★ Atomic Squat ★

I can't think of a band that sounds this good live. Been on an Incubus kick lately, listening to their discography on the way to gigs. Inspiring...

Ah man. You should know by know how much i dig Incubus. Problem is their last album was just blah. It was alright but i hope they get back to putting together every song great albums again.

I’ve seen them live more than a few times and they rock.
Ah man. You should know by know how much i dig Incubus. Problem is their last album was just blah. It was alright but i hope they get back to putting together every song great albums again.

I’ve seen them live more than a few times and they rock.

Hell yeah, bro! You're the dude that turned me on to them, love your taste in music. I dig that Doors section in the Are You In? video. Good to see you around.