Canadian Stuff

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
give our sources
Google deaths due to covid perhaps Papua New Giuinea and I already gave you local health unit ID. Try googling Invermectin use in Central Africa. WHO Canadian commitee investigating the freeddom rally in particular the MP from Brock an his questioning of Freeland. Check out JT's reception at the EU a while back, in particular members opposed to his appearance. The visit where Premier Xi told his to toss of after revealing what their private convo was.
We tend to give our sources
LOL sound exactly like the US gov't committee on the Twitter pages. I could care less about who says things and concentrate on what their statements are. People asking for their sources is a weak defense unless accused of wrongdoing. Just trying to play the identity politics game. I corrected my mistake about the event before Tianamen square sry.
every industrialized country
I see the countries not worthy of your acknowledgement don't matter? Check whatever source you want perhaps the data from WHO. Wherever you get your info from.
I'll leave it alone, time will prove many things were done incorrectly, on purpose. JT did say one thing right, masks prevent getting moist talked to, but as we now know are frankly useless when it came to stopping the spread of this virus.


Well-Known Member
Google deaths due to covid perhaps Papua New Giuinea and I already gave you local health unit ID. Try googling Invermectin use in Central Africa. WHO Canadian commitee investigating the freeddom rally in particular the MP from Brock an his questioning of Freeland. Check out JT's reception at the EU a while back, in particular members opposed to his appearance. The visit where Premier Xi told his to toss of after revealing what their private convo was.
No, I do not have to make your case, that is your job.


Well-Known Member
Google deaths due to covid perhaps Papua New Giuinea and I already gave you local health unit ID. Try googling Invermectin use in Central Africa. WHO Canadian commitee investigating the freeddom rally in particular the MP from Brock an his questioning of Freeland. Check out JT's reception at the EU a while back, in particular members opposed to his appearance. The visit where Premier Xi told his to toss of after revealing what their private convo was.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
"The glory which is built upon (a) lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance." Mark Twain (I think) and "Those who trade freedom for security, end up losing both, and deserve neither" Thomas Jefferson (I think) I grew up with printed information, and I actually can read and write without a keyboard. LOL "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." Gees that was EA Poe! Thank you interweb! "Listen to everybody, then make up your own mind" ME ,advice to my children. Turn your blind eyes and belittle those who challenge your beliefs. I understand this virus (origin mostly known) scared the shit out of everyone and killed a lot of people, but the very people we trust to look after us betrayed us in their own self-interest. IF I had living relatives older than myself, I would have gotten the vaccination, BUT I don't and I had a newborn grandson who could not get vaxxed, and I'll be damned if he had to stand alone. I assume all the dissenters has had all four of their shots and continue to test and isolate when they get symptoms right?

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Well, I am retired now. You figure it out.
either successful or in my age group, congratulations. I can see your concern if you are elderly, I'm 60 but don't get flu shots, I stay away from the public when I'm sick regardless. I always wondered why my parents never wore a mask or avoided me when I had the flu as a child, courage and faith I suppose.


Ursus marijanus
I could say the same and it wouldn't be true. My vernacular would eventually trip me up to a native Canadian speaker. I guess I could throw in an "eh" here and there and maybe refer to that hideous thing Canadians do to fries but I don't think it would be sufficient camouflage.
That fries thing is downright prim compared to this horror.


Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
I could say the same and it wouldn't be true. My vernacular would eventually trip me up to a native Canadian speaker. I guess I could throw in an "eh" here and there and maybe refer to that hideous thing Canadians do to fries but I don't think it would be sufficient camouflage.
Holy mackerel. Of course I'm Canadian and damn proud of it. Never had poutine, but I'm a fan of Hawaiian pizza, also Canadian and a diehard Toronto Maple Leaf Fan. Would you like to see my scrapbook of CFL cards from the year Garney Henly won the Schenley? Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself.


Well-Known Member
I could say the same and it wouldn't be true. My vernacular would eventually trip me up to a native Canadian speaker. I guess I could throw in an "eh" here and there and maybe refer to that hideous thing Canadians do to fries but I don't think it would be sufficient camouflage.
You could still pull it off if you pretend to like hockey.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather Rex was one of yours but I believe he’s Canadian.