Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
In my experience, every time I have ever dealt with them, it has 100% been because I had something rotting, either in the trash or something in a cabinet that I forgot I had. (Potatoes. It's always potatoes in the cabinet)
Oh man, rotten potatoes are the worst!! Nope, I learned that lesson and keep them in the refridge now. There was a rotting bunch of collard greens in the refridge from housemate but that has been removed....and yeah I probably vacuumed hundreds of dead ones from the bottom of the fridge. That might be where they came from in the first place!!

I like the pickle juice idea.

OK, lunch has been served....Time to get re-stoned and get busy!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey is anyone else having problems using this website? The threads are loading slow and I'm have trouble liking post it's just real slow .I'm not sure if this post will even go through!
Noon here and it's running fine for me. But I'm high so it's a bit hard to tell. I guess my answer is a definite maybe. But Mr.Nice's SSH is GREAT. @shnkrmn I can't wait to hear what you find.