The Junk Drawer


Well-Known Member
Better get a boost this fall when the new ones come out in September, or risk covid and all the risks it entails. It might not give you 100% protection, but it will probably lessen the impact if you do get it. They monitor wastewater these days to measure how much covid is in a community and what strain is dominate.

I got heart problems from my booster (there's no other explanation and yes I've seen a specialist) and so I'm done taking shots.

I recommend vitamin D to reduce the chances of more severe consequences of COVID should anyone be exposed.


Ursus marijanus
This summer has seen three spectacular pieces of physics news, and it looks like two are flashes in the pan.

Room-temperature superconductors are not doing well in efforts to duplicate the claimed work. This is about technology however, while the other two are about breaking physics’s foundations.

There came this bold and possibly revolutionary claim about muons not conforming to predictions:

and now is rebutted.

The one still standing has to do with the failure of Newton’s theory at ultralow accelerations.


One model-breaking set of data still suffices to make this a vintage year for historians of science. This one points tantalizingly at the possible nature of dark energy, which is now described as a phenomenon without a theoretical framework.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
It's what happens with liberal democracies, more people are included in the rights structure over time and the rights are expanded with access to the courts and equality under the law. Gandhi was a British trained lawyer at a time when liberal democracy was taking hold and changing the UK, his strategy worked because he was dealing with an evolving liberal democracy in the UK. It is liberal democracy that gives freedom, liberal democracy and equality, it is not perfect as it evolves, but it does evolve over time and generations and gets better.
Also goes to show that the more powerful members of the UN takes no notice of the UN.


Well-Known Member
Also goes to show that the more powerful members of the UN takes no notice of the UN.
The UN is flawed and needs to get rid of the security council and only allow liberal democracies to vote, they already have the standards for this. It was a deal with the Devil, Stalin, at its birth and its powerlessness resulted from the paranoia and lack of good will of a psychopath who's only real goal was to expand or restore the Russian empire, he was a communist imperialist and Mao followed suit, same personality type as was the asshole in North Korea. After the war America had the lion's share of the world economy, but today make up about 25% of the global economy and they live more or less by the rule of international law. However future military adventures without international sanction will result in the same treatment the Russians are getting, ditto for China. The world is too interdependent today and no country can go it alone and prosper, most would starve, even modern US arms are made by allies or vital components for them are. Yes, America had a lot of economic power, a financial empire that shadowed the later British empire after the second world war, but it was only an economic empire that supported strongmen in some places because of the cold war. Now that the cold war is over America's foreign policy echoes that of other liberal democracies which is the promotion of liberal democracy globally, it is our only chance for survival and responsible government IMO.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The UN is flawed and needs to get rid of the security council and only allow liberal democracies to vote, they already have the standards for this. It was a deal with the Devil, Stalin, at its birth and its powerlessness resulted from the paranoia and lack of good will of a psychopath who's only real goal was to expand or restore the Russian empire, he was a communist imperialist and Mao followed suit, same personality type as was the asshole in North Korea. After the war America had the lion's share of the world economy, but today make up about 25% of the global economy and they live more or less by the rule of international law. However future military adventures without international sanction will result in the same treatment the Russians are getting, ditto for China. The world is too interdependent today and no country can go it alone and prosper, most would starve, even modern US arms are made by allies or vital components for them are. Yes, America had a lot of economic power, a financial empire that shadowed the later British empire after the second world war, but it was only an economic empire that supported strongmen in some places because of the cold war. Now that the cold war is over America's foreign policy echoes that of other liberal democracies which is the promotion of liberal democracy globally, it is our only chance for survival and responsible government IMO.
You think America is a Liberal democracy? You sound like you want more war and an international government - both very bad in my books. Most of the UN are right leaning and going further to the right.

Edit: seems they are.

I didn't know that they don't hold Referendums on a national level. That's strange to me. As you have mentioned we have one coming up, does Canada hold them?
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
An official government inquiry into the full horrors of the Nazi occupation on Alderney, revealed last month by the Observer, has vowed to investigate all new evidence of atrocities, including the grisly Water Lane tunnels where, it is claimed, huge numbers of slave labourers died in their making.

In the months ahead, the inquiry will gather new details of hitherto secret grave sites and mass Jewish burial grounds that, collectively, are likely to redraw the geographical reach of Hitler’s “final solution”.

But not everyone on the island is happy that Alderney’s dark secrets may finally be uncovered. On one side are those relieved it will finally expose how the British government perpetrated an elaborate cover-up to suppress the extent to which Nazi atrocities were perpetrated on its soil.



Well-Known Member
You think America is a Liberal democracy? You sound like you want more war and an international government - both very bad in my books. Most of the UN are right leaning and going further to the right.

Edit: seems they are.

I didn't know that they don't hold Referendums on a national level. That's strange to me. As you have mentioned we have one coming up, does Canada hold them?
America is a flawed liberal democracy and I have listed the various flaws of a 240-year-old constitution here many times, one trait of liberal democracies is they evolve, like those in the UK and Europe. We are part of an evolving historic process, not the finished article, the world is not perfect, and neither are people. The flaws in the American system of governance are more apparent with the advent of Trump.

As for a democratic country being right leaning, it is the democratic will of the people and liberal democracies range from socialist to more capitalist economic systems. We can hold referendums here, but don't do it on a national level, though provinces do have them from time to time.

I will tell you something though, the extreme left is as dead as the extreme right in today's world, there will need to be a middle way.


Well-Known Member
Covid is back with a new edition and the updated boosters will be available in September and many won't bother, so there should be plenty available, this time suffering and death might be optional for many.

We must be cautious of people that got addicted to the attention.

"Even when his public exclamations are technically accurate, Feigl-Ding’s critics suggest that they too often invite misinterpretations. In a thread about the first study of a Covid-19 outbreak on an airplane, for example, Feigl-Ding failed to mention the important caveat that researchers suspected all but one case occurred before people got on the airplane. In another, Feigl-Ding appeared to summarize a Washington Post piece on a coronavirus mutation, but omitted crucial phrases — including the fact that just one of the five mentioned studies was peer-reviewed. It wasn’t until the sixth tweet in the thread that Feigl-Ding mentioned the important detail that the “worrisome” mutation doesn’t appear to make people sicker, though it could make the virus more contagious.

To Angela Rasmussen, a Columbia University virologist, this represents a pattern. “[T]his is his MO,” she wrote in an email. “He tweets something sensational and out of context, buries any caveats further down-thread, and watches the clicks and [retweets] roll in.”


Well-Known Member
Is that like, verbally neoplastic?
There are more people than this guy warning about a fall resurgence of covid, we will know with wastewater monitoring. The main issue could be the low numbers of people getting boosted with a new strain on the loose and a new booster will be available next month. We might not be done with covid yet, but we seem to be getting there one way or another.



Ursus marijanus
There are more people than this guy warning about a fall resurgence of covid, we will know with wastewater monitoring. The main issue could be the low numbers of people getting boosted with a new strain on the loose and a new booster will be available next month. We might not be done with covid yet, but we seem to be getting there one way or another.

I’m not commenting about Covid, but about the excess of style Sativied identified.

If the next shot is available here, I’m a customer.