What did you accomplish today?

Restored theater. All the murals and plaster gild work were fixed.
The back stage hasn't changed, and they had a free hand designing the lounge.
The tree and vines are made from cast bronze, the vines run all thru the ceiling, tendrils down to the trippy bar.
Definietly want to take acid and drink in the lounge...

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Restored theater. All the murals and plaster gild work were fixed.
The back stage hasn't changed, and they had a free hand designing the lounge.
The tree and vines are made from cast bronze, the vines run all thru the ceiling, tendrils down to the trippy bar.
Definietly want to take acid and drink in the lounge...

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It’s only a strange coincidence but I was working in a theater today as well. Not as cool as that but it’s got some prop’s. I’m changing out some old garage doors with some new ones with openers. It wouldn’t be much of a project except all the breaker boxes are already over loaded and we are going to have to find some more power , where that is going to come from, I have no f’ing idea.
Time to brave the vicious flowers and finish my weeding, keep the Band-Aids handy.

I just finished hitting the lawn with weed & feed, and came in to change my sweat soaked shirt and take a break. Just did the parts that needed it the worst, not the whole lawn!!

Next I need to fire up the chainsaw and cut up a tree that fell in the yard.

And then get my daily walk in :shock:

A nap needs to be inserted somewhere in my day! :sleep:
Only one more rose bush to weed under, got the suckers cut off the one that usually gets them. I can see the bottom of them again. Need to go through and cut out the dead branches, that can wait for another day.
Beer shelf filled, I'm thinking shrimp and pasta for dinner. Time for afternoon snack and possibly nap.
Ahh spring yard work gotta love it but thank goodness it only happens for for a short part of the year. Ongoing projects and new daily ones. Outside fruit planting was the order of the day. My order from TyTy Nursuries came in today. Two varieties of blueberry (Vernon and Big ass), a goji berry bush and two strains of muscadine vines to go with the two pink lemonade blueberry bushes I did last week. Came in to load up on water and a few more hits of blackberry moonrocks.
Tomatoes in the ground. Had to do some bondage with the boonie pepper, it was leaning quite a bit. Lavender and sage plants are flowering. Did a load of laundry. Need to put the roast back on the grill for a bit, the cohabitant thought it wasn't done enough, tasted fine to me. :roll: Going to do O juice sandwiches with it tonight.