Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
70f and sunny here. Only 40f above average. Totally normal. Nothing to worry about. Don't ask questions. Just let it die. Morning.
We're going up to 80 today and 30 something for a low tonight. Yeah, that's normal..... NOT. I've got daffodils and crocus growing all over the yard, just to get frost damage two days later. We haven't had a decent snow all winter.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I asked chatgpt to write me a poem about cannabis.

Amidst the fields of green and gold A plant of power, mighty and bold Its leaves, like hands, reach for the sky With every breath, it seems to come alive

Cannabis, herb of many names With healing properties and a fiery flame A friend to those in pain and distress It brings relief, and eases the mind's duress

Its fragrance lingers in the air A sweet, earthy scent, beyond compare Its buds, like jewels, glisten and shine A sight that fills the heart with a divine sign

With every puff, it ignites a spark A feeling of euphoria, lighting up the dark The mind takes flight, soaring high In a state of bliss, without a care or sigh

But beyond the high, it has so much more A plant that's been used for centuries before A source of medicine, a remedy for all With the power to heal, and break down walls

Oh cannabis, herb of wonder and might A symbol of freedom, and a warrior's fight May your leaves forever dance in the wind And bring healing and peace to all who partake therein.


Well-Known Member
I asked chatgpt to write me a poem about cannabis.

Amidst the fields of green and gold A plant of power, mighty and bold Its leaves, like hands, reach for the sky With every breath, it seems to come alive

Cannabis, herb of many names With healing properties and a fiery flame A friend to those in pain and distress It brings relief, and eases the mind's duress

Its fragrance lingers in the air A sweet, earthy scent, beyond compare Its buds, like jewels, glisten and shine A sight that fills the heart with a divine sign

With every puff, it ignites a spark A feeling of euphoria, lighting up the dark The mind takes flight, soaring high In a state of bliss, without a care or sigh

But beyond the high, it has so much more A plant that's been used for centuries before A source of medicine, a remedy for all With the power to heal, and break down walls

Oh cannabis, herb of wonder and might A symbol of freedom, and a warrior's fight May your leaves forever dance in the wind And bring healing and peace to all who partake therein.
I got some pot.....shall we....sure why not. bongsmilie