VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.


Well-Known Member
Is the NB a big plant like the pC ?

I am going to grow this NB out as a mother plant for a few months
and then take some big clones off of her for a shuttle launch.

I'm gonna finish the current Space Shuttle grow,
and then put them in it.

I may have to wait until my chiller is available,
If I am going to do a summer launch.

I would love to get another chiller,
but i don't know how the economy is going to be in a few months.

I still need more lights also.


Well-Known Member
The first ones I had in where 4' + no extra vegging time. the mothers I have now are that tall, I basically top them and then go around getting a few more to keep them short. It would not suprize me to see that one get 6' in a few months. Depends on how many growing tips you cut. VV


Well-Known Member
Hey VV wanted to stop by, nice GJ turned out well... and thanks again for sharing the love+rep ( Oh and U 2 Earl!) :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey VV wanted to stop by, nice GJ turned out well... and thanks again for sharing the love+rep ( Oh and U 2 Earl!) :mrgreen:
I just got a text message yesterday thanking me for something you did. :hug:
This picture is for folks wondering why you grow mothers and take clones from them instead of just taking clones from plants that you are going to send on. The ones on the right were done the second way, small clones taken on 11/8, the ones on the left are clones taken from mothers on 11/30, they just got transplanted today.
The big clones are ready to flower, they are sexually mature because they were taken from plants that had been vegging for about 2 to 3 months. The little clones will spend at least 2 to 4 weeks more in vegging depending on thier development. 11/8 to 12/20 or 11/30 to 12/14, get the picture. VV:confused:



Well-Known Member
I also find that mother plants have better faster clones.

I think it has something to do with rapid growth and built up nutrients in the youngsters.

I also find giving my mothers plain water for a week before cloning helps out a lot... The more nutrient build up in the plant the less it has to feed off of and it will shoot roots.


Well-Known Member
I also find that mother plants have better faster clones.

I think it has something to do with rapid growth and built up nutrients in the youngsters.

I also find giving my mothers plain water for a week before cloning helps out a lot... The more nutrient build up in the plant the less it has to feed off of and it will shoot roots.
the information I have read says that depleting the nitrogen content, which inhibits root growth, is what helps. I haven't figured out a way to just lower the nitrogen content. These set roots thru 3" rock wool blocks in ten days, thats adequate for my operation. VV


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it works great whatever you're doing, I've also heard a light feeding of bloom nutes before cutting will help, but I just try to rinse built up nitrogen from them with a good flush of plain water... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it works great whatever you're doing, I've also heard a light feeding of bloom nutes before cutting will help, but I just try to rinse built up nitrogen from them with a good flush of plain water... :leaf:
..... which makes sense if your taking clones every month or two instead of every two weeks. VV


Well-Known Member
Sure I like to play, but I hardly ever get worthy competition. :mrgreen:

Computer AI doesn't count, it's freaking unbeatable on hard, it overcalculates every move and never sacrifices. I'm a fairly violent player... Or so I've been told :evil:

I like classic games and card games, not poker or gambling... euchre, spades, and hearts

All my friends who know how to play chess suck at it, seriously, I give them pawns on purpose to keep the game rolling, sometimes I'll let em put me in check a few times, but only after I've cut down their power pieces... Shit, I'll shut up, I sound like a stoned member of the chess club. Really I'm not that good. :mrgreen:

Earl do you play?

Oh, and nice plants!! :bigjoint:

I'm stoned and tired as hell. :z


Well-Known Member
I played a guy once that beat me about 20 games in less than an hour. Then I found out he used to play his three roommates at once, he in a room by himself and all three of them with thier boards in front of them in another room. They would call out thier moves and he would call out his. He had a 30 sec time limit. I didn't feel so bad after that.
At the level I have chosen on my program the computer will make different moves from time to time. I am learning a little.
Anyway, I will be gone all day today, up to my moms for our family Christmas, see you all tomorrow. VV


Well-Known Member
I'm humbled to say after reading through this entire thread that you are some evil genius. I can't believe that this kind of knowledge exists... well... this close to home. Mad Mad props for your work here. You have a thread subscriber from me.

Hello from Lansing my man. :)


Well-Known Member
Dont get comfortable "big toe"...!

Were just getting started...!

The inter-action between the two forums?? Panheads post of the new electric installation needs to be here as well?? I had never considered another screen name until now. VV:hug::hug::hug:
Merry Christmas, see you in April??