New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Never seen this weapon of mass destruction before.....does it work well?

I'm guessing this would only be outdoor use, as I assume it would leave a splat of salt as such wouldn't be good for indoors

I found a website for it.....I wish they had a video of it actually killing a bug, or even a target shot

Oh hell yeah they work great! Ive got 2, we keep one in the house for that pesky bastard that finds its way into the house.
Yeah, I mean, I want some cheap king crab!

It’s one of my favorite luxury foods for sure. I just hate paying $35/lb, and just try to find a fancy buffet once a year that serves it on the buffet line to quell my craving.
That stuff is okay, but I always crave steamed blue crabs. Gimme a mallet, a pick, a newspaper covered picnic table, a bushel of crabs and some cold beer.
@GreatwhiteNorth did you ever get your crab order?
Quote fm previous pm.

"No - I gotta quit shopping while stoned. I must have hit the wrong button or something, they never hit my c/c and I didn't get a confirmation e-mail so I think I fucked up. Lol
I may try again though cause it was a really good price. "

"Well crap.
I ordered again & got a e-mail receipt this time.
I'll let you know, they said mine is being shipped outta Alaska.
We'll see I guess. ~Fingers crossed~"