It looks like decent bud mate, ignore the naysayers... I've only been through a few pages of this thread and can see already half of its B.S
No albo that sells boxes for 36 will sell singles for 110-120... that's pure waffle.... designed to encourage some
I know boxes go for 36-38, that's why they would never sell singles at £110 zino
You get the price £3600/£3800 because your buying 36 ounces at once... doesn't make any sense for a box shotter(or reseller) for that matter to sell a single z for 110 / 120.
It's aload of Bulls**t that's echoed here lol
Ounces go for £160+, and have done for a long time
I get the singles for 120 of good dawg and kid sells boxes for 36-38 depending on quality but always 120 on singles and 5 packs av got nothing to lie for yes its hittty missy with the quality aswell...
Im due sum so will show yous the quality of it