Examples of GOP Leadership

Trump,the fake tough guy,draft dodging fraud, and Hegseth w/his "Warrior Ethos",whom Trump "liked" on Fox News ,as Sec. of Def. might want to take a look at the make up of the current military,and how recruitment goals will ever be fulfilled by erasing history. If they think they can field an all white male military that is sufficiently staffed,good luck w/that.
Just dump all the “deiofficers” & it’ll be just like the old days: clean-uniformed white guys giving orders to a captive ‘colored’ workforce

Gee…just what Jesus woulda wanted, huh?

(I remember that world, those days. That part WAS NOT great)
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I know an autistic kid who spouts bizarre shit all the time, & he’s typically utterly sure and unwilling to listen; I asked him once why he was so convinced of this wack shit…and he told me, straight out.

It was the *certainty*. The absolute confidence & assurance of the bullshitters.

I’m not suggesting that all MAGA chumps are autistic(*), but they are, to all observation & experience, completely sucked into the MAGA/Jesus-in-Peril alternate-reality madhouse. They demonstrate the same ability to be charged up in crazy ways that we saw @ Nazi rallies in the ‘30s.

So gulled in fact that they’re ready to believe in Big Brother’s New History Reader before it’s even written; up til now, it’s been just a wormy, squirmy mass of hysterical options that got weaponized & added to the alt-reality ‘media’, but they’re beginning the re-write already

What happens to the parks? Great real-estate investments, I’ll bet, just like Reagan selling off the last of our old-growth forest (cached in water in Japan, where the *know* the value of old-growth timber - & when to take advantage of a crazy, once in-a-millennium deal)

What happens to the Smithsonian? How much will the OG Star Trek Enterprise go for? Does Elon get the Air & Space Museum? Does he get Fort Knox, too? Who’s waiting to see Melanie wearing the Hope Diamond?

How about the Library of Congress? What a burning that would be…like the burning of Alexandria and the sack of Rome. Then the witch trials, I guess?

(*) - I’m on the spectrum myself; kid’s missed every social cue he ever encountered, he takes it all in (helluva time teaching him that no, the cartoon characters didn’t go *anywhere* after the cartoon is over)…so his response wasn’t worked-over by thinking & perfectly candid - and perfectly believable
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Trump claims Biden's pardons for Jan. 6 committee are 'void' because he used an autopen​

Trump has argued that the committee members are guilty of unspecified “major crimes.”
The biggest power grab so far

This isn’t even a CYA story, it’s just straight-up bullshit. This is *exactly* how “strong men” through the shithole countries of Africa, Meso-/South America, South Asia, Eastern Europe have installed themselves * outside* the rule of law: accuse their pre-demonized ‘enemies’ of crimes that don't exist, persecute them without evidence, punish them as examples to the actually patriotic & precariously placed, keep pumping the fear & resentment, on to the next group to exclude.

Here in the modern age, of course, everything is digital, and Elon has the master key, it seems so far. And the biggest megaphone on the planet. And enough money, monomania, narcissism, & fuck-you-dad to ruin literally everything on the planet if he took the notion…would it truly be “nobody’s business” if he did?

(This *is* the problem w/ billionaires: eventually, they want to be kings, gods, supervillains, or worse. People don’t *understand* how much money that is: it is literally the power to do anything, anything at all - and the ability to buy enough henchmen to clear the room, so to speak. THIS is why things don’t work - “it’s the money, stupid!”)

If the machinery of *our* civilization cannot or will not stop these tyrants at this, I fear a bloodbath may be impossible to avoid
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With all the furor over that army of trans trying to take over women's sports I find it ironic that no one ever mentions Bruce Jenner. He won the decathlon competing as a man but he was really a woman.
So unfair! He should lose his medals.

A GOP congressman will speak at a town hall — for Republicans only​

Rep. Andy Biggs is set to appear at a town hall in Chandler on Tuesday night. But is it a town hall if the town can't come?
I know an autistic kid who spouts bizarre shit all the time, & he’s typically utterly sure and unwilling to listen; I asked him once why he was so convinced of this wack shit…and he told me, straight out.

It was the *certainty*. The absolute confidence & assurance of the bullshitters.

I’m not suggesting that all MAGA chumps are autistic(*), but they are, to all observation & experience, completely sucked into the MAGA/Jesus-in-Peril alternate-reality madhouse. They demonstrate the same ability to be charged up in crazy ways that we saw @ Nazi rallies in the ‘30s.

So gulled in fact that they’re ready to believe in Big Brother’s New History Reader before it’s even written; up til now, it’s been just a wormy, squirmy mass of hysterical options that got weaponized & added to the alt-reality ‘media’, but they’re beginning the re-write already

What happens to the parks? Great real-estate investments, I’ll bet, just like Reagan selling off the last of our old-growth forest (cached in water in Japan, where the *know* the value of old-growth timber - & when to take advantage of a crazy, once in-a-millennium deal)

What happens to the Smithsonian? How much will the OG Star Trek Enterprise go for? Does Elon get the Air & Space Museum? Does he get Fort Knox, too? Who’s waiting to see Melanie wearing the Hope Diamond?

How about the Library of Congress? What a burning that would be…like the burning of Alexandria and the sack of Rome. Then the witch trials, I guess?

(*) - I’m on the spectrum myself; kid’s missed every social cue he ever encountered, he takes it all in (helluva time teaching him that no, the cartoon characters didn’t go *anywhere* after the cartoon is over)…so his response wasn’t worked-over by thinking & perfectly candid - and perfectly believable
Trying to describe group dynamics based on individual diagnostics doesn't work. The psychology of groups is very different and for as poorly understood as mental illness in humans is group psychology is understood and studied far less.
Trying to describe group dynamics based on individual diagnostics doesn't work. The psychology of groups is very different and for as poorly understood as mental illness in humans is group psychology is understood and studied far less.
It would appear that "somebody" understands and studies group psychology quite well and they're using it to manipulate the public. It can be as simple as a word choice, say the difference between "that makes me angry" to "that upsets me".
Heinlein and Asimov mention the technique in a couple of their books. I always considered it science fiction and yet here we are.