Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I got told by Comcast employees that I couldn't drop the TV part and just get internet for years. I never used that part so they screwed me for a long time.
I don't understand why employees do tricky shit like that. It isn't their money. Way, way back when I was in school I worked at the JC Penney catalog return counter. We weren't supposed to take back items unless there was a good reason. I never asked questions though. I took back everything. Nobody seemed to notice.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
But where da football?

Asking for the dipshit at comecast customer
My guy was disinterested. It was like one long breathless word. "butma'amhowdoyouplanonconsumingyoursportsormajornetworkshowsthatarenotavailablewithoutafeeonline.ohyoudon'tcareandknowhowtousetheinternet,cool,k,lemmecancelthatforya.thanksforbeingacustomerforsolongyourloyaltyisappreciated."


Well-Known Member
Directv dropped Fox because of some feud with the satellite carrier so I bought a digital antenna and a firestick to get that channel for football. The antenna picked it up so I was happy. Now they settled the dispute and the channel is back... :shock: Oh well, if I decide to tell DTV to get bent I can stream on my not so smart TV now.


Well-Known Member
I think I was going to say I have an Ona diffuser, like a muffin fan on top of a stinky tub of crystals. Before I succumbed to the whole carbon filter game! It in the museum of old grow artifacts now
Yup. Before charcoal filters existed, or at least sold in hydro stores, we did have Ona. And also pinesol in buckets all around the rest of the house we weren’t growing in. I can’t believe i never been busted over just the smell part.
But that fan thing for on top of a Ona bucket was some super high tech shit when it came out.


Well-Known Member
Oh I found the mouse trap :spew::spew::spew:
The mice just love my Silverado. I don’t know how the hell they’re getting in there.
About a month or two ago, i get driving in that truck, turn on the AC and hurd a thump and the blower quit working for a second. I cycled through the speeds and it must have chopped that fucker up. My truck stunk pretty good for a minute. I still should get under there and drop the blower to clean it out of there. They love nesting in there i’ve had to drop it a few times because of them but i never chopped one up before lol.

so then i put in some regular ol mousetraps and peanut butter and got one more. Figured i got this round of them. Then about 2 weeks ago i’m driving my truck and thought i had seen something move on the floor boards. Figured i must be trippin then I seen it. Fucker casually cruised right over the transmission tunnel.

busted out the mouse traps when i got home. 2 of them. Kept putting peanut butter on them and they kept just cleaning them off without springing the trap so I bought one of these electronic ones from home depot. Got that little bastard in like an hr. So far no more. Yet.
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Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
He didn't really say they weren't capable... more that they shouldn't. Old school chivillary. I'm kinda jealous... if we're out and I say I'm cold I get told that I should have dressed warmer. And the only time someone opens the door for me is if we use a valet.
I like automatically hold the door for my dude friends without thinking about it. Did you like, insult her hair or something?