Examples of GOP Leadership

Oh no, that would look like a win for Biden. They want to keep that talking point.

oh i know they want to, and that's what they're doing now.....and the screwed up thing is they can't keep they're numbers right. Watching the news this morning while the under line say's 1000.....the presented says 5000, later in the news, the under line rose to 2000, while the presenter says 10000.....that's bout the time i turned off the tv and went to work.....ugh
Oh no, that would look like a win for Biden. They want to keep that talking point.
Actually, America needs workers, particularly in the low skill service industry and other sectors too, small businesses are desperate for workers. The problem is not the number of migrants, American needs immigrants, it's getting them green cards and putting them to work building the economy that is the real problem. Of course, the republicans are at the root of the problem, most new immigrants coming to America these days, legal or otherwise, are black, brown, Muslim or somebody else they don't like. We are letting so many immigrants in here in Canada it's exacerbating and driving a housing crisis and according to demographics we need more people. People in the developed world stopped having enough kids, that goes for America, Europe and Asia too, China and Japan are facing demographic crises over falling birth rates.
Unfortunately, it's nothing new. He made the same comments in 2017 when he wanted to do a military parade for July 4th.

That was never clearer than when Trump told his new chief of staff, John Kelly—like Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general—about his vision for Independence Day. “Look, I don’t want any wounded guys in the parade,” Trump said. “This doesn’t look good for me.” He explained with distaste that at the Bastille Day parade there had been several formations of injured veterans, including wheelchair-bound soldiers who had lost limbs in battle.
Says cadet bonespurs. I like people who didn't dodge the draft with a bogus note from a doctor. That, I will tell you.
So many things should have disqualified Trump, yet they still fall under his spell, the fact that he's a moron and is an obvious sociopath who is also socially retarded is another mystery. He can do no wrong in the eyes of his millions of adoring fans, the great white hope for white trash, rich and poor alike. Your best hope is he divides the republicans, is disqualified from the primaries and leds a "write trump in" movement to prove he is too big to jail (in his own mind). Hopefully he will take the GOP down with him when he goes, he will make them walk the highwire and jump through rings of fire during the primaries when his legal problems become acute. If he is disqualified from the primaries by the SCOTUS and the clear wording of the 14th they will still dance to his tune for as long as he is not in jail or prison

He has a real problem if they disqualify him from the primaries, he is out on bail for crimes against the constitution and attacking the constitution (14th) and the SCOTUS justices who disqualify him could land him in jail early. I expect a SCOTUS decision on the 14th before the end of the year, I believe Colorado has a Dec 15th deadline and they will likely keep him off the ballot.
Am i missing something here ?
Words from the Orange Beluga , instructing the loser republicans to literally wreck the bus on his behalf .

Isn’t that obstruction or some kind of criminal activity , that would impact the rules and prohibited behavior set upon him by the court ?

He is literally trying to gut the funds to these prosecutorial cases thru intimidation and threats.

Am i missing something here ?
Words from the Orange Beluga , instructing the loser republicans to literally wreck the bus on his behalf .

Isn’t that obstruction or some kind of criminal activity , that would impact the rules and prohibited behavior set upon him by the court ?

He is literally trying to gut the funds to these prosecutorial cases thru intimidation and threats.

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Stupid and desperate are sometimes an amusing combination, even if he is disqualified from their primaries they will still jump to his tune. He will still control a third of the base no matter what and they will vote how he tells them to or stay home if he tells them to. The republicans in the house fear him for a reason and being disqualified might make little difference to his base of morons and nuts.
Pretty convincing evidence that listening to a moron can be hazardous to your health:

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At one point the party establishment was becoming concerned that they were killing off so many of their voters with bullshit that it might affect the election! Most of this emanated from Trump and foxnews (who were all vaxxed) in an attempt to make Biden look bad, but it backfired on them and continues to do so.
At one point the party establishment was becoming concerned that they were killing off so many of their voters with bullshit that it might affect the election! Most of this emanated from Trump and foxnews (who were all vaxxed) in an attempt to make Biden look bad, but it backfired on them and continues to do so.
Yeah, it's 21st century Darwinism at its finest.

It still blows my mind that the typical Fox viewer/Magat can be so gullible; it really is a cult.