Examples of GOP Leadership

Why are republicans still allowed to be in charge of ANYTHING? how many times do you have to demonstrate a complete lack of ability to govern till people quit letting you fuck things up? How stupid are the assholes who keep electing these assholes?
gymshorts jordan ignores reality and acts like his shitshow committee is not a fucking farce...The fucking leader of the house republicans gives tucker carlson thousand of hours of editable footage of the capital building during the jan 6th riots, and the first thing the lying shitbag does id try to make it look like the riot didn't happen...WHILE being sued for fucking lying about the SAME FUCKING SHIT...WHY ARE WE PUTTING UP WITH THIS FUCKING GARBAGE?
FUCK REPUBLICANS...god fucking damn it...i didn't intend to get this pissed today, but motherfuckers gotta fucking push shit...
Getting elected to the house helped get them attention, along with doing and saying stupid shit. They can't pass laws and they sure as shit can't hold hearings! They do make the GOP look bad though, so there's that. They took the car keys away from Kevin until fall and by then a few magats might fall and Kevin with the.

Kevin McCarthy reminds me of Charlie McCarthy, he had a ventriloquist's arm shoved up his ass working his mouth and Trump has his arm shoved up Kevin's ass doing the same.
All I can do is refer you to the NYT story about the fox zoom video which changes things, especially for future litigants. There are likely more such videos archived, and this make future discovery so much easier! Other media companies should sue them just to uncover the treasure trove of evidence that they must preserve during discovery, it would provide them with a lot of story material. :lol:
I can’t access that story. What things are changed (as documented by convictions)?
DeSantis kept this pretty quiet..we had all the kids cleared out and going to Daytona:shock:

GOP Leadership..Nice:clap:


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The real headline: Florida can't has a gun and alcohol problem so spring break is cancelled.

Locals, not tourists, causing majority of Spring Break trouble in Miami Beach

“Certainly, the guns that are here didn’t come on an airplane, so we know much of the worse conduct is coming from people who live somewhere near South Florida,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber.

According to Miami Beach police, since Spring Break enforcement started on Feb. 18 more than half the citywide arrests are people who live locally in Miami-Dade County, causeway crossers, not Spring Break tourists.

I'd agree, except the people causing the violence are locals. I think this is more about political grandstanding than a concern over public safety.
That's even fucking sadder, and my original statement still stands. Ban this kind of behavior, lock the bitches up, whether they're college student, or just deplorable low life natives. In fact, charge natives even more harshly, let them go home and tell their idiot friends it isn't worth it to go.
The real headline: Florida can't has a gun and alcohol problem so spring break is cancelled.

Locals, not tourists, causing majority of Spring Break trouble in Miami Beach

“Certainly, the guns that are here didn’t come on an airplane, so we know much of the worse conduct is coming from people who live somewhere near South Florida,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber.

According to Miami Beach police, since Spring Break enforcement started on Feb. 18 more than half the citywide arrests are people who live locally in Miami-Dade County, causeway crossers, not Spring Break tourists.

Well, when you get magats from across the country moving to your state, because your mussolini clone of a governor attracts white trash like rotten pork attracts flies, this is what happens.

'Move on': Karl Rove responds to Trump's CPAC criticisms

32,726 views Mar 7, 2023 #DonaldTrump #Republicans #CPAC
During his CPAC speech, former President Trump said the party was never going back to the days of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush. Rove, a veteran GOP strategist, responded to Trump's criticisms during a recent interview.

With Trump in legal trouble, Georgia GOP targets prosecutors

103,808 views Mar 7, 2023 #msnbc #trump #georgia
Rachel Maddow looks at a new measure Georgia Republicans are pushing through the legislature that would give them the ability to remove elected prosecutors they don't like, and notes the glaring conflict of potential charges pending against Donald Trump in Fulton County as the bill advances.
Steve tells it like it is and he knows his stuff.

How Donald Trump transformed the Republican Party | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

6,186 views Feb 23, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down how Donald Trump took over the Republican party over the last decade. He discusses how winning feuds with Fox News’ biggest names, like Megyn Kelly and Roger Ailes, made Trump untouchable in the eyes of American voters. Additionally, Trump weaponized anything resembling Republican cooperation with Barack Obama during his presidency against the more moderate members of the party. This has led to the current GOP presidential hopefuls, Nikki Haley & Ron DeSantis, fully embracing the MAGA movement and providing no viable alternative to Trump because Trump is the overwhelming force of the Republican Party.

Fox Hit with New COMPLAINTS about its Unlawful Conduct

128,852 views Mar 7, 2023
Two groups have filed FEC Complaints against Fox based on its conduct recently exposed in the Dominion defamation case filings. MeidasTouch Host Ben Meiselas reports.
Well, when you get magats from across the country moving to your state, because your mussolini clone of a governor attracts white trash like rotten pork attracts flies, this is what happens.

My point was, was that we had it cleared out and in only a few short years..GOP RULE brought it to this; this that we never ever had.*1

*Word Jingo brought to you by Schuylaar.

1-No matter where you live there is no Tourism hell like South Florida Tourism hell
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