Whistleblower David Grusch interview on UFO'S


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch it? Seems like a very well spoken and informed individual! The interview was scary at times. He said not all non human entity's are friendly! They also shut down 10 nuclear missiles at a base in South Dakota, just think if they would have launched them... I don't think we're to far off from the government disclosure on UFO'S.
So this Steven Greer just so happened to have this big conference today? After everything hPpening in the last week is it just coincidence?
i need no convincing

there is a rain tank at my place near a large area of national parkland at night about 6yrs ago i thought i was tripping when i saw a medium size grey with the big eyes pop his head around the tank at about 1030pm at night and as i stopped to look he hid behind it again

i told my kids i wasnt sure what i saw but to watch out behind the rain tank at night, 2 nights later the eldest daughter sees it getting up at night

and descibes what i thought i saw

ps she said she heard rustling, thought it was me then shined the torch at it. She saw the black eyes and it had a weird mouth she dropped the torch and ran inside

apparently the stealth bomber was designed after studying the roswell wreckage
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But its just talk.
ET's exist, for certain, but a claim is not proof, and a mere claim is the most pitiful type of evidence.

Proof exists, but its contingent on being able to tell the difference between REAL science
(Like Newton), and the crap-artistry they sell at university, which becomes increasingly
garbage the higher up one climbs in that corrupt edifice.

If you can stomach the fact that the 2017 Nobel prize in physics was pseudo-science, but,
based on genuine data - then try give this a read:

Its not a quick read, either, and it requires a solid comprehension of Newtonian physics
at least.

But its just talk.
ET's exist, for certain, but a claim is not proof, and a mere claim is the most pitiful type of evidence.

Proof exists, but its contingent on being able to tell the difference between REAL science
(Like Newton), and the crap-artistry they sell at university, which becomes increasingly
garbage the higher up one climbs in that corrupt edifice.

If you can stomach the fact that the 2017 Nobel prize in physics was pseudo-science, but,
based on genuine data - then try give this a read:

Its not a quick read, either, and it requires a solid comprehension of Newtonian physics
at least.

The observation of gravitational waves is psuedo science?
The observation of gravitational waves is psuedo science?
Their observational data is real data,
but the mathematics of gravitational waves, IS pseudo-science.
Black holes are pseudo-science because they are illogical:
Nothing escapes the 'black hole' even if it can move at light-speed - ! But !
they claim gravitational waves move at light-speed but get emitted by BLACK HOLES ?!
How can anyone possibly accept that is real logic?

Read this and see what the data is REALLY saying:
More like science fiction ;)

Gravity, lol!

Heck ya they have craft flying around in the dome (with electromagnetic propulsion technology that uses precious endangered insect parts and resonator sacks from behind the bee's wings by the billions). Mostly in the "ET" areas around the ice wall though. Gotta stay close proximity to the dome for it to function, so they only fly around the rim, or way up higher where n4sa's balloon satellites are to get across from one side to the other quickly..

Haha. :bigjoint: