Drinking alcohol to cure a cold. Anybody ever done it?

I was drinking about a 12 pack a night in till this past December and now I'm California sober lol! But I still think about drinking every day the cravings are pretty bad sometimes I even dream about drinking! Honestly I'm just trying to hang in there in till this summer then I'm going to unleash the beast and rock out with my cock out lol!
I know California has changed but I didn't know they don't drink anymore. Good thing I moved when I did or I'd be fucked, :lol:
We have a "Hot Tottie" for colds here. My family does 1 shot bourbon, brandy or 80 proof whiskey. 1 tsp honey and lemon juice. 1/4 teaspoon non iodized salt and a cup of hot tea. Mix, sip and sleep.
Best thing I ever did to treat head cold nasal symptoms was to use a Neti pot ....luke warm filtered water/saline and a little Hydrogen peroxide mixed in. It was a little weird the first time I tried it, but once I was able to do it, it was a game changer.That, and gargling with some warm salt water.

I have been told that the cold virus likes to embed itself in the deep sinus mucosa where it can basically live long (and prosper) untouched. But the idea of the Neti pot is to dislodge the sludge and disinfect the tissue.

Also if you can get Manuka honey, specifically, it works very well to heal inflamed tissues. Mix a little with some WARM (hot kills the stuff in the honey) water with some lemon and no alcohol (same reason).

I've also heard that garlic and honey is a great "cure"...but can't quite bring myself to try it because it sounds disgusting.

And, lastly, a fresh pot of homemade slow cooker chicken soup (don't forget to leave the bones in while cooking so you get the bone broth.

In my experience alcohol never did anything good for anyone. It's basically addictive poison, in my opinion.
Best thing I ever did to treat head cold nasal symptoms was to use a Neti pot ....luke warm filtered water/saline and a little Hydrogen peroxide mixed in. It was a little weird the first time I tried it, but once I was able to do it, it was a game changer.That, and gargling with some warm salt water.

I have been told that the cold virus likes to embed itself in the deep sinus mucosa where it can basically live long (and prosper) untouched. But the idea of the Neti pot is to dislodge the sludge and disinfect the tissue.

Also if you can get Manuka honey, specifically, it works very well to heal inflamed tissues. Mix a little with some WARM (hot kills the stuff in the honey) water with some lemon and no alcohol (same reason).

I've also heard that garlic and honey is a great "cure"...but can't quite bring myself to try it because it sounds disgusting.

And, lastly, a fresh pot of homemade slow cooker chicken soup (don't forget to leave the bones in while cooking so you get the bone broth.

In my experience alcohol never did anything good for anyone. It's basically addictive poison, in my opinion.
And I'd rather sleep than intentionally force any thing through my nose.

And in jest " I take it you spit?" And now you mayfeel my disgust.
1 part Scotch, 1 part BOILING water, 1 part honey.

Mix well

Retire under a warm blanket, drink away, sweat the bugger out of you.

Other alcoholic beverages such as rum or brandy can be used, or drop in a Jaeger for that extra "cough syrup" hit.

No, what happened was you felt better because the hangover was so bad, by the time you recovered from that your body had fought off the head cold.

My grandpa told me this when I was like 12, never forgot it and you bet so tried it.
Best thing I ever did to treat head cold nasal symptoms was to use a Neti pot ....luke warm filtered water/saline and a little Hydrogen peroxide mixed in. It was a little weird the first time I tried it, but once I was able to do it, it was a game changer.That, and gargling with some warm salt water.

I have been told that the cold virus likes to embed itself in the deep sinus mucosa where it can basically live long (and prosper) untouched. But the idea of the Neti pot is to dislodge the sludge and disinfect the tissue.

Also if you can get Manuka honey, specifically, it works very well to heal inflamed tissues. Mix a little with some WARM (hot kills the stuff in the honey) water with some lemon and no alcohol (same reason).

I've also heard that garlic and honey is a great "cure"...but can't quite bring myself to try it because it sounds disgusting.

And, lastly, a fresh pot of homemade slow cooker chicken soup (don't forget to leave the bones in while cooking so you get the bone broth.

In my experience alcohol never did anything good for anyone. It's basically addictive poison, in my opinion.

Alcohol is great

for extractions. All kidding aside the saline/water with peroxide thing is gospel. I’ve been doing it for years. I suffer from sinus issues and used to get sinus infections quite often until I started rinsing with water and peroxide routinely. Everybody I tell thinks I’m crazy.
1 part Scotch, 1 part BOILING water, 1 part honey.

Mix well

Retire under a warm blanket, drink away, sweat the bugger out of you.

Other alcoholic beverages such as rum or brandy can be used, or drop in a Jaeger for that extra "cough syrup" hit.

No, what happened was you felt better because the hangover was so bad, by the time you recovered from that your body had fought off the head cold.
So a hot toddy then lol well i guess thats more a scottish/irish name for whisky hot water and honey or sugar but thats what we call it in my part of Scotland it can help sometimes we use it for colds more than anything else whereas the irish side tends to use it as a hangover cure i think