What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

I’m sorry, yeah - it really is.

Look at the workload: say (for discussion) only 500 kinds of animals, 2 each, so 1000 different animals, needing different foods, pissing & shitting on their own individual schedules. Let’s postulate a per-pair poop burden average of 10# daily. Times 500, that’s 5000 pounds. Every day.

Say it takes 5 min. to scoop each pair, and 15 to carry the waste topside & toss it overboard, 5 to return to the next, let’s add 5 for scratching, self-care, whatever…that gives us :30 x 500, or 250 hours for a single go.

Well, how many workers do we have? We have 8. If we had 10, and they all managed to work CONSTANTLY *and* collectively squeeze in another hour’s work, we could do it. However, no one would be able to sit down during the voyage - or sleep, or eat, or do anything but scoop & dispose of animal waste.

Not even time enough, or personnel, to even FEED the beasts. With only eight, each must work THIRTY HOURS PER DAY without a break, the whole time. No food, no sleep, no rest. Violent motions of the ark beneath their feet. The heavy rain keeping the people below-deck, so no escape from the endless stench. No clean clothes. Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink, might be the worst of them all.

As I see it, even if it was tried, there is ZERO chance any of the crew survived, ZERO chance all the animals survived (breeding pairs, remember?). Based on reality, that is.

Remember, I didn’t say floods or flooding: we’re tsunami-aware these days, right? Also easy to guess that a big rock falling out of space could raise one HELL of a wave if it hit water (75% or the planet’s surface. LOTS of history & evidence of major/catastrophic flooding around the world. No specific evidence of which rock gawd supposedly threw; not really any solid tie between “the flood of Noah” & any particular flooding event of any proportions.

Of course, it needn’t have been an ocean strike, right? A land strike would generate hella rainfall, for sure (again, there’s evidence), and THAT’s how Paul Bunyan saved the blue ox…no, wait, that’s how the fairytale says the flood came: rain.

The big problem with a rain-induced inundation of global proportions is that the planet’s surface is only occasionally concave…and water seeks its own (lowest) level…the chance of a boat of that supposed size & inevitable weight/displacement was able to remain afloat for THIRTY DAYS (c’mon, it didn’t start to float on day one) - then come aground ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN - is once again ZERO. It’s a tale worthy of Baron Munchausen.

Absent CONTINUAL MAGICAL INTERVENTION by *some* god in *some* machine *somewhere*, it never happened. It couldn’t have happened as relayed. The world simply isn’t like that at all, and magical intervention OF THE REQUIRED SCALE has been 100% not in evidence in recorded memory (the “inerrant” snake-oil account notwithstanding).

Back to “inerrancy” again, but just for a moment: it strongly suggests that “Bible-believers” really only believe in THE BOOK. They believe all the fantastic & anti-human crap in it BECAUSE THE BOOK TOLD THEM TO BELIEVE IT.

After all, they no longer have the weight of Rome (church or empire) crushing them, they must be brought to heel by other means.

Oh, and our occasional reminder that “the bible” was assembled for Emperor Constantine, at his behest, and to his specifications - and for no other reason. Everything since has been jockeying for position.

Next time, we’ll talk about Josephus Flavius
Actually, there is something called the vulture stone, that shows earth being impacted by a comet. A scientific simulation was done based on how the actual stars would have been. And it actually shows about 10'900bc its highly likely the earth was hit causing again mass extinction of animals like the woolly mammoth.
Even found what they call nuclear glass now to back that up from the same period
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Actually, there is something called the vulture stone, that shows earth being impacted by a comet. A scientific simulation was done based on how the actual stars would have been. And it actually shows about 10'900bc its highly likely the earth was hit causing again mass extinction of animals like the woolly mammoth.
Even found what they call nuclear glass now to back that up from the same period
WTF are you even going on about?

This is a weed forum, not meth bro.
not really,,
every core of my being inside wanted to tear off her head and shit down her neck, but my kid was having fun so i backed down
unlike her fat uncoordinated cry baby that couldnt get his shit together on a scooter :lol: :lol: :lol:
my kid was doing tricks :clap: getting confident

it was pretty funny she just finished telling me to stop filming, i walked 10mtrs to the car sat down facing the ramp and a minute later the kid was on the flat part going in a straight line then he fumbled the handle or something the wheel turned and he flew off and just about face planted into the deck :lol:

even after that and the kid had enough hurting himself and sore knees, she wouldnt get off the ramp until after we left,

this is the person yall are debating christianity and jesus with ..so christ like
for some reason i cant reply to a mods statement

So @sunni

this is the person yall are debating christianity and jesus with ..so christ like

So obody has ever picked a fight with you and pissed you off so you feel like telling were to go?

learning about jesus is learning how to turn the other check which is what i did in that scenario
for some reason i cant reply to a mods statement

So @sunni said

this is the person yall are debating christianity and jesus with ..so christ like

So nobody has ever picked a fight with you and pissed you off so you feel like telling them were to go?

learning about jesus is learning how to turn the other check which is what i did in that scenario

before i read the bible i would have had an argument and caused a scene and ruined my kids fun

if padawan says im nice for putting away the camera, trust me i wanted to argue, but she would have won then

so how many brothers and sisters did jesus have???
james, joseph, simon and jude, and two sisters that are mentioned but not named...as far as i can find.

that's was for the other guy, thanks buddy...that's right....the Jude on is the weird one imo, some track him to the name Judas in some manuscripts but in reality we really don't know......name similarities are pretty striking though......