tips of fan leavs curling down


Active Member
what up??? the last 2 times I fed my girls (2tbsp FF TIGER BLOOM and 3/4tbsp molasses) the next day the leaves curl down a bit, and usually the day after they look fine. am I giving them too much nutes??

I've been using FF nutes during the entire grow.

Im thinking it might be a humidity or temp issue. it drops to 60-65 at night and 85-90 during the day with the lights on. I have a fan blowing across the light and a cold air intake. the humidity is between 18-38....but if I kick my humidifier up anymore the heat goes up...grrr

im about 32 days into flowering...using a 400wat HPS


Well-Known Member
having the same issue though mine is a constant. possibly minor over watering?

If you want to kick the humidity up without the humidifer try just placing a small pan of water in the grow area, it wont kick out as much as a humidifer but may help kick it up enough to help?

good luck to you


Active Member
having the same issue though mine is a constant. possibly minor over watering?

If you want to kick the humidity up without the humidifer try just placing a small pan of water in the grow area, it wont kick out as much as a humidifer but may help kick it up enough to help?

good luck to you

thanks! I was thinking it might be the watering too, Ive watered every tu, th, and sat during the entire grow. the dirt always looks dry when I water...and I dont give them a ton ( 1/2 gallon between 4 plants) pluse I thought they drank more when they flowered??? my next concern was that they grew into the light and too hot. but I measued they were 16 inches from the light and in the last 2 days they have grown to 12 inches from the I took it up a few notches.

damn Im soo close to the end...I dont want them to get fucked up now


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are over feeding. if the leaves look like a claw that should be the issue. keep doing it and it will be a hard mistake to repair. maybe you are due for a good flush. late


Active Member
thanks jsgrwn and apasunee...I flushed them...and since they are half way in, I think I will just be giving them water and molasses...thanks for all the advice RIU rocks

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Flush time! Flush then use water only a couple times. Cut nutes to 50% then add a little more each watering. I use FF @ 50% till late flower. Leaves curl down because of overfeeding and overwatering. Pick your pots up before you water and see if they feel light. If they dont feel light its not time to water. Water needs depend on temp and humidity. Its not good to water on set days unless you are growing outdoors. Keeping soil too wet causes root rot indoors. Some nute problems make leaves curl down too. Like K deficency. Temps are good between 65 and 85 anything higher or lower and growth stops till temps return to 65-85. Sounds like you need to add a exhaust fan. Your humidity is low 50-65% is recomended for veg and about 45-55% for flower. Mine is low too. With more humidity the plants get more bushy. You could put a few buckets of water in your grow space to raise humidity. It does work but you have to be careful and you have to keep anything electrical off the floor. Good Luck!


Active Member
Flush time! Flush then use water only a couple times. Cut nutes to 50% then add a little more each watering. I use FF @ 50% till late flower. Leaves curl down because of overfeeding and overwatering. Pick your pots up before you water and see if they feel light. If they dont feel light its not time to water. Water needs depend on temp and humidity. Its not good to water on set days unless you are growing outdoors. Keeping soil too wet causes root rot indoors. Some nute problems make leaves curl down too. Like K deficency. Temps are good between 65 and 85 anything higher or lower and growth stops till temps return to 65-85. Sounds like you need to add a exhaust fan. Your humidity is low 50-65% is recomended for veg and about 45-55% for flower. Mine is low too. With more humidity the plants get more bushy. You could put a few buckets of water in your grow space to raise humidity. It does work but you have to be careful and you have to keep anything electrical off the floor. Good Luck! I only want the one hole in my wall...should I switch it to exhaust? the hole is 6 inches up from the floor and I have a 4 in duct fit snuggly into the hole. I made a homemade carbon filter thanks to the DIY section on here but with my set up im a little confused. do I want it on the garage end with and fan blowing into the duct or put it on the end inside the grow room and have the fan in the garage sucking it out?


Well-Known Member
Just seems odd that every time you are feeding them now they are reacting to the nutrients which indicates to me that maybe the pot is too small and theyre root bound?

If that is the case then you may have to drop down to half strength feeding and feed a little more often to make up for the drop in nutrient intake. There is a difference between leaves curling down and leaves drooping down. Under and over watering results in a droop whereas over nutrients will make them curl, then burn the tips.

Smaller pots means a higher concentration of nutrients just after you feed, also easy to get salt buildup which means you probably need to check the EC of the runoff of your pots regularly.

The minimum size pot I would recommend, for further grows (well, by the time you reach flowering) is 3 gallons. I grow in 3.3 gallon and 11 gallon pots and can see from the difference in size pots just how much easier it is to get the nutrient levels wrong with the smaller pots.


Well-Known Member
if they are root bound- from what i heard you can put some hydrogen peroxide to help get oxygen to the roots. Though i cannot tell you how much or what it might be something to look into?


Well-Known Member
If the plant is 18 inches and not root bound in a 2 gallon pot this far along in the flowering cycle then I think there is something else wrong.
Izzo1978 do you have any photos we can look at.


Well-Known Member
As long as you flushed them with PHed water, you should be O.K. for the next couple of days till you see if it worked...:peace:...


Well-Known Member
apasunee is correct again, i would just give em one last dose of nutes after they recover and then do the final flush. also, i would stay away from molasses, and anything else that people say "i heard that...", like hydrogen peroxide to oxygenate the roots. find a plan and stick to it, remember that some advise that is taken from people who have not done it themselves can ruin your crop. also remember that you can grow a very nice crop with nothing but tap water. keep it up, late


Well-Known Member
My first 2 crops were done with just water and they were great,,, my avatar was done with just water,,,,:peace:,,,,


Active Member
As long as you flushed them with PHed water, you should be O.K. for the next couple of days till you see if it worked...:peace:...

could you define PH'd water? what is ideal? my tap water comes out at 6.75-7 and thats what I used to flush....also is that a good PH for hydro?> cause I have to flush my DWC tomorrow and it would be easier using tap instead of bottled. but I guess I have ph up and down so long story short.....what is the IDEAL PH?

thanks homie!:peace: