Typical…of MAGA’s weak-kneed “strength” - w/out a powerful bully as patron, they’re treacherous; *with* a patron bully, they’re unbelievable - as Nazi Germany proved *in SPADES* their entire time in power…and our neo-brute squad here is only limited by the individual cowardice of the individual members - so, really, it can get *much* much worse than it is now, or has been lately
You absolutely *KNOW* Jesus doesn’t want *these* clowns in his crew - they’re the ones who hijacked his gig in the first place…having to listen to the *genuinely DEMONIC* preach about “gawd’slove” (hate) taking over the world “in Jesus’ name” - and having it parroted by glazed-over “believers” - is just…the fucking *WORST*THING*EVER