
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Good Chance this will be the next lunatic we'll be dealing with in russia...i can smell the coup cooking...
he has a private army, he's pissed at the establishment...the establishment doesn't have men to spare, so moscow is probably poorly patrolled....
He's a straight up criminal, and criminals can usually be dealt with...psychopaths, not so much. i think it might be an upgrade from putin, for all his running his mouth. He won't want NATO kicking his tea cart over, so soon after attaining it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry,when you wake up every day expecting worse,you lose count:)
Sadly, you have TTSD. Trump Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's like PTSD but just from Trump. I had it but you can get rid of it.

1- We have a normal president.
2- He doesn't reveal shit, like a normal president.
3- He's not weak ie Railroad shutdown (this was for the 329M RURAL who get their 90-day via Amazon); SOTU 'Biden Says', just two recent examples.
4- He's strong, does not fear Putin and walked right up to the metaphorical line..will Putin go to Ukraine? Why not? he wants it really bad.

Limit your news to network. Stay off of Morning Joe and cable. A good show to watch would be Deadline Whitehouse.,it's two hours you can stream it later. Nichole Wallace, the host, was a Republican who helped to ready Sarah Palin as VP candidate..anyway, on MSNBC. No stress, excellent guests that aren't on the others that aren't duplicate of each other. I don't even watch Maddow anymore. I abhor stress reporting/angertainment.

You work on a golf course which in SoFla was the most quiet place in the world..I would play (little) take lessons (more) just to not listen to anything but the birds, other nature and pure nothing-ness..the quiet. If you have ear buds take them off when not using heavy equipment. You need a reset.

At home turn everything off for an hour close your eyes just sit/lay there..I've done this for 24 hours at a time.

As a career salesperson, my phone is almost always off or no sound now due to the stress put upon me by employers..when leadership was stressed on numbers I would get quota call 3x per day.

Trump was keeping you on the edge everyday- it's over now and you can disengage..you just have to remember how.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, the idea is to get rid of the fucker by defeating and destroying his army in Ukraine and perhaps finish it off in Belarus. Then fuck Russia with sanctions and make life living there so miserable they will have to get rid of him or the republics will want to break away to get out from under sanctions. In any case they would only be able to project force a few dozen kilometers from their rail supply heads after this war. If they want to try to out tech America and the west, good luck with that, over time we will choke off their sources of supply. I think we can work out a deal with China over trade with Russia, they do too much trade with the allies and Russia will have little money.

Vlad has been nuclear saber rattling for years and every time they are in deep shit, they pipe up with threats. Since the war in Ukraine went sideways for them, they have been threatening nukes even more, it would mean trouble with China and India for them and an escalation in arms shipments from the allies.


Well-Known Member
Good Chance this will be the next lunatic we'll be dealing with in russia...i can smell the coup cooking...
he has a private army, he's pissed at the establishment...the establishment doesn't have men to spare, so moscow is probably poorly patrolled....
He's a straight up criminal, and criminals can usually be dealt with...psychopaths, not so much. i think it might be an upgrade from putin, for all his running his mouth. He won't want NATO kicking his tea cart over, so soon after attaining it.
The army and security services would never go for it, neither would the Duma, there is a government and line of succession in Russia, they have a vice president, and he isn't it, officially he's a nobody. It would be his death or civil war if he tried to take over the government with his band of criminals and the rest are former army officers with divided loyalties.


Well-Known Member
Good Chance this will be the next lunatic we'll be dealing with in russia...i can smell the coup cooking...
he has a private army, he's pissed at the establishment...the establishment doesn't have men to spare, so moscow is probably poorly patrolled....
He's a straight up criminal, and criminals can usually be dealt with...psychopaths, not so much. i think it might be an upgrade from putin, for all his running his mouth. He won't want NATO kicking his tea cart over, so soon after attaining it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Like I said, the idea is to get rid of the fucker by defeating and destroying his army in Ukraine and perhaps finish it off in Belarus. Then fuck Russia with sanctions and make life living there so miserable they will have to get rid of him or the republics will want to break away to get out from under sanctions. In any case they would only be able to project force a few dozen kilometers from their rail supply heads after this war. If they want to try to out tech America and the west, good luck with that, over time we will choke off their sources of supply. I think we can work out a deal with China over trade with Russia, they do too much trade with the allies and Russia will have little money.

Vlad has been nuclear saber rattling for years and every time they are in deep shit, they pipe up with threats. Since the war in Ukraine went sideways for them, they have been threatening nukes even more, it would mean trouble with China and India for them and an escalation in arms shipments from the allies.
the idea sucks horseshit. He's a fucking lunatic and a liar, and isn't waiting around for "the idea" to take effect...He'll throw million of men at Ukraine if that's what it takes, he doesn't give one fuck in a high wind about the lives of his own citizens, they're merely tools to get him what he wants, which is a guaranteed port on the black sea, and access to all the strategic oil and minerals in Ukraine...He's never given one fuck about nazis, or NATO, it's always been about taking what he wants to make himself even richer and more powerful.
so "the idea" is useless, and will just lead to more Ukrainians, and russians dying to make one little piece of shit richer than he already is.
china are just opportunistic fucking vultures, they'll deal with both sides at the same time, and not see a damn thing wrong with doing so...they'll lie to our faces, swear they'll never give russia weapons, at the same moment they're sending miles long trains full of ammo and weapons to moscow...then when they're caught, they'll deny it, with the proof shoved right in their faces.
that's what they've done every time we've caught them red handed, they denied it was even their hand, with the red blood dripping from their fingers as they deny it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it would mean trouble with China and India for them and an escalation in arms shipments from the allies.
What it would mean is that they have destroyed a good part of Ukraine, rained down fallout over a huge swath of whatever is under the prevailing winds, and more than likely destroyed at least one American city...and that they are now gone in a retaliatory strike...which may or may not lead to an escalation that could conceivably kill billions...
but let it drag out, don't make a planned strike to eliminate the threat, let it grow till it's too fucking late to do anything about it...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The army and security services would never go for it, neither would the Duma, there is a government and line of succession in Russia, they have a vice president, and he isn't it, officially he's a nobody. It would be his death or civil war if he tried to take over the government with his band of criminals and the rest are former army officers with divided loyalties.
they don't have an army left...they have no one to stand up to prigozin if he decides to use his army to take over moscow...how long do you think it will take the duma to pledge loyalty to the guy with soldiers pointing rifles at them?
he doesn't even have to cross the rubicon, all he has to do is make a few calls and his entire army could be in moscow in a couple of days.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
not really … but Boston is famous for chicken lobsters, almost as unSouthern

View attachment 5262503
i'm depressed that our society has become so...fucked up, (i just can't think of a better, more fitting phrase)
that people have not only the time to make costumes for chickens, but that anyone has the desire to do so...it doesn't speak well to the future of said society.


Ursus marijanus
i'm depressed that our society has become so...fucked up, (i just can't think of a better, more fitting phrase)
that people have not only the time to make costumes for chickens, but that anyone has the desire to do so...it doesn't speak well to the future of said society.
Nah; that’s benign imo. And people love their chickens. I think they’re lovely beasts.

I’m more bothered about yesterday’s display of critical condiment theory.


Well-Known Member
i'm depressed that our society has become so...fucked up, (i just can't think of a better, more fitting phrase)
that people have not only the time to make costumes for chickens, but that anyone has the desire to do so...it doesn't speak well to the future of said society.
Agreed. That's why I created the thread 'Social Media is not Real Life'. Tik Tok- I can't believe people are in competition over dances? I think. I have no idea what Tik Tok is, though I recently hooked back up with Twitter so I can read posts. I signed up for science, physics etc. my feed doesn't move but they seem to want to shove sports down my throat and I'm not sure why. The advertising? It's in a special box on it's own for me to 'follow'..I mean why is it even there? I'm not the only one..it's a popular request on Google and how to get rid of.


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member
listen to pieces of that right now, hell of a speech i must say for the clips i'm hearing
Our President is Strong and the State of the Union- Invincible!

Just caught the last part as I was nature bathing with my dog one key to recovery from TTSD..saying 'good morning' to others; taking in the fresh mountain air, exercise and shop local- so happy and appreciative you chose them over Amazon.
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Ursus marijanus
they don't have an army left...they have no one to stand up to prigozin if he decides to use his army to take over moscow...how long do you think it will take the duma to pledge loyalty to the guy with soldiers pointing rifles at them?
he doesn't even have to cross the rubicon, all he has to do is make a few calls and his entire army could be in moscow in a couple of days.
Would Prig be any less committed to “Ukraine or Bust”?