My excitement was growing guerrilla in the corn feilds back when I was a strapping Young lad.
Nothing like heading out at 3am with balaclavas, machetes and camo gear, cutting down a couple hundred plants, bagging them and running them out to the road where my ride would come pick me up. Load up the trunk and clench your ass tight hope you don't pass by r.i.d.e. or get pulled over smelling like you just had an orgy with skunks and youre holding them ransom in your trunk. Ran from helicopters, ducked out farmers, hunters, wolves, deer, trail cams, went through ride smoking a joint with 250 clones in my truck box... got robbed for approx 300 You name it. THAT got my heart pumping and boner city. Now I'm a tame med patient. No need for any risks anymore. I just grow my weed and smoke it.

. Happy as a clam