Blaze & Daze


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Staff member
So you're saying I should give up on the hunt for the elusive Paprika seeds. Well there's a relief :bigjoint: . I had no idea that's what they were but my wife did. Now I wonder what other secret knowledge she possesses. Does she know where my socks go when they disappear from the dryer? Why the buttered side of toast always lands on the floor when you drop it?? What else is being kept from me?
Paprika is a special red pepper variety Pimenton,
Socks go into the Hozone whose portal is found in your dryer, and
Toast flips because of the unevenly applied coating unless it's your lucky day in which case, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 dollars and go directly to Vegas.

This is all genetic knowledge passed along on the extra X chromosome's leg. Missing that genetic detail you guys miss a fair amount.
You're welcome


Well-Known Member
Paprika is a special red pepper variety Pimenton,
Socks go into the Hozone whose portal is found in your dryer, and
Toast flips because of the unevenly applied coating unless it's your lucky day in which case, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 dollars and go directly to Vegas.

This is all genetic knowledge passed along on the extra X chromosome's leg. Missing that genetic detail you guys miss a fair amount.
You're welcome
I feel you might need to go to witness relocation after exposing so much hidden knowledge.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying I should give up on the hunt for the elusive Paprika seeds. Well there's a relief :bigjoint: . I had no idea that's what they were but my wife did. Now I wonder what other secret knowledge she possesses. Does she know where my socks go when they disappear from the dryer? Why the buttered side of toast always lands on the floor when you drop it?? What else is being kept from me?
Sorry, you haven't been read in. Top level monkey eyes only.

Eat your vegetables!20230626_122314.jpg20230626_122322.jpg20230626_122341.jpg


Well-Known Member
Is it close?
Yes, actually was closer than I thought. Tonight will be the first real test....I am feeding 3 times a day, and they just had a good flush with RO water. I'm sure there will be some adjustments needed.

I've got my lights dropped to about 18" now.....So long as they don't stretch like crazy I'll have enough room. I would have liked to flip a week earlier.

I'm a tired puppy for a Monday and I didn't do all that much.


Well-Known Member
Kids a smoke, and I'm hungry :blsmoke:
Here's a good one....I went to my dentist less than a month ago. He was telling me how his rotator cuff is all messed up, and he's having surgery but he'll be back in 2 weeks.

I laughed in his face, and said "no you won't"...I told him how I wore a sling for 6 weeks round the clock, etc., etc.

Just got a letter from his office...He is retiring! :p 2 weeks my arse!!!!


Well-Known Member
The waiting room at our kids dentist was so bright and colorful it used to make me sick. I'm just not a shiny happy people kinda guy. Then I'd get the bill and really not feel happy. Don't miss that part of their childhood at all.
Dude they have tv's above every chair! Damn kids have it easy now lol

Seriously though it's a great approach. The kids love it :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Here's a good one....I went to my dentist less than a month ago. He was telling me how his rotator cuff is all messed up, and he's having surgery but he'll be back in 2 weeks.

I laughed in his face, and said "no you won't"...I told him how I wore a sling for 6 weeks round the clock, etc., etc.

Just got a letter from his office...He is retiring! :p 2 weeks my arse!!!!
Rotator cuff surgery had me in a sling for 6 weeks and then PT for like 8 weeks. I need to get mine done again but the time it takes to rehab is a bitch so I'll wait till I can't raise my arm above my shoulder level and give in then. Thank God for Green Dragon tincture or it would be much sooner. The surgeon was pretty cool for a VA hospital guy. He even worked the incision around my tattoo so it didn't scar it up.