Examples of right wing media propaganda

looks like Murdoch is stepping aside, don't worry his son is taking over

same oh Fux news

guessing that 3/4 of a billion hurt the wallet a tad
Hopefully the bastard will be in Hell soon and the lawsuits will add up, the democrats winning useful majorities could mean a whole other level of hurt for them with public hearings on American media, disinformation and social division. Then there is that matter of billions in free advertising support and propaganda for the republicans, they are a wing of the GOP and behave that way and no other regular network does that, not even MSNBC. Hearings and new laws and regulations will fix them and others operating on cable or broadcasting, the internet will be as free as the regular press, which it replaced to a degree.

I see lawsuits and government regulations in their future after a lot of current and ex-employees testify at public hearings. There has been plenty of shit coming out in court over the activities of foxnews and ample cause for hearings.
Hopefully the bastard will be in Hell soon and the lawsuits will add up, the democrats winning useful majorities could mean a whole other level of hurt for them with public hearings on American media, disinformation and social division. Then there is that matter of billions in free advertising support and propaganda for the republicans, they are a wing of the GOP and behave that way and no other regular network does that, not even MSNBC. Hearings and new laws and regulations will fix them and others operating on cable or broadcasting, the internet will be as free as the regular press, which it replaced to a degree.

I see lawsuits and government regulations in their future after a lot of current and ex-employees testify at public hearings. There has been plenty of shit coming out in court over the activities of foxnews and ample cause for hearings.

there is also a push to revoke there license right now too......if that happens it will shift to other right wing news outlets.....there some goofy ass new out there

Steve Schmidt explains why Rupert Murdoch's retirement could mean the end for Fox News | The Warning

13,449 views Sep 21, 2023 The Warning
Steve Schmidt reacts to Rupert Murdoch stepping down as chairman of NewsCorp. He discusses how Rupert harmed American democracy and why Fox News could be in trouble under Lachlan Murdoch's reign.
I wish I could stop getting right wing ads on Spotify/youtube. It's jarring, I'm just enjoying some jazz or whatever and this obnoxious shit for Blaze media pops up.

Trying to play some mingus for my baby and up come "ITS A DEMONIC INSTITUTION...THATS RIGHT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!"
Looks like Donald has been watching MSNBC! He should be freaking out if he does! :lol:

BREAKING: Trump goes full-fascist in an unhinged Sunday night rant, announces that he will remove NBC News and MSNBC from the “airwaves” if he’s elected in 2024 because they committed “treason” against him by reporting on his crimes.

In tonight’s deranged rant, Trump declared, “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its “Country Threatening Treason.” I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events. Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!

There you have it, folks. While Trump and his Republican enablers love to falsely accuse Democrats of “weaponizing” the government against Trump, Trump himself is now openly threaten to weaponize the presidency to completely remove entire news channels from the airwaves simply because they expose his rampant criminality.

Unfortunately for Trump, he will never become president again — and with the 91 criminal charges that he is currently facing, he should be more concerned with staying out of prison than with his fascist fantasies.
Some right wingnut or psycho pulls something out of his ass without any evidence and asshole here amplifies it. It could have even originated in Russia they don't care as long as it's a lie that sells. This is not news, this is propaganda, and this corporation has been giving the republicans illegal campaign contributions like this for decades and it's time it stopped, even suing them for a billion doesn't help with the lies and disinformation. They are destructive to American society and broadcasters should be a positive force on society and are granted a license to serve the public, not abuse them, lie to them, twist the truth, or turn them into suckers. Not to kill them with false information about a deadly pandemic and spread doubt about effective vaccines, they cynically murdered tens of thousands with lies, while they were vaccinated themselves. They contributed to the attack on the capitol and were sued for their lies over it and that alone should be enough.

Coming from Fox, "Evidence suggests" <<<< "Fox News paid Dominion Diagnostics $780 M and admitted to making false claims in order to keep their audience"

and still their audience listens to them. :wall:
Coming from Fox, "Evidence suggests" <<<< "Fox News paid Dominion Diagnostics $780 M and admitted to making false claims in order to keep their audience"

and still their audience listens to them. :wall:
Zealots only hear what they want to hear.
Coming from Fox, "Evidence suggests" <<<< "Fox News paid Dominion Diagnostics $780 M and admitted to making false claims in order to keep their audience"

and still their audience listens to them. :wall:
Even after they called them "cousin fucking terrorists". They killed tens of thousands of their viewers with covid disinformation, to the extent the republicans were becoming concerned about it affecting the election in favor of the vaccinated democrats. When a network plays its viewers as suckers and useful idiots, tries to murder and ruin their lives while fucking the country as a whole, it has got to go and so does its clones. If not for foxnews propaganda the republican party would be a bunch of greedy reality-based assholes and not a bunch of seditionists, lunatics and assorted fascist assholes. In one sense the republicans destroyed themselves, but foxnews helped and nearly destroyed the country for a profit by giving a voice to the worst in the nation instead of the best.
Even after they called them "cousin fucking terrorists". They killed tens of thousands of their viewers with covid disinformation, to the extent the republicans were becoming concerned about it affecting the election in favor of the vaccinated democrats. When a network plays its viewers as suckers and useful idiots, tries to murder and ruin their lives while fucking the country as a whole, it has got to go and so does its clones. If not for foxnews propaganda the republican party would be a bunch of greedy reality-based assholes and not a bunch of seditionists, lunatics and assorted fascist assholes. In one sense the republicans destroyed themselves, but foxnews helped and nearly destroyed the country for a profit by giving a voice to the worst in the nation instead of the best.
I'd prefer that we let civil lawsuits take them down. FOX paid the settlement because the cost was less than the profit. What Congress could do is loosen the rules regarding media libel for profit. Make it easier to establish and set damages above the annual profit the corporation reported. FOX won't stop unless damages are in the billions. Also, fast track appeals so the fuckers can't just stall it out for years.

What I don't want is for the government to erode our 1A rights.