No i don't see the monastry of the Chartreuse directly from my windows because obviously this monastry ,like most ,is isolated in the mountain so that the monks are sure to meditate in absolute silence ,but i live a little bellow in the mountain ,10 minutes by car .
Imagine that this monastry dates from 1084 ;that the chartreuse created by the monkes was created more than 4 century ago ,that there are 130 plants in the green chartreuse wich is the best by the way (it's personal because others prefer yellow ) and only 2 people know the exact recipe !
The taste of chartreuse is indescribable ,magical ,imagine the smells you can smell in a forest in the mountain in winter ,the fir tree ,the caractéristic smell of snow when it comes down from the mountains ,the smells of medicinal plants which only exist in the high mountains from the Alps ,the smell of a herbalist ,concentrate all this in stills and you will understand then that you are not drinking a liqueur but an élyxir ,it lines your mouth going up in sinuses and after a brief shiver you have the impression of being ready to climb Mont Blanc so much it invigorates you ;it's so good that i refrain from drinking more than 2 or 3 bottles a year because if i start drinking i ended up staggering and yet i not the type to like alcohol ,but that's incomparable to other alcohols ,it's divine ,with a chernobyl spliff which is by far my favorite weed with its taste of lime cough syrup i'm on the top of the world !