
Figured I'd stop squatting on the Hydro thread and start my own journal :weed:
Please stop by and let me know whatcha think...



FYI - I received the following reply from Gen Hydro Tech Support today...

There are no living organisms in Flora Series. It is perfectly fine to use H2O2 with it.
Thank you,
Jesse Pennington
Wish I woulda thought of that, a journal of your own, now we know the Flora Seies is not organic? VV:bigjoint:
Yep - that's what I'm going with for the time being - GH + H2O2 = OK.
Although I don't plan to dose my tank just yet as I've had a full day of stable pH and want to see if that continues.
Yeah, the GH Flora Series, of Micro, Grow & Bloom is all chemical, so you can use H2O2 with them. The GH Flora Nova is mostly from organic sources, so you don't want to use H2O2 with that, or if you use some organic supplement with your chemical nutes, like enzymes, or fungi, or bacteria. I've never used H2O2 because of stuff like that.

For HID lamps I use the large super horizontal box reflectors. They have a nice even distribution, and while more difficult to move air through, they do the job. If I ever upgrade, it will probably be to cooltubes, but it looks to me like the reflectors allow a lot of light to escape.

HTH :mrgreen:
Yeah, the GH Flora Series, of Micro, Grow & Bloom is all chemical, so you can use H2O2 with them. The GH Flora Nova is mostly from organic sources, so you don't want to use H2O2 with that, or if you use some organic supplement with your chemical nutes, like enzymes, or fungi, or bacteria. I've never used H2O2 because of stuff like that.

For HID lamps I use the large super horizontal box reflectors. They have a nice even distribution, and while more difficult to move air through, they do the job. If I ever upgrade, it will probably be to cooltubes, but it looks to me like the reflectors allow a lot of light to escape.

HTH :mrgreen:

Perhaps you missed my DIY Batwing Relfector? lol VV:hump:
I recently decided to set up my own hydro system for the fun of having a winter project, however... my darling little seedlings which progressed nicely into the veg mode are showing definite signs of stress. (I feel like I'm a child abuser). The typical browning and yellowing of the veins and leaves, lower leaves with dark spots on the edges.

I know it could be a plethora of issues such as ph, over nuteing, etc... I also know that this will be trial and error until I get the right formula figured out but ---- I can't help but think that it has something to do with the basics such as my growing medium.

I am trying to do a hydro system starting with the a drip irrigation for the veg state. After germinating some random seeds in my Aerogarden for three weeks, I transplanted several of them into 3 gallon pots using something I found at the local garden center called Shultz aquatic plant soil (tiny kiln dried clay pellets). It states it is ph balanced blah, blah, blah. I could not find any of the hydro pellets around here, so I improvised.

Soooo, I just flushed out the system with phd, distilled h20, cleaned my resevior, and added the 1/2 strength nutes with 5 gallons of distilled h20. Water temp is approx 72 degrees the room is 70 degrees, lighting with two cool and two warm cfl bulbs. Iam trying to be meticulous as far as cleanliness, no bugs so far.

Has any one heard of this type of grow medium for hdroponics????
Yeah, some kind of expanded clay aggregate. Almost any kind of rocks will do, my first ebb&flow setup I used pea gravel.

For growrocks, it's best to flood and drain. That pushes all of the stale air out of the rocks, and sucks fresh air in. If you drip into rocks, you must be aware of the narrow water column of the drip, and how some of the rocks will not get wet. It's best to use a drip-ring, that goes around the plant.

HTH :mrgreen:
im having some problems cloning..i am using a airoponic cloner..and a DWC cloner..ive set up three different ways..one clone bucket..aero...clonex..vitamin b..hydrogaurd..the two clones i took for it..are starting to show signs of roots..starting.they have been in the bucket nine days..one bucket is set up with superthrive.just a couple of drops in 3 gallons..tap water...vit B and hydrogaurd...the clone is still alive..with no sign of root;s starting been in the aero clone bucket for 9 days ..the DWC cloner ive got going has a heater set at 72 F i put 2 ml of h2o2 in 10 gallons.tap water about ten drops of super thrive..ph set at 6 for everything..and checked daily and kept at 6..the DWC cloner the 4 clones i have going in them seem to have what looks like SNOT on the end of them?they have been in the DWC cloner for 6 days now,,i was wondering if you knew what that was? is that roots wanting to form? ..the clones in the aero buckets i have ..seem to have little white bumps growing from a 45 degree cut at the end of the stem..and getting larger..all the clones are fairly green looking..any advice to start poping clones in a reasonable amount of time would be greatly appreciated..thank:joint: you in advance...
Got a few questions. Doing ebb & flow hydro for the first time. Got a few grow off of soil under my belt, but it's hydro time. I want to grow al b fuct systle. I have a 4x2 flood table for my flower room. Currently have clones waiting to show roots. Once they do, will plce them in pots with all perlite.

My main question for now is, al would always grow at 1400ppm on his flower tables. Does this mean he always use the same amount of nutes? The reason I ask is because I only have one flood table for flowering, and want too add clones every 2 weeks. Will this setup still work with the same nuts mixture for new clones to finish? I don't have the space for seperate flood tables.

Also, how often should I water with perlite? I'm using the large chunky fox farm version. And what time of the day should I water if the lights come on at say 7pm?
Why would you put 2 ml of h202 in ten gallons of water, just to tease it? Super Thrive is 1/8 tsp per gallon so for your 10 gallons you would need about 7 mil, not 8 drops. Obviously none of this is critical, it just takes longer when you don't read and follow label directions. If the stuff that looks like snot is slimy get rid of the heater, if not its probably roots getting ready to form and the 45 degree angle nubs are definately roots starting to form, wait a week and see.
One of the reasons Al uses four seperate tables is because of the canna nutes he uses, at some point in the cycle they have an additive that the plants get for a short duration, I use a similar bloom stimulant in the last four weeks of bloom. The other problem you have is the height of the plants, if you prop the shorter ones up in a flood and drain system they won't get watered. You could use a drip system and just use the tray to drain the water back into the res, top watering them, its more fiddle but....
i smoked a bunch of clones...putting 35% h2o2 in with them at 1.7 ml per liter...and on the bottle it says. one drop per gallon...reading the side of a superthrive bottle is like trying to read a chinese news paper..thanks VV appreciate the help...
i have never grew anything yet but i was wondering how long should the veg stage be and how long should the flowering stage be?
i have never grew anything yet but i was wondering how long should the veg stage be and how long should the flowering stage be?
hey guys, im about to start my first grow ever today. i just need to know the following about the stages:
germenating- how long does this take?
The reason you may not have found direct answers to your question is probably that you are just not familiar with the site and thats ok, I wasn't familiar with it for a long time, I have an excuse, I am old. Germination can take from a day to a couple of weeks, no one really knows why, some say you can speed it up by germinating in a warm place, I haven't found that necessary, just a wet paper towel, in a closed plastic container is what I use, if you want to see how you could view the first few pages of my blues thread.

vegetative- what light cycle should i put it on?
-and how long does this stage take
You may get 2 different answers to this one, experienced growers have proven that a 24 hour lights on schedule can give you a bigger yield, some prefer the 18on/6 off schedule just becasue they like it, I am one of those, you have to decide this one. As far as to how long you can veg, its kinda dependant on the height you have available, keep in mind your plants will at least double and possible triple thier size once you start flowering so you have to plan for that. Take the height of your pots, and the height of your system, if any, the height of your light and about 2" for the space to your plants if your using cfl's. allow maybe a foot at the top for venting and such. Subtract that from the height of your space. When your plant are 1/3 of that difference, flower them, if it leaves you in the hole the space won't work.

flowering- what light cycle should i use?
- how long does this stage take?
You force flowering changing your light cycle to 12on/ 12 off. And how long that takes is strain dependant, any where from two to three months, sometimes a little more, depending on lights, most seed sellers tell you how long you can expect flowering to take.

some other questions are: what wattage cfl's should i get? is higher or lower better? whats the difference?
Now, here is where you are going to have to do some research, like abe kinda on your own. We even have a subforum for cfl growers, and hundreds of folks have spent thier time posting journals about thier cfl grows, one of our members wrote a book about it, do a little research, go read some grow jornals, they even have pictures. The difference is price and the amount of light they put out, and the yield you get.

i ahve searched 1000+ posts and have not found answers that directly answer these questions, so plaes dont say "research it"

I believe you, name three of them just to show the rest of the folks though, ok. VV:mrgreen::blsmoke:
I just answered this yesterday so I copied and pasted it here, just ignore the stuff you didn't ask about. VV:bigjoint:
how often do u use nuiutes? which system do u have? i have an aerogarden 3, and was wondering if the nutes were good or bad, and why. i heard 1 good and one bad, so im not sure which to beleive.thanx
only been growing for a year now. so i am still a newbie. in a year i have went through most systems. (drip,ntf,DWC ect.) i stopped at the aerophonics system for now. homemade of course.

been following a few other grows here at PS. but most are vague when it comes to the details. or i was really baked and didn't pay attention.

i have noticed the info on aero is usually duplicated from site to site. (word for word almost) , or so different in some aspects that its conflicting. i rather see it working in a grow or hear from someone using the methods themselves.


1. in aero do you run the pump 24 hrs? or the 1min on 5min off?
if so have you experimented with it or stayed with the same schedule the whole time? did you notice a difference? i run 24hrs now in the past i did the 1 on 5 off. i didn't notice a difference, but have had other issues skewing the results. i should also mention i use air pumps and diffusers in the res and the root chamber. thats why i stopped the 1on 5off.

2.do you have a aero grow going? post a link please. not interested in the aerogarden. sorry not trying offend just need something to compare to. a control group if you will.

this question is not just for aero. anybody's response would be appreciated.

3. what are the lowest room temps in flower before you would see adverse affects? i drop below 65 at night sometimes.

4. want to see my areo grow? its in the sig man!! LOL as a matter of fact its aero from seed/clone to harvest.
how often do u use nuiutes? which system do u have? i have an aerogarden 3, and was wondering if the nutes were good or bad, and why. i heard 1 good and one bad, so im not sure which to beleive.thanx

Hey bmn, probably what you have been seeing is folks giving advice about nutes in the first stages of life. Starting with seeds or clones, you will not need, and your plants can't use, additional nutes for about the first two weeks, and putting too high of a concentration of nutes can hurt them. They are babies, you feed them like babies, a little drip from a bottle, then you move up to something a little thicker, and thicker, feed em with an eye dropper, not a bulldozer.
I usually start with 1/4 strength nute solution at about two weeks, and then if there aren't any adverse effects, I would bump it up a quarter with each watering in a soil system, about every 3 or 4 days, or bump it up two times a week in a hydro system, until its at full strength.
IF you are using MIracle Grow Soil with the nutes in it, you may not need any additional nutes, GK did not add any nutes when he wrote the book, it did take awhile before anyone mentioned that. VV:blsmoke:
using a garden of ease and a 250 HPS a couple of cfl bulbs for vegeing for 30 days or 4th - 6th node switching to 12/12 hour hps for 8 weeks how does the garden of ease from discount-hydro.com proform? legal 420 NOW in Michigan
using a garden of ease and a 250 HPS a couple of cfl bulbs for vegeing for 30 days or 4th - 6th node switching to 12/12 hour hps for 8 weeks how does the garden of ease from discount-hydro.com proform? legal 420 NOW in Michigan

Not familiar with that one, all of the systems work to some extent, you won't be able to adequatly flower 12 plants under a single 250 watt hps imo. legal now 420 in Michigan is not accurate althought you would have the right to use Medical Marijuana as an affirmative defense in court, we are trying to keep everyone cool until all of the details are in place, the Michigan Department of Community Health has the proposed rules on thier website, I would encourage everyone that wants to know what kind of bullshit they are trying to pull attned the public n=meeting to discuss them on Jan 5th, details are on the website as well. I will be working with the MichiganMedicalmarijuanaAssociation, which is a 501 ?? non-profit. Check out our site, officially opening Dec 15th. VV
Does taking an hour to drain a table seem too long? It takes me 16 mintues to flood. Im new to this and was just wondering if its normal?