimed he “feared for his LIEfe “
If I we’re you I would emphasize the fear you felt for your well being more so than the dogs
Maybe even mention possible innocent others who could have been harmed
Just a tip on people who suck like that
And you still have to live with the moron
My witness happens to be my mother, and she was standing within 10 feet of me when he was waving the gun around. Not the first time I had a gun pulled on me, and I don't particularly value my life all that much to begin with, so I didn't really feel any fear - just rage. It's kinda funny that in his written statement, he said he ran off the road at the dogs because my dog and the neighbor's were supposedly attacking his dog. I guess in the land of Fucktardia, tire tracks are preferable to bite wounds? Guess nothing's gonna kill his dog but him. Each of us have stood at the fence and fed the other's dogs treats and shit. He's interacted with these dogs more than enough to know they're no threat to him or his dog. He's just a cowardly old piece o' shit who had to scramble for some kind of justification and came up with that nonsense.
My witness happens to be my mother, and she was standing within 10 feet of me when he was waving the gun around. Not the first time I had a gun pulled on me, and I don't particularly value my life all that much to begin with, so I didn't really feel any fear - just rage. It's kinda funny that in his written statement, he said he ran off the road at the dogs because my dog and the neighbor's were supposedly attacking his dog. I guess in the land of Fucktardia, tire tracks are preferable to bite wounds? Guess nothing's gonna kill his dog but him. Each of us have stood at the fence and fed the other's dogs treats and shit. He's interacted with these dogs more than enough to know they're no threat to him or his dog. He's just a cowardly old piece o' shit who had to scramble for some kind of justification and came up with that nonsense.
Us old pieces o shit are dangerous
Be cautious with someone who doesn’t give a frick anymore
My witness happens to be my mother, and she was standing within 10 feet of me when he was waving the gun around. Not the first time I had a gun pulled on me, and I don't particularly value my life all that much to begin with, so I didn't really feel any fear - just rage. It's kinda funny that in his written statement, he said he ran off the road at the dogs because my dog and the neighbor's were supposedly attacking his dog. I guess in the land of Fucktardia, tire tracks are preferable to bite wounds? Guess nothing's gonna kill his dog but him. Each of us have stood at the fence and fed the other's dogs treats and shit. He's interacted with these dogs more than enough to know they're no threat to him or his dog. He's just a cowardly old piece o' shit who had to scramble for some kind of justification and came up with that nonsense.
What a two faced mf.Find a way to fuck his old ass up.I love a good enemy,but hate a two faced snake.
Us old pieces o shit are dangerous
Be cautious with someone who doesn’t give a frick anymore
If that applied to him, can't imagine I'd be here today. To me, everything he's done just screams "pussy" to me. Who knows? Maybe the same fantasy-world rules apply with me as well as his dog: run dogs down to "protect" them from fighting; shoot me to "protect" me from the savage ass beating he surely would have thrown me.
What a two faced mf.Find a way to fuck his old ass up.I love a good enemy,but hate a two faced snake.
I assume the possibility of me fucking him up is why he pulled the gun to begin with. I'm 20+ years younger and have about 80 pounds on him. I love a good fight, but he made it clear I won't be getting one from him. Next time he decides to play around with wiring and catches this place on fire, I definitely won't be in the fire brigade, that's for damn sure.
If that applied to him, can't imagine I'd be here today. To me, everything he's done just screams "pussy" to me. Who knows? Maybe the same fantasy-world rules apply with me as well as his dog: run dogs down to "protect" them from fighting; shoot me to "protect" me from the savage ass beating he surely would have thrown me.

I assume the possibility of me fucking him up is why he pulled the gun to begin with. I'm 20+ years younger and have about 80 pounds on him. I love a good fight, but he made it clear I won't be getting one from him. Next time he decides to play around with wiring and catches this place on fire, I definitely won't be in the fire brigade, that's for damn sure.
Man,one time I had a fat beagle so I put in straw.Well I got more concerned and put a clamp light on his was a doggy duplex but he knocked it down and it fell on the straw on its face and caught fire.nows he's in the cage with a fire! My neighbor came and put it out immediately. I thought of the dog trapped in there with a fire.
My mind kinda tends to go in the same direction as yours in a situation like this. If there had been some actual harm done, I'd probably be stewing and plotting. Nowadays, I'm just kinda old and tired, lacking the patience for that sort of subtlety. Since his house burned down a couple of years ago, he's living in a large dome-shed structure that he built a small apartment inside of. Lucky for him it's metal because it was only 10 feet from the house. He's single, has a small horde of stray cats that he feeds, a Sportster, beatup old pickup, and the dog. The only reason he has the dog is because the neighbor beside him just abandoned it there when she moved out several months ago. He was originally not planning on taking it in. He's a sad Vietnam vet in his late 60s who's living off Disability and odd jobs. I don't WANT to create more problems for the douchbag, but if he's thinking I'm gonna just quietly accept it when he tries to play the victim and make trouble for me, he should know me better than that by now.
My mind kinda tends to go in the same direction as yours in a situation like this. If there had been some actual harm done, I'd probably be stewing and plotting. Nowadays, I'm just kinda old and tired, lacking the patience for that sort of subtlety. Since his house burned down a couple of years ago, he's living in a large dome-shed structure that he built a small apartment inside of. Lucky for him it's metal because it was only 10 feet from the house. He's single, has a small horde of stray cats that he feeds, a Sportster, beatup old pickup, and the dog. The only reason he has the dog is because the neighbor beside him just abandoned it there when she moved out several months ago. He was originally not planning on taking it in. He's a sad Vietnam vet in his late 60s who's living off Disability and odd jobs. I don't WANT to create more problems for the douchbag, but if he's thinking I'm gonna just quietly accept it when he tries to play the victim and make trouble for me, he should know me better than that by now.

He sounds intelligent enough to know that moving forward with bad vibes next door isn't increasing his freedoms but I say anybody that waves a gun in your face is somebody to stay away from. different people settle their differences differently, I don't think I have to remind you.
Ya your right. It sounds like this guy has alot of mental scars.since nobody was ultimately hurt, I can pass a veteran.Especially one thats already seemingly living in his own personal hell.
Protect your rights, for sure. But protect yourself also. I’d make clear to the cops that the guy pulled a gun on you. That’s the kind of dude who shouldn’t be armed, and who could be a legitimate threat.
We had the hearing this morning. Motherfucker lied about literally 90%+ of every single detail he stated. Denied ever pulling a gun, etc. Even with the avalanche of bullshit he spewed, the Injunction against me was dismissed. Well, there's one less piece of shit who's gonna be putting his hand out and expecting any more help from me.
About 9 days ago, one of my dogs managed to bolt out of my gate before I could get it closed. Since my next-door neighbor's dog and mine are only separated by a wire fence, they're very familiar with each other and they're all friends. So that day, she gets out and goes in his yard, since he usually leaves his gate wide open and his dog could run free basically at will. She's in his yard running around with his dog, and his response is to pull his gun and chase her around, threatening to shoot her if she hurts his cats. She wanted to play with her friend, couldn't care less about his cats.

So after a couple of minutes, she runs out of his yard and I assume the episode is over. He gets in his truck and leaves. In the meantime, our two dogs were joined by yet another dog from the guy across the street. A few minutes later, douchebag comes back, sees all 3 dogs huddled up and doing dog things off the side of the road, and locks up his brakes and skids off the road trying to hit all 3 dogs. I'm kind of an animal person, so I was pretty fucking incredulous over seeing this. I walked out of my gate onto the side of the road, about 40-50 feet away and start verbally berating him. I'm yelling, "what the fuck are you doing?? did you lose your fucking mind" and stuff like that. The scumfuck then turns towards me, reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out a gun. Points it at me before swinging it around and yelling, "I'll just shoot these fucking dogs." As much as I despise cops and having to deal with them, there's just some shit you don't let slide. So I went to the local Sheriff's office and filed a report. Someone who'd pull a gun over this kinda bullshit clearly has impulse control issues, as well as just being a total coward, so I wanted it documented just in case he does something like this again. I'm the kinda asshole who'll typically be happy to oblige someone stepping up to me and wanting to start some shit, but can't do much about someone who's only got enough balls to wave a gun around from a safe distance.

Fast forward to today, I get a Constable at my gate to serve me the injunction against harassment. I read it and see that he lied about many of the details, saying me and my neighbor's dog were attacking his, so apparently his brilliant plan to "break up the fight" was to try to run all 3 of them down? Of course, the pantywaste completely omitted the whole brandishing and pointing the gun thing. Gonna go down to the Magistrate's office tomorrow and demand a hearing to contest this. People just fucking suck.

however, overtime , you’ll see only certain people behave that way.
When you realize this, it’s almost liberating to catch them and condemn them with evidence.
I had a boss trying to get me to quit-
He heard I was a hothead so he went for “button pushing” his prime mistake was he did all the bullying with text messages.
I reminded him that it was a text that it was written by him and legal and then I was going to submit it to the unemployment department.
He withered in defeat immediately!

so when you have these type of people try to record it. That’s how you get a conviction!
That’s how you stop I suck pump like that man from getting away with it.
You’re basically shaming the person.
You’re Shining a light on their childish behavior.
Remember, these people prefer to provoke an emotional response from you, instead of an intellectual response!
To use the law effectively, you have to prove your case. And these smart phones are just the tool to do it! Believe me! You’ll have more victories sooner than later! And maybe, just like me, those victories will bring great joy to you and your loved ones for the rest of your lives!

however, overtime , you’ll see only certain people behave that way.
When you realize this, it’s almost liberating to catch them and condemn them with evidence.
I had a boss trying to get me to quit-
He heard I was a hothead so he went for “button pushing” his prime mistake was he did all the bullying with text messages.
I reminded him that it was a text that it was written by him and legal and then I was going to submit it to the unemployment department.
He withered in defeat immediately!

so when you have these type of people try to record it. That’s how you get a conviction!
That’s how you stop I suck pump like that man from getting away with it.
You’re basically shaming the person.
You’re Shining a light on their childish behavior.
Remember, these people prefer to provoke an emotional response from you, instead of an intellectual response!
To use the law effectively, you have to prove your case. And these smart phones are just the tool to do it! Believe me! You’ll have more victories sooner than later! And maybe, just like me, those victories will bring great joy to you and your loved ones for the rest of your lives!
